What to do when periods are late home remedies

  • Deeksha Kumar
  • Updated: August 21, 2018 12:20 IST

  • Periods could be really painful for some women

  • These home remedies can help you with irregular periods

  • Unripe papaya is considered useful in regulating menstrual flow

There’s no escaping that time of the month for women. However quite unfortunately, the essential biological process is often hushed amongst other pivotal concerns of the society. Discussing menstruation is such a taboo, that a significant chunk of girls are not even aware of menstruation, when they hit their first period, often leading to a barrage of confusion and anxiety in the young mind about the basic biological transformation happening in her body. Periods could be really painful for some, bringing along with it severe cramps, back pain, bloating, etc. It is definitely not the best time, also for the hormones being very unpredictable. The ovaries, which are present in the lower part of women’s abdomen, start to produce hormones in girls around puberty which cause changes to the lining of the uterus. Every month during periods, the lining of the womb is shed along with some blood. The length of menstrual cycle (the time between the start of one period and the start of the next) is usually 28 days; if it exceeds a week then it can be problematic. As then comes the issue of irregular periods. However, there are many home remedies for irregular periods that one can follow.Irregular period is medically known as oligomenorrhea, which is a common issue in women. Many factors can cause this problem, such as eating disorders, weight loss or gain, anemia, menopause, thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalance, liver disease, tuberculosis, miscarriage, and other health conditions. Lifestyle triggers like increased exercise, smoking, alcohol abuse, caffeine, travel, stress, and certain medications and birth control pills can also contribute to this problem. Irregular periods are common at the time of menopause.
1. Unripe PapayaGreen, unripe papaya is considered useful in regulating menstrual flow as it helps contract muscle fibers in the uterus. Consume unripe papaya juice regularly for a few months but do not drink it during your periods.(Also Read: 8 Amazing Benefits of Papaya for Health and Skin

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Green, unripe papaya is considered useful in regulating menstrual flow 

2. TurmericTurmeric is considered to be one of the best medicated herbs which is quite warming as well. It is helpful in regulating menstruation and balancing hormones. The antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties relieve menstrual pain. Consume one-quarter teaspoon of turmeric with milk, honey or jaggery. Take it daily for several weeks or until you see improvement.(Also Read:8 Health Benefits of Turmeric: Getting Back to the Roots)

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Turmeric is considered to be one of the best medicated herbs which is quite warming

3. Aloe VeraDo not use this remedy during your periods. Aloe vera helps treat menstrual irregularities naturally by regulating your hormones. To get the best results, extract fresh aloe vera gel from an aloe leaf, mix in one teaspoon of honey and consume it daily before having your breakfast.(Also Read:7 Reasons to Drink Aloe Vera Juice Everyday)
4. Practice Yoga and MeditationStress is one of the primary causes of hormonal imbalance in the body that triggers irregularities in menstruation. Yoga and meditation helps in relieving stress. Meditation can ensure perfect hormonal balance in the body. These two are the most effective methods for controlling irregular periods without medicines.(Also Read:3 Simple Yoga Poses After Dinner That Can Boost Digestion)

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Stress is one of the primary causes of hormonal imbalance in the body

5.  GingerBoil 1 tbsp of fresh ginger for 5 minutes. Add little sugar and drink the mixture three times a day after your meals. Ginger is highly recommended for regulating menstrual cycles and getting rid of irregular periods.(Also Read:Benefits of Ginger and It's Powerful Healing Properties)

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Ginger is highly recommended for regulating menstrual cycles​

6.  CuminCumin is loaded with a number of health benefits. Soaked cumin can be used in the treatment of irregular period. Take 2 spoons of cumin seeds and soak in water over night and drink both in the morning. You need to drink this water every day to get your periods regularised.(Also Read:15 Incredible Benefits of Jeera Water for Your Skin, Hair and Health)

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Cumin is loaded with a number of health benefits

7. CinnamonCinnamon not only helps enhancing taste of your dishes but significantly contributes in regulating your menstrual cycle too. It provides a warming effect within your body. Take a glass full of warm milk and add a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon and drink it. It is even effective in eradicating menstrual cramps.(Also Read:A Spice that Cures: 5 Great Benefits of Cinnamon)

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Cinnamon provides a warming effect within your body

Note: It’s better to consult a doctor, if your periods are often irregular.Disclaimer:The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information on this article. All information is provided on an as-is basis. The information, facts or opinions appearing in the article do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

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Delayed menstruation is a common problem faced by women all over the world. Here are some effective home remedies to treat this condition. 

What to do when periods are late home remedies

Many women all over the world suffer from the problems of delayed menstruation. It is a common issue between the age of 10-55. The regular menses cycle is of 28 days and the periods are considered irregular when the length of the cycle is more than 35 days. Many factors such as hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, liver disease, miscarriage, menopause, eating disorders, weight gain, weight loss or other health problems contribute to the occurrence of such a problem. Lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, excess consumption of caffeine, certain medications and strenuous exercising can also cause such issues.

Delayed periods can also lead to unwanted stress and a feeling of uneasiness in women who suffer from it. A delay in periods also causes a host of other uncomfortable symptoms such as tenderness in breasts, cramps in the abdomen or lower back, mood swings and irritability among many others. In some cases, delayed menstruation can be treated using certain natural remedies, while others require proper medical treatment. Read this article further to know about effective home remedies to treat delayed periods. 

Home remedies to treat delayed periods

You can keep a record of the changes in your cycle to notice if they get delayed due to some reason. Here are some home remedies to treat delayed periods that have been tried and tested over decades:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a superfood with great medicinal properties to treat irregular or delayed periods. It is a warm herb that can help in balancing hormones and improving the menstrual cycle. It has antispasmodic and anti inflammatory properties that can treat the symptoms of menses including pain and cramps. 

Also read: What Else Can Cause Missed Period Besides Pregnancy?

2. Unripe papaya 

Image source: Depositphotos

It is an age-old tradition, where young women suffering from irregular periods are told to eat papaya to induce periods. Unripe papaya is known to help with problems related to menstruation. Cooking the papaya will destroy most of the enzymes and nutrients, so it is best to have it raw, shred it on top of your dishes or make a tangy fresh papaya salad. You will be glad to know that your favourite fruit papaya can also be a natural cure for delayed periods. However, it is essential to take care if you have any possibility that you might be pregnant as eating papaya is not recommended during pregnancy.

3. Ginger Tea

Ginger promotes better blood circulation and is also known for regulating periods and helping with cramps. Crush a knob of ginger and boil it for several minutes to make the tea. You can add sugar, honey or any other sweetener of your choice. Drinking this tea, a couple of times in a day can help induce menstruation.

Also read: Feel the Change in Your Periods in the 20s, 30s & 40s: Study

4. Coriander and Parsley

If you are stressing over a delayed period, try including herbs such as coriander and parsley in your diet. Drinking parsley juice or a decoction made by boiling coriander leaves and seeds in water help regularise your period. Indians have been using parsley for centuries to cure irregular menstruation.

5. De-stress yourself

Image source: Understood.org

Stress is the biggest culprit leading to various problems including irregular periods. De-stressing is an active cure for delayed periods. It is a vicious cycle; stress causes late periods and late periods induce panic and anxiety. Having a delayed period is quite, and usually, there is no need to panic. Try to relax and make sure you have a good night’s sleep.

These were some effective home remedies that can help in treating delayed or irrigular periods. The above listed natural treatments are also useful in getting relief from menstrual symptoms such as pain and cramps. If you skip your menses more than 1-2 times, it is suggested to talk to a doctor. 

Read more articles on Home remedies

 Image source: Onhealth.com

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