Who tf is jonathan galindo

Message is a bit disturbing to read maybe even. but just to be safe you should read this. Sources: Google, Insta, Discord, facebook, youtube, slack, minecraft and roblox even, and @Oofiee (shaurya's Oofiee) The BLUE WHALE CHALLENGE is back, this is a serious issue and countless people have died/ put their life at risk. These people know your IP address and who your family/loved ones are. How do I stay safe? I understand many of you would be scared of this issue, but I will give you some life saving steps to save you. • DO NOT accept any FRIEND REQUESTS from ANYONE. • DO turn off your DMs if you can, if you can't, please follow the above step. • The challenge starts off with them asking you to play a game. • Do not reply to them and block them and report them IMMEDIATELY • Please do not try and joke with them as A SINGLE DM is all it takes for them to get your information. Is it only happening on Discord? No, it is happening on all social media platforms, the main person who will DM you is someone by the name of Jonathan Galindo. What happens? If you say yes to their games, they will challenge you to do 50 things. Each challenge gets more disturbing as it goes on. They ask for picture evidence and if you don't give it they come for you and your family. The 50th challenge is.... to kill yourself... As you can see this is serious and shouldn't be taken lightly. I guess you could say this is the Momo challenge again but this time with real consequences. Even if it not real and only a rumor that account has been found proof of trying to get people to do those stuff but i wont share the screenshots as its not safe to do and stay safe idots

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Who tf is jonathan galindo

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For anyone still reading this, I feel as if though I need to clear something up a tad further. JG is not, was not, will never be *real*. End of.
It is nothing more than an online hoax that caught traction due to morally screwed 12 year olds thinking that it's funny to harass your friends by hijacking a pretty shitty hoax. The entire situation was beyond blown out of proportion by the media outlets that had covered it (no surprise there), resulting in a pretty worrying number of individuals believing that it was an actual 'danger' to begin with. I got flooded by messages about that poor italian kid who had proportedly committed suicide as a result of cyber bullying from accounts using the JG monacre, n' my heart goes out to his family, whether or not the reports are completely accurate is irrelevant when a kid is dead as a result.

That's just an example of shitty human behaviour. N' frankly the only way anybody is going to rid the online evironment from shit like this is by looking past the smooth brains behind these accounts is to spread accurate information and raise awareness to the issue, two actions that would serve to mitigate most of the faux power that the words 'Jonathan Galindo' seem to have over people.

*__Sidenote__*:The whole 'JG killed a guy is waltham, MA, is just a shit coincidence from what I can see. A guy by the name of Jonathan Lefty Galindo is indeed a resident of Waltham, and is in his 30's (matching the limited reports I've seen). So, as always, take what you read on the internet with a grain of salt.

-------------Edit------------------------This post only functions in conjunction with this folllow up, which I made as the conclusion to this situation. Most of the info in my post below is kinda blind, but this is what you need to know. Jonathan Galindo is not real. It is not a real person, the account who messaged you is a troll. You are not in danger as long as you use your head and do not interact with any of these accounts.

Also, we've gone ahead and created our new discord server, so feel free to join up while it's still in dev stages :) https://discord.gg/AmYbZUg


Alright, recently I and many others have noticed to a resurgence of an online fad known as Blue Whale Challenge.

I'm sure you all remember it from 2016, where it claimed over 158 lives directly, almost all of them being young, vulnerable teenagers with mental illnesses. (Edit) - This is disputed by Russian media, who claim the deaths are a hoax, however UK and US publications both support the idea that the deaths occurred.

It somewhat revolutionised the way social media platforms treated suicide and mental health, which makes sense seeing as there was such a global backlash from all of this. (I'll link some background info on the BWC here, I don't have it to hand right now)

Well lately we've been seeing something similar occurring. It appears to have started on Discord, and has moved to the Chinese spywa- I mean Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter and even sites such as Roblox and Hypixel's forum boards.

Now, my first assumtion was that this is a troll operation, much like what pridefall attempted to be. However, at least in my and my close friends case, who stayed up all night with me while we dug into this rabbit hole, we were unable to find mentions of a Blue Whale Challenge Op anywhere on reddit, some 4Chan boards or even archived anywhere. Could just be weak research on our part, but it'd be great if somebody could prove me wrong and come up with evidence of this being an organised op.

What makes this so disturbing is a particular character by the name of Jonathan Gilando. You may have heard of him. The account seems to have originated of Tiktok, something like @jonathangilando54. It's has 2 videos, both of which depict the same character performing various tasks. Both videos have approx. 500k views and thousands of comments, mostly from the platforms younger audience, commenting 'Shawty like a melody...' and spamming 'I love you daddy'.

So, this Gilando character, let's call him cursed goofy. He appears on Tiktok, his bio reading something like, '666 I advise that you do not talk to me 666', which is cringey, except for this crucial detail.

This Cursed Goofy character is the face of this new BWC wave.

What digs the hole deeper is that Cursed Goofy's account threatened to doxx those who dm'd it, with apparent proof to be seen on r/jonathangilando in the form of a message.

So to recap- We've got the apparent resurgence of a deadly suicide trend, with a character known as Jonathan Gilando at its helm. The trend appears to have circulated around the Gacha life YouTube community first, and, while community is small, it served to create fear and worry throughout, with users spreading false information on how 'Your IP can be captured from viewing a BWC account', which, since its the Internet and apparently nobody knows the basics on how shit works around here, people believed it.

What's even weirder is this. The Gilando Tiktok account follows only two users. Both of them are young teenage girls, one living in Arizona, the other in Chile. Details on the first girl were sparce, however her personal info is easily found from her tiktok account, but I won't share it here due to her age.

If you visit these accounts through the Cursed Goofy account, you'll notice a clear change in content around the 21st of June and the 2nd of July respectively. The young girl from Arizona publicly addresses the fact that she was followed by the account, claiming that she's 'fine' and that people needn't worry for her. The second girl, perhaps spooked by the situation, hasn't posted in over a week as of last night. However comments in Spanish and Portuguese can be found suggesting that she's okay.

Both these girls show clear signs of having been shocked by the situation, with clear swollen rings visible on the Arizona's girls eyes in her latest video, although this could easily be a coincidence.

I won't go into detail, as there is a good post by u/regurgitatedligma on the Gilando subreddit I mentioned earlier that describes our findings. However a summary would be this. The account shows signs of its user being fluent in Spanish, with most of its comments, leaked Dm's and captions being in the language. English replies are sparce, but grammatically correct when they do appear. This led us to believe that either, he's using a dictionary and has a basic understanding of Spanish to make the grammar fit, or he's fluent, possibly a native speaker, who also has a good grasp on English.

We also considered the possibility of this Cursed Goofy character being managed by a group of people, which could explain the inconsistent replies, and other discrepancies that are found in the account's interactions with others.

That's where we left it last night, digging nó further into the comments section than we already did. In general, situations like this wouldn't irk me, after all this is the Internet, and we're all well used to murders and serial killers sharing their escapades, whether it be magnotta or that guy on /b/ (I think) who claimed to be a serial killer. But this doesn't sit well with me. I'd understand if this were a publicly discussed campaign, but it's not. And the further you look into the accounts involved, you realise that, even tho some are satire, this is too widespread not to be organised.

So I'm asking for help.

This is the first time I've actually posted anything on reddit, I've just resigned to lurking for the last 4 years, I understand if you don't immediately trust me. But I know what the Internet can do when we work together. We've solved everything from 30 year old cold cases to the location of Ísis training facilities, so I know we could figure this one out of we tried.

Even if I'm wrong. If this is all a hoax and I'm overthinking it. I'd rather be proven wrong than proven right. Especially when it's possible that more lives could be a stake over this.

If you've gotten this far, I thank you for your time. My dm's are open for any questions, and I'll do my best to answer as much as I can on this thread. I really hope that we can push this to a resolution together, cause this is fucking creepy.

(Edit) - The origin of the Cursed Goofy photo is DuskySam, an artist who created the character back in 2012/2013 for shits and giggles. This photo was adopted by /x/ and turned into a meme, like all things on the Internet. Our main goal now is this; to figure out as much as we can about the @jonathangilando54 tiktok account, as it appears to be the most disturbing lead we have so far.

(Edit 2: Electric Boogaloo)- While the obvious hoax nature of this fad is important to stress, myself and others on the subreddit above are continuing to work towards uncovering a timeline for this trend and all it's associated inspirations. We would like to stress the comments below. There is nothing dangerous about this trend unless you give it that power. Please, do not attempt to contact these hoax accounts, as anyone can accidentally fall for a quick grabify scam. Keep your DM's on private, and make sure your account security settings are adequate. I would suggest enabling 2fa using Google Authenticator, that's just a general piece of advice, stay away from sms verification.