When was the first flu vaccine given

The flu vaccine is an annual jab that’s free on the NHS for certain groups of people, including the over-50s and pregnant women. It’s also available privately from pharmacies, including our stores, for anyone over the age of 18.

People who are more likely to get seriously ill from the flu need to get the vaccine every year. This is because every year there are different strains of the flu virus circulating around the UK. It’s also a good idea to get a flu jab annually even if you don’t have a health condition as it can help protect you and those around you from the flu.

When was the flu vaccine invented?

In the 1930s, two different types of the flu virus were isolated – type A and type B. The same decade, researchers discovered that they could grow the flu virus in hens’ eggs, allowing them to study it more closely and develop an inactivated vaccine.

In 1942, a vaccine offering protection against influenza A and B viruses was developed using fertilised hens’ eggs. Three years later, in 1945, the first inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) was licensed for use by ordinary people – having been previously tested on the army.

In 2003, a second type of vaccine known as live, attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) was released. This type is also made using hens’ eggs, but is designed to be sprayed directly into the nostrils rather than injected. This type was developed for children, and contains a weakened – rather than inactivated – form of the flu virus.

In 2012, a cell-cultured version of the IIV was developed. This type uses animal cells as a host for growing the flu virus, rather than fertilised hens’ eggs. A year later, in 2013, a recombinant influenza vaccine (RIV) was released. This type uses recombinant technology that doesn’t require the use of hens’ eggs.

How is the flu vaccine made?

There are many different types of modern flu vaccine, but they all work in a similar way: by preparing your body to fight off the strains of the flu virus that you’re most at-risk from.

Injected forms of the virus (those given to adults) don’t contain any live virus, and you can’t catch the flu by having a flu jab. Most types are still made using fertilised hens’ eggs, however some are made in a different way, which means they’ll be suitable for people with an egg allergy.

The nasal spray vaccine (the type given to children) is made using weakened versions of the virus. This type is developed in hens’ eggs and made using pork gelatine, so it won’t be suitable for everybody.

When was the first flu vaccine given

How does the flu vaccine work?

Each year the World Health Organization makes recommendations about which flu strains will be prevalent in different parts of the world that coming flu season. Using this guidance, manufacturers of the flu vaccine develop a new vaccine for that year, designed to offer the highest level of protection.

When you get the flu jab at the beginning of the flu season, it “arms” your body against specific strains of the virus that are expected to be widespread over the next few months. This means your body will be more successful at fighting off those strains if you’re exposed to them.

You can still get the flu after having the jab, but if you do your symptoms should be milder and last for a shorter time than they would normally.

Because the vaccine changes every year, you’ll need to get your flu jab at the start of every flu season to ensure you remain protected.

When should I get the flu vaccine?

In the UK, the flu is most prevalent during the late autumn, winter, and early spring.

To make sure you’re protected, you should get the flu vaccine in the early autumn before the virus starts to circulate. You can get it later on, but waiting will increase your risk of catching the flu.

As a note, the flu vaccine takes about 10 to 14 days to work. Before this time, you might still be vulnerable to infection and illness.

Get your flu vaccine with LloydsPharmacy

Did you know you can get your NHS flu vaccine from your nearest LloydsPharmacy store? We’ve partnered with the NHS to offer free vaccines to anybody who is eligible.

We can also offer the flu vaccine privately to people who aren’t eligible for a free vaccine.

Book your jab today



By World Health Organization

Professors Koch and Pfeiffer working in a laboratory (1905-03-11) by Wellcome ImagesWorld Health Organization

We know now that influenza, or flu, is caused by a virus – but for many years it was thought to be caused by a bacterial infection. In 1892, German scientist Richard Pfeiffer isolated a small bacterium from the noses of patients with flu, naming it ‘bacillus influenzae’. Early attempts at a vaccine during the 1918 influenza pandemic were based on this understanding, and it was not until the 1930s, when the influenza virus was identified, that progress towards an effective vaccine could really begin. 

Poster, 'Keep flu to yourself' by Health Education CouncilWorld Health Organization

Influenza – also known as the ‘flu’ – is a highly contagious respiratory illness, which spreads easily through the air or when people touch contaminated surfaces. In many cases the disease is mild, with symptoms such as chills, fever and fatigue, and it can also be spread through asymptomatic infections in people who do not even know they are sick. 

By Francis MillerLIFE Photo Collection

But the flu can also result in serious complications, particularly in vulnerable people like young children, older persons, pregnant women and people with medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease. The most common complication is pneumonia, typically caused by a secondary bacterial infection. 

Influenza virus illustration in semi-transparent blue by RawpixelWorld Health Organization

Flu viruses mutate very rapidly, and uncontrolled spread gives rise to many different strains, which fall into 2 main types affecting humans – influenza A and influenza B. 

Walter Reed Hospital flu ward (ca. 1910–1920) (1905-03-24) by RawpixelWorld Health Organization

The H1N1 influenza pandemic that swept across the world from 1918 to 1919, sometimes called “the mother of all pandemics”, involved a particularly virulent new strain of the influenza A virus. The first wave of infections in early 1918 resulted in mild illness, but a second wave later that year was more deadly. 

Emergency hospital during influenza epidemic, Camp Funston, Kansas (1918) (1905-04-01) by RawpixelWorld Health Organization

The 1918 pandemic is estimated to have infected 500 million people worldwide, killing between 20 and 50 million. The resulting death rates were so high that life expectancy rates around the world dropped by several years, and more people are thought to have died as a result of the flu pandemic than over the course of the entire First World War. 

Close-up of a vaccine used in previous trial for developing satisfactory production techniques. In background can be seen the stock solution (1905-05-06) by WHO / Eric SchwabWorld Health Organization

Researchers in the United States and Europe raced to find an effective vaccine against influenza during the pandemic years, and their efforts produced hundreds of thousands of doses – but they were targeting the wrong pathogen. 

The day starts at the World Influenza Centre, London, with a conference between Dr C.E. Andrews, Director (right), and his assistant Dr A.A Isaacs (1905-05-06) by WHO / Eric SchwabWorld Health Organization

In 1933, British researchers Wilson Smith, C.H. Andrewes and P.P. Laidlaw at London’s National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR) made a breakthrough when they isolated and identified the influenza virus. They found no bacteria in throat washings from patients with influenza and discovered that the disease was caused by a virus. 

Flu Research At The Great Lakes Naval Training Station by Frank ScherschelLIFE Photo Collection

With support from the US Army, the first inactivated flu vaccine was developed by Thomas Francis and Jonas Salk at the University of Michigan. The vaccine was tested for safety and efficacy on the US military, before being licensed for wider use in 1945. 

Miss H.B. Donald of Melbourne, Australia at the Siemeus electron microscope (1905-05-06) by WHO / Eric SchwabWorld Health Organization

Researchers had long suspected that different types of influenza viruses existed, as the blood of some influenza patients did not develop antibodies to the strain isolated in 1933. During the testing period, scientists also discovered the existence of another strain of the virus: influenza B. 

Asian Influenza Epidemic, June 1957 (1905-05-06) by WHO / Eric SchwabWorld Health Organization

In 1942, a new bivalent vaccine was developed that protected against both the H1N1 strain of influenza A and the newly discovered influenza B virus. 

Samples of throat-washings were flown to the World Influenza Centre, London, as soon as an outbreak of influenza occurred in any part of the world (1905-05-21) by WHO / Tibor FarkasWorld Health Organization

Scientists could now manufacture vaccines based on the monitoring of virus strains in circulation around the world, updating the strains targeted by the vaccine in response. 

Dr Pilailuk Okada (centre), Head of the Thai National Influenza Centre at the National Institute of Health, and her team of microbiologists (2020-12-06) by WHO / P. PhutphengWorld Health Organization

Efforts to track the evolution and emergence of flu viruses continue today, and scientists monitor both seasonal and potentially pandemic flu strains. Because new strains appear frequently, the seasonal flu vaccine usually changes each year, as scientists determine how the virus has mutated and spread. 

A woman provides ORS (Oral Rehydration Salts) for her mother in a Delhi slum (0201-04-14) by WHO / Tom PietrasikWorld Health Organization

Each year, WHO recommends virus strains for inclusion in flu vaccines for each hemisphere, and different vaccines are developed, targeting 3 or 4 strains of the virus predicted to be most commonly circulating in the coming flu season. 

This historic image depicts a line of people each awaiting a New Jersey Influenza vaccination (1905-05-29) by CDCWorld Health Organization

Influenza pandemics have occurred throughout history: records document at least 3 well before the 1918–19 pandemic, and another 3 have taken hold after, in 1957–58, 1968–69 and 2009–10. 

Map showing how Asian flu swept across the world from February to 31 August 1957 (1905-05-10) by WHOWorld Health Organization

Influenza viruses with pandemic potential regularly emerge, but not all go on to cause a pandemic. WHO works to monitor influenza viruses with pandemic potential and to prepare for future influenza pandemics.

University Hospital Lyon laboratories: sequencing and respiratory viruses (2022-09-03) by WHO / Noor Images / Olga KravetsWorld Health Organization

Researchers are constantly working to develop new vaccine technologies to keep a step ahead of the viruses.

National reference laboratory for respiratory viruses, including Influenza (2022-09-03) by WHO / Noor Images / Olga KravetsWorld Health Organization

A live attenuated vaccine delivered in the form of a nasal spray was first licensed in 2003, a vaccine using recombinant DNA technology was approved in 2013, and additional influenza vaccines based on newer technologies are being tested in clinical trials. 

Simulation exercise of Pandemic containment in Indonesia (2009-04-26) by WHO / Nursila DewiWorld Health Organization

Despite these efforts, seasonal influenza still kills up to 650 000 people a year globally. Influenza is a constantly evolving virus, and immunity to a single strain through infection or vaccination does not necessarily protect against new strains that develop. 

Students wait in line to wash their hands with soap at the private Anmol Jyoti School in Kathmandu (2010-04-21) by WHO / Tom PietrasikWorld Health Organization

We know from experience there is likely to be another flu pandemic, and we should be as well prepared as possible when it happens. That’s why monitoring the virus and keeping up with vaccination is crucially important. 

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World Health Organization

World Health Organization

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LIFE Photo Collection

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