Why you love your girlfriend

There are countless reasons why I​ love my girlfriend. But since I can't mention all of them, here are the top 100 reasons.

I am human, meaning I make mistakes from time to time. But my girlfriend never judges me. Instead, she encourages me to do better and learn from my mistakes.

I love my girl because she never allows me to sleep on my potential. She is honest, even when the truth hurts my feelings.

Writing this just paints a mental image of what she’ll fix me for dinner. Future generations will write poems about her cooking! I just have this strong feeling that they would.

I love my girlfriend because she is very respectful. She respects everything and everyone.

I love my girlfriend because she prays a lot. She prays when she wakes up and before going to sleep. She also prays when in good health and when she is hurting.

Apart from grooming for the sake of her image, my girlfriend reads to groom her mind. She constantly reads stories, poems, memoirs and pretty much anything she could get her hands on.

I love how she understands and laughs at inside jokes that no one else understands. I love my girlfriend for that.

She always hugs me when we sleep. She trusts me to protect her and never to hurt her. And I heart her for the privilege.

My girlfriend not only has a mental image of what she wants to achieve but also has the guts to pursue it. I love her for that. I shall write her a poem tonight in a bid to acknowledge her valiant efforts.

Another reason I love my girlfriend so much is that she is intelligent. She does the thinking for us and so far, I have no complaints whatsoever!

She has a knack for tidying up everything before we sleep. I love my little perfectionist and sometimes it hurts me how hard she works. But then again, she does all this to make our lives better so all I can do I appreciate her much more.

I can’t get the image of us kissing off my head. Again, future generations will write poems about how good a kisser my girlfriend!

My girlfriend is always excited about trying new things.

She makes me recite everything I am grateful for before going to sleep. She also supports me whenever I am hurt or discouraged, or just look like I need some pep rally.

Not that I have ever smelled one, but if I ever did, I am sure they use the same brand of body spray!

She takes care of me and is always mindful of how I look, dress and smell. I also love how highly she speaks of me behind my back. I once read a poem she wrote about me and I melted like an iceberg - hello global warming!

I don’t mind getting serenaded once in a while, especially when my belly is full.

I love my girlfriend because she doesn’t change her believes nor conform even in the eyes of peer or social pressure. I swear I can sometimes feel her taking a stand in her dreams!

My girlfriend sacrifices so much for our dreams and image, even if it ends up hurt her. I love her so much I want to cry right now!

Another poem I might end up writing about the love of my life is how she loves saving. She always has our financial data on lockdown!

I love stroking girlfriend’s hair whenever she is asleep. It’s such a turn on!

My girlfriend is a magical hugger! She can hug the pain and hurt away in a matter of seconds! I think we should start a hugging therapy clinic soon because I might be sitting on a goldmine!

There are plenty of poems written about strong women bringing their men back on track. She does that for me and I love her for that and so much more!

My girlfriend can smell bullshit from a mile away and warns me in advance!

Okay, maybe I went way too far with this one. In my defense, I took an oath to never lie.

My girl’s confidence is unshakable, even when she doesn’t know what she is doing!

Space is important in every relationship. Thankfully, my girlfriend understands this perfectly well.

And I love her for this one too!

And she looks hella cute in yoga pants too.

She wants me to be healthy, for us.

I never feel alone, even when we are miles apart.

We aren’t rich yet, but my girlfriend is content and willing to share!

Everything my girl does or talks about is future-oriented. She introduced me to positive thinking, saving and working out. She did all this so I could end up having a bright, healthy and positive future – with her by of course. Not many girls in their twenties can do this and that is why I appreciate her!

She does this through her bright smile.

I have stared into those amazingly beautiful eyes for a long time now. But it always seems as though the intrigue I feel will never come to an end. Every time I stare into those dreamy eyes, it feels as though I am doing it for the very first time. And that enchants the hell out me!

I think her elocution is flawless because she reads a hell lot.

And she dishes them out on a regular.

She not only takes care of the house but she also takes care of herself. And me.

I know I already said this, but it deserves “another one” mention – read this in Dj Khaled’s voice to get the point fully.

Whenever I look back during the darkest of times, I always see her over my shoulders, cheering me on.

I know this sounds weird, but our connection is unique and that’s what makes us clique in our own weird way.

It’s fun just sitting back and watching her go.

My girl challenges me in every aspect of life. From how ambitious she is all the way to how clean and eloquent she is. Even though she doesn’t put pressure on me to catch up, I almost always feel it is my solemn obligation as her boyfriend to at least step up!

… by allowing me to run through her mind the entire day, get it? Ha-ha. Damn am good with “them” words. Admit it!

Respect is the glue that seals any relationship together. In that regard, my girlfriend always treats everyone in my family, her family, my friends and everyone else with a lot of respect. And as a result of that, we are all accorded respect. And that just makes me love and respect her even more. To be honest, I would rather be with her than be with anyone else.

Family first is her modus operandi.

She never judges other people.

She knows where all my buttons are and when to press them.

She makes our relationship feel special in her own special way.

My girlfriend never allows me to feel excluded. She always does everything in her power to talk, call or text me whenever she feels like. I also do the same – except for whenever I eat her Cheetos and am so guilty I can’t even utter a word.

My girlfriend is the think tank of the relationship. But she always asks me what I think even though she knows my ideas suck big time. She is amazing and I do love and respect her for that. It also encouraged me to stop being the joker that I am and start thinking critically – even if it’s just for a couple of seconds before reverting back to my default settings.

My girlfriend would rather keep quiet than speak of something she hasn’t marinated over. She prefers thinking about something she isn’t sure about rather than spewing half-thought sentiments or opinions. The end result is that everything she speaks oozes with wisdom and is perfect!

Sometimes I feel like she is overselling it. But at the end of the day, this only makes me step up to the plate! And I will always love her for that!

Even in a room full of people, she always has this magical way of noticing me and me, her. And this just makes it feel like we are the only ones in the room.

This makes it easier for us to get past our relationship issues without any drama.

Thanks to her thoughtfulness, my girlfriend is always right. And what’s even better is the fact that she doesn’t boast about it or rub it in whenever I am wrong – which is like all the time!

I honestly have eyes for her and her alone. I think she is the only one for me!

Any experienced guy will tell you that a girlfriend that not only follows but understands sports is the key to a long and happy life. My girlfriend closely follows sports and automatically translates to a stress-free life. This means no nagging during the premier league! I am a satisfied man and you won’t hear any complaints from me ever!

My girlfriend is the only person who can say “I love you” without mentioning the words. She is a clairvoyant of sorts.

Whenever she laughs, I laugh. It doesn’t really matter whether I am happy, sad or just not up for it.

She drops everything she is doing and shows up whenever I need her.

… because she offers me direction on every aspect in life.

She does so through her cooking and general care. I love her!

It’s good seeing two people who love you getting along.

And it’s because of her charming nature and good intentions.

She accepts me for who I am, both the good and the bad.

Whenever I am far away from her, she always has a way of making me feel like I am close to her. And for that, I love her even more!

My girlfriend is just the best! There are a lot of things she does that I cannot fully understand. But when all is said and done, she will always be my number one priority and I will always treat her like the queen she is. To be honest, she is the best thing that ever happened to me and I adore her for sure!

I’d rather not go into details, just know she is sensual.

No matter how prepared I am, her pranks always catch me off-guard.

Her kindness always melts my heart.

Again, I choose not to disclose the details.

Let’s just say meditation never crossed my mind until I met my girlfriend. She introduced me to meditation and “yoga-t” … okay, ​I just love drinking yogurt but I am serious about the meditation part. I still believe yoga is for girls.

And all her picks always end up being interesting.

She makes sure my clothes are clean. And because of that, I have officially graduated from the “sniff and wear” bachelor club for good.

...especially the games where she intentionally leaves clues for me to find hidden food. I also enjoy racing her to and from the gym to the house. I always let her win because I wasn’t raised to “beat” a woman (pun intended).

Her passion inspired me to be passionate as well. To be honest the only passion I ever knew before her was a fruit. She also helped me identify my hidden passions and that’s how my life took a turn for the better.

That’s why I always look forward to hanging out with her.

There is an aura of mystery about how my girlfriend plays video games and I love her for it. She even beats my male friends and they have solemnly sworn never to mess with her!

My girl trusts me. She always talks to me whenever she needs someone to talk to and that makes me really happy.

Despite being in her mid-twenties, my girlfriend happens to be an old soul. At times, I can’t help but wonder where the heck she got all that wisdom from. From her past life? Guess the answer will always be a mystery to me!

She doesn’t make it a big deal when a fat roach from behind the sofa pops up to say hi. I can’t say the same when it comes to my female friends.

I love the fact that she plants trees regularly. She also captures and releases stray birds and other wild animals.

She is very creative who helps a great deal whenever I am experiencing writer’s block.

I write a lot of eBooks during my free time and needless to say, my girl supports me all the way. I love how she shares my work on social media and with her closely knit circle of friends. I am even thinking of making her a partner but only time will tell.

My girl isn’t about that “going to the clubs and out-twerking every girl” kind of life. She instead chooses to stay at home and be a freak for me and me alone. And guess what…this makes me love her even more!

I let her manage our accounts because she is pretty good at it.

Everyone yearns for her to tell stories because she is so good at it. Seemingly, everybody loves her for that and so much more.

Yes, she does! So, take a moment, relax, and let that sink!!! And yes, yes, I know. I am one lucky young man!

She always has my best interests at heart and guess what? The feeling is mutual!

It just shows how much she loves and trusts me.

I sometimes wonder how I bagged myself a swan. And the fact that she doesn’t know how beautiful she is makes her even more beautiful!

She is not only a good and creative writer but knows a thing or two about fixing things around the house. Therefore, she doesn’t have to wait for me to fix everything like most girlfriends do.

Sleep has a magical way of accentuating her beauty!

Sometimes I just feel like I don’t need a reason to love her. So, yeah… I just love her. I hope you enjoyed!

There are a lot of amazing qualities that your girlfriend has. But for you to see it, you need to stop focusing on her shortcomings. Do this and you’ll end up happier and more fulfilled!