Why do dolphins jump through waves?

Nothing is more thrilling than watching a dolphin leap out of the water.

Dolphins are playful and curious creatures. They are well-known for their amazing feats of acrobatics in their natural environment and ability to leap out of water.

Although it is still unknown why dolphins leap out of the water, there are many theories about why these fantastic sea creatures enjoy looking up at the sky above the water. No matter the reason, dolphins jumping is an amazing sight to behold.

How Dolphins Jump Out of the Water

You can sometimes witness a dolphin jumping out of water and wonder how they do this. Dolphins leap out and propel themselves upward, using their tail flukes to push against the water at high speed.

They reach the speed they need by beating their tail against the water and swimming up from a distance. This behavior is called breaching.

Jumping dolphins only move almost vertically to save their energy. They use their pectoral flippers to steer and move around while their bodies remain underwater.

One common question is how high can dolphins jump. You probably know the answer if you have ever seen Animal Planet or National Geographic Channel– pretty high! Dolphins can fly over 25 feet in the air, even sometimes making twirling leaps and turny somersaults acrobatics.

Why Dolphins Jump Out of the Water

Dolphins leap out of the water for many reasons. While we don’t know all there is about dolphin behavior, it is possible to try to decipher the details by reviewing all facts. Here are some reasons why dolphins jump out of water:

1. Get a Better View of the Surrounding

Dolphins jump out of the water to get a bird’s-eye view, useful for hunting prey or identifying potential threats. The behavior of a dolphin leaping out of the water to avoid predators is called “spy-hopping.” Dolphins spy-hopping appear to be looking out over the water, with their heads buried in the surface.

2. Signal Their Location to Other Dolphins

Another reason you often find a dolphin jumping out of water is that it uses the coastline’s shape for navigation, significantly when searching for other pod members. They might jump out of the water to let other dolphins know where they are and avoid being separated.

Jumping dolphins have often been seen hunting and traveling in groups. If one is lost, the other dolphins will make a signal by jumping to indicate their location. This behavior is called “beach casting.”

3. Communicate With Other Dolphins

Dolphins are intelligent aquatic creatures. They communicate with one another by many means. Besides a series of whistles and chirps, breaching is also a way dolphins communicate at long-distance, essential for hunting or courting purposes.

Researchers also believe dolphins flipping and leaping out of water demonstrate leadership and dominance. The alpha dolphin of one group can communicate with another by jumping through the air.

4. Clean Themselves Off Parasites

Dolphins are warm-blooded mammals. They can attract more parasites than other fishes, including invisible and visible ones.

Some external parasites can cause injury. One study also suggests that remoras, aquatic creatures equipped with suction cups capable of attaching to large marine animals, can also attach to dolphins, causing greater resistance when swimming.

Researchers believe that the dolphins’ breaching and falling into the water with a violent splash removes them from these nuisances. A dolphin jumping out of water uses air to clean their bodies. As parasites attached to their body cannot tolerate sudden changes, they can be dislodged by jumping into the air.

5. Conserve Enough Energy to Swim

You can sometimes observe dolphins jumping out of the water after a long hunt or when they are unable to reach food at the surface. They break into the water’s surface to release stored energy and then sink back down for rest.

Some scientists believe that dolphins jump out of the water to conserve energy while swimming and traveling long distances at incredible speeds. As air is 784 times denser than water, dolphins leap into the air to avoid resistance from the water current and move faster than just swimming constantly.

6. Breathe in Oxygen

Dolphins can’t breathe the same way as humans, even though they aren’t fish. Because dolphins live in saltwater and freshwater environments, they can’t breathe voluntarily like land mammals and must never forget that they require air.

They do this by breaking the water’s surface and lifting their blowhole above to breathe, similar to humans taking a deep breath when they are up for air. By swimming faster and jumping, dolphins can also breathe in more air efficiently.

7. Cool Off From the Heat

Dolphins, as mammals, are warm-blooded. The dolphin’s metabolism generates a lot of heat. They have to keep a constant body temperature of 96.8-98.6 degrees F is required, which is almost the same as humans. Dolphins also breathe less often than other land mammals, so less heat is lost when exhaling into their environment.

A dolphin jumping out of water regulates the high temperature of their body like humans splashing cold water on their faces during the summer heat. They release heat through their blowholes by jumping into the air and the water. This form of breaching allows calmer waters to circulate around their bodies.

8. Have More Fun in the Waters

Dolphins are intelligent and playful mammals that love to jump and have fun. They can jump high and reach speeds due to their streamlined bodies.

They love to amuse people by performing tricks like flipping, jumping, balancing, and leaping. Being playful creatures, as we all know, you can often see dolphins flipping and enjoying themselves by swimming on the waves and with boats.

We are constantly amazed by dolphins’ intelligence, communication skills, and playful behavior. But little did we know that dolphins also smile because of their joy from jumping.

Witness Dolphins Jump on the Waves

Sunshine Scenic Tours takes you on a dolphin cruise in Madeira Beach. Make memories that will last a lifetime as you voyage the vast blue ocean and explore the waters alongside friendly marine animals.

You can also have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be closed up and have fun with the spectacular dolphins jumping and playing with the waves. For inquiries, reach us out

Have you ever watched a video of a group of dolphins swimming next to a boat? If so, you probably saw them leaping, diving, splashing and having a ball. As you watched this display you may have wondered: Why do dolphins follow boats? Do they do it just for fun or is there another reason?

Discover why dolphins follow boats, how fast they can swim, and how they communicate with one another.

While dolphins are known for their intelligence they also have a strong sense of curiosity. This brings up the first reason why they follow boats. The motion of a boat, its sounds, and the disturbance of the water prompt dolphins to go check out the strange object in their habitat. They approach the boat and swim alongside it to study this fast-moving object and observe the people on board. Maybe the people are playing loud music that creates vibrations. These animals are curious and won’t be able to resist checking out the activity. While some other sea creatures would much rather hide or swim away from this commotion, dolphins do the opposite. They like to go investigate!

Not surprisingly, dolphins try to swim as fast as they can. When a dolphin swims in the wake of a boat, its body is carried along on the waves making them move even faster than usual. They burn less energy while achieving a higher speed. In a way, when dolphins follow boats, they are getting a free ride!

Food is another reason they follow boats. Sometimes people on boats are so entertained by these racing dolphins that they throw fish overboard. Once a dolphin gets a reward for following a boat, it is likely to repeat the routine every time it sees large boats, small watercraft, and everything in-between. In addition, sometimes fish are stirred up to the surface by the wake of a boat. This is an easy meal for a dolphin that’s just out having some fun.

Did you know that dolphins have a competitive side? They do! This brings up another reason why they follow boats. Sometimes dolphins of different species are members of the same pod or group. Spinner dolphins and spotted dolphins have been known to congregate together. If they are following a boat, these different species may try to show off their jumping or diving skills to one another. Call it a friendly competition. If the people on board a boat are clapping, calling out to them, and giving them lots of attention, the dolphins are likely to put on their best jumping, flipping routine. Dolphins are friendly animals that love attention.

Why do dolphins jump through waves?
Dolphins are intrigued by the motion, sound, and disturbance of water created by boats.

What Types of Boats Do They Follow?

Dolphins follow boats of all sizes. Boats that create a large wake are especially attractive to them because they can get up a lot of speed by following really close. Speedboats make a lot of noise and move through the water quickly, so they’re a favorite with these swift creatures.

Commercial fishing ships are also enticing to dolphins. The fish being caught by the crew on the ship are the same ones that are appetizing to dolphins. Unfortunately, dolphins sometimes become ensnared in commercial fishing nets as they are investigating this type of ship. A dolphin that gets entangled in a commercial fishing net can die.

A group of dolphins is not going to be as interested in a group of people floating in a canoe, rowboat, or other slow-moving boats. But, their curiosity may get the best of them if they notice the oars dipping in the water. If the people are talking or there is music coming from the watercraft, that is even more reason for these marine mammals to look into the situation.

Are Dolphins Ever Hurt When Following Boats?

Dolphins are sometimes hurt when following boats. They can swim too close to a boat’s propeller and sustain injuries. Also, sometimes dolphins are hit by boats when they cross in front of them. Some of these injuries are life-threatening while others leave scars on this marine mammal.

How Do Dolphins Communicate with Each Other?

Dolphins communicate with each other in lots of ways. They whistle as a way of alerting other dolphins of their presence. Marine biologists believe dolphins can recognize individuals by their unique whistle. Mother dolphins and their calves have been known to whistle to each other when they are separated.

Dolphins make clicking sounds in connection with the process of echolocation. A dolphin makes a clicking noise that bounces off objects and other sea creatures all around it. The sound returns to the dolphin giving it a good indication of what is in its surroundings. A dolphin uses echolocation to look for prey, locate other dolphins and stay alert to predators in the area.

Dolphins communicate with their bodies as well. When a dolphin slaps its flippers onto the surface of the water it is signaling to others that there is danger in the area. They sometimes slap their tails onto the water when they want to play or are feeling hungry. When two males bump into each other repeatedly it is a sign of aggression. A male that does this may be defending its young or its mate. One dolphin hitting or bumping its teeth on the back or side of another dolphin is also signaling aggression. It’s not biting the other dolphin; it’s just giving it a warning to keep away.

Leaping into the air is a sign that a dolphin is feeling happy, or they are feeling especially playful.

Spy hopping is another behavior of dolphins. When a dolphin spy hops it pushes itself about halfway up out of the water. It moves its tailfin so it can ‘sit up’ for several seconds. They spy hop because they want to get into a position where they can see their surroundings better. A dolphin may do this to look at the people or items on a passing boat. Furthermore, these animals may be seen spy-hopping if they are checking out their surroundings for predators such as great white sharks, bull sharks, or tiger sharks.

Next Up:

How fast can dolphins swim?

Dolphins can swim up to 37mph. But, when traveling along through the ocean they usually go at speeds between 6 and 10mph.

Are dolphins social animals?

Yes, they are social animals. A group is called a herd or a pod. Some pods only contain three or four dolphins while others contain 30. They travel in pods as a way of protecting themselves against predators and sharing the food source they find. Plus, both adults and juvenile dolphins have a playful nature. So, they like being with each other.

When looking at a pod of dolphins it’s interesting to note that there are smaller groups within the pod. One of those smaller groups known as a subgroup is called a maternity band. This is a cluster of females along with their young calves. Another subgroup is made up of juvenile dolphins. These are young dolphins that have just become independent from their mothers. A bachelor subgroup consists of two or three males that have not yet found a mate.

When are dolphins active?

Dolphins are especially active around sunrise. They also ramp up their activity during mid-morning and mid-afternoon. So, people who are on boats are most likely to see them at these times.

Where are dolphins found?

They live in many places throughout the world. Different species live off the coasts of Australia, North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and even Antarctica.

With 49 species of dolphin, it’s no wonder they live in so many areas. Some can live in tropical waters while others live in temperate or arctic seas. The humpbacked, bottlenose, and common dolphins live off the coast of South Africa.

The Australian humpbacked dolphin and the Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin live off the Australian coast. If you live in North America you’ll be pleased to know that 16 species of dolphin live near the coast of this continent. Some of those include the striped, spinner, white-beaked, bottlenose and rough-toothed dolphins. The hourglass dolphin lives in the frigid waters off the coast of Antarctica.

Are dolphins Endangered?

A few types are considered Endangered. Some of those are the Amazon River dolphin, South Asian River dolphin, Irrawaddy dolphin, and the Indian Ocean Humpback dolphin. These animals are Endangered as a result of an increase in water pollution. Also, their populations are at risk because they are often killed after becoming caught in commercial fishing nets set out to catch other types of sea life.

On the bright side, many dolphins are listed as Least Concern by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species like the spinner, striped, common, hourglass, and white-beaked dolphins.