Why can t you chew gum with braces

When you have braces on your teeth, there’s a whole list of foods and drinks that you can and cannot eat. Soda drinks, caramel, popcorn, pretzels are just some food items that you should avoid. So what about chewing gum? Can you chew gum with braces?

The majority of voices will say that you should avoid chewing gum when you are undergoing braces treatment. When possible, you should avoid bubble gum. However, you may also find some people saying that chewing gum with braces is not a big deal, and you can do it fearlessly. So, what can be deduced from it? Is it okay or not? Keep reading to find out.

Gum and braces: is the connection good or bad?

 Chewing gum with ongoing orthodontic treatment is not good because it can have adverse effects on your braces. The problem is the gum’s stickiness that can hold on to wires and brackets, and if you try to remove it forcefully, your wires could bend. Even the slightest bend can shift your teeth, and in case you don’t have time to set an appointment with your orthodontist or don’t notice the bend yourself, a significant shift in teeth can happen. This can result in an elongated treatment and may also cost you more.

For a happy and uninterrupted treatment, it’s best to avoid chewing gum with braces. Missing out on your favorite gum will not be forever, but just for a few months till you have the braces on.

So, when and why is chewing gum with braces okay?

 When people say you can chew gum with braces, they mean chewing sugar-free gum. 

Sugar-free gum is not sticky like the regular one, so the dangers of bends in the wire are not present. Secondly, due to increased saliva production, sugar-free gums can wash away bad bacteria on the teeth that can cause tooth decay. But the best part lies in reduced pain. When you chew gum, it increases blood flow, and any pain or inflammation you have due to braces can fade away. According to some sources, sugar-free gums can have the same results as flossing; chewing gum after a meal can wash away the food particle stuck on your teeth.

So what’s the point?

 Though there are some benefits to chewing sugar-free gum, the risk of damaging your treatment is greater. Therefore it’s best to avoid chewing gum with braces.

The benefits that chewing gum offers can also be achieved by other alternatives. For example, after your meal, use dental floss and use a mouthwash to get way with any particles. Similarly, for pain management after getting braces, use OTC pain relievers or other home remedies like applying a warm moist tea bag to the inflamed area. 

SAIR Dental Group can answer any question and provide you a guideline for taking good care of your braces. To schedule an appointment, call us at 832.924.2666.

Why can t you chew gum with braces
Can You Chew Gum with Braces? | Kumra Orthodontics

For many people, orthodontic treatment is a reasonable option for improving their oral health. The function of chewing and biting down is enhanced, and a patient’s smile appears. Despite its promise of a straighter smile, orthodontic treatment is not without some of its drawbacks.

You have nothing to be afraid of because getting braces on your teeth doesn’t hurt at all. After the orthodontic wire is inserted into the brackets, slight soreness or discomfort may remain for a few days.

In this article, we’ll answer the question, “can you eat gum with braces”.

Gum and braces

Brackets are placed on each of the teeth, and a strong wire is used to join them all together. At each dental appointment, those brackets will be changed (or rotated) slightly so that individual teeth can slowly but steadily migrate into the correct position. The foundation of excellent and effective dental braces is a strong wire that holds teeth in the correct place.

Teeth can move out of place if the main brace wire is bent due to chewing gum or other things that put extra force on it. In the worst-case situation, the user’s teeth may begin to shift out of place, resulting in additional dental issues. Braces can create discomfort or dental health difficulties if chewing gums become stuck to the metal framework.

Alternatives to chewing gum

You may have observed that when your dentist places braces on your teeth, they will go on and on about how sugary foods are horrible for your teeth and should be avoided at all costs. This is primarily due to the sticky nature of sugar.

Tooth decay becomes more likely as the sugary film that coats teeth for an extended time grows more persistent. Abrasions can make it challenging to remove hard-to-reach sweet items (such as chewing gum), allowing them to remain on teeth for a time that is impossible to estimate.

Sugarless gum

More durable brackets and wires in today’s braces greatly reduce the danger of gum damage. Our ability to accommodate chewing gum while wearing braces has improved as a result. If you’re wearing braces, you’ll want to stick to sugar-free gum. When you’re unable to clean your teeth after a meal, an American Dental Association report suggests that “chewing sugarless gum for 20 minutes can help avoid tooth decay.” Gum chewing results in an increase in salivation. Only sugarless gums have the ADA Seal to date. They’re sweetened with sugar substitutes like aspartame, sorbitol, xylitol, or mannitol, none of which cause cavities in the mouth. Researchers have discovered that chewing sugarless gum helps stimulate saliva production, reduce plaque acid levels, strengthen teeth, and reduce decay.

While wearing braces, chewing gum might help strengthen the teeth’s roots, which are put under stress. Dentists advise patients to chew a little piece of gum only while experiencing tooth discomfort and spit it out as soon as the pain subsides. They are then instructed to brush their teeth and braces and continue their oral hygiene regimen until their next meal.

Needing an orthodontic appointment? Visit Kumra Orthodontics Washington DC or Kumra Orthodontics Stafford, VA, and request an appointment with us!

Brushing and flossing

If you’re using gum as a cavity-preventative measure, try doubling down on your brushing and flossing habits. Brushing and flossing twice a day, cleaning your teeth after meals, and drinking plain water can all help you attain the same results.


Sugar-free breath mints or mouthwash can be used instead of chewing gum to refresh one’s breath. Keep in mind that hard mints could break a bracket if you’re not careful.

Other Considerations

In the worst case scenario, it could get caught in your braces. If it occurs, you’ll need to go to work cleaning it right away. You can remove as much of the gum as you can by brushing it away with your teeth. Scrubbing too vigorously could damage your brackets and wiring, so be careful.

Your brackets or teeth may be covered in gum. Use normal dental floss to get it out of the crevices and cracks. Brush your teeth lightly one more time if there is any remaining gum. It should have loosened up after you flossed it.

What if you can’t seem to get rid of all the gum stuck in your braces? If you haven’t seen your orthodontist in a while, make an appointment right soon. They can provide you with a thorough cleaning without putting your wires at risk. At your next dental checkup, even if you don’t require orthodontic treatment now, tell your dentist about the incident so they can check for any possible movement.

Contact Kumra Orthodontics to learn more about gum and braces

You may contact our office at Kumra Orthodontics if you have any questions or concerns about orthodontic treatment. 

Chewing gum in various forms has been around since ancient times. The Greeks chewed sap from the mastic tree, called mastiche. On the other side of the world, the ancient Mayans favored the sap of the sapodilla tree (called tsiclte). Native Americans from New England chewed spruce sap—a habit they passed on to European settlers.

Patients and parents often ask about which gum to chew and if it’s safe to chew gum with a palate expander or braces. Patients should not chew gum while they have their expander, but patients with traditional braces can chew gum if it is on the ADA (American Dental Association) approved list of sugar-free gums. These gums are sweetened by non-cavity causing sweeteners such as aspartame, sorbitol or mannitol.

The main benefit of chewing sugar-free gum is increased salivary flow, which helps clear food and acid away from your teeth and therefore lowers the risk of dental decay. The sugar-free gums that currently have the ADA seal of acceptance include 5, Dentyne Ice, Eclipse, Extra, Ice Breakers, Orbit, Stride, and Trident.

Chewing gum is an adjunct to brushing and flossing, but not a substitute for either. The ADA, Dr. Foote and Dr. Piskai recommend brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and cleaning plaque from between your teeth once a day with dental floss or other interproximal dental cleaners.