Who killed Nicandro in Season 3 of Sara?

Who Killed Sara? or ¿Quién Mató a Sara? is a thriller series directed by David Ruiz and starring Ximena Lamadrid, Carolina Miranda, Manolo Cardona, Eugenio Siller and other cast members. The series has 18 episodes across 2 seasons and Who Killed Sara season 3 has 7 episodes, each with a runtime of around 40 minutes.

– Spoilers ahead –

It feels like an era is coming to an end! No, I am being dramatic but not as melodramatic and chaotic as Who Killed Sara season 3. The series, which just delivered its final season on May 18, has taken things up a notch with the trajectory of its storyline.

The Who Killed Sara finale ties up all of the loose ends that we were left with in the last season. Although the series started off as a simple murder mystery, boy, oh boy were we taken for a ride with this one. In the first season, I would not have expected the series to have gone down the path it did. But, since we have come to expect the unexpected from the last two seasons, it’s not totally out of the realm of possibilities. At one point, I expected them to tell me that Sara was another version of Eleven from Stranger Things. I wouldn’t have batted an eye if that had happened.

However, confused about what happened in the Who Killed Sara finale? Well, here we have it all!

Who Killed Sara Season 3 Ending Explained

So, all of this misery and craziness that everyone went through is thanks to a no-one character till now – Reinaldo, who is Nicandro’s father. You know, I always thought that the boy was up to no good and now, after seeing his father, I am glad that I was right. Anyway, everything that has happened till now, Sara’s erratic behaviour, Marifer cutting her safety belt, Alex going to jail and literally anything and everything was preplanned by Reinaldo.

Sara’s accident at Valle turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him since he quietly but surely kidnapped Sara and made her vulnerable mother believe that she had died. She kept her hidden, made her have her (and Cesar’s) baby and then kept the baby away from her to experiment on both mother and daughter. However, things turned sour when Sara had enough of Reinaldo’s crap and took her life.

Alex finds all of this out thanks to Reinaldo’s right-hand woman Tonya and then goes out guns blazing to the Medusa Complex and shoots everyone up to get to her niece. Although Rodolfo and Elisa accompany him, as well as Cesar later on, Rodolfo gets shot while protecting his family and that results in his death. Cesar takes the blame for it all so that his kids are taken care of via the money that Alex stole from him. His change of heart comes around because of his pancreatic cancer which grants him 2 months to live.

Meanwhile, Chema, having taken the blame for two murders, is traumatized after being raped in prison. He comes out eventually (thanks to Dark Desire’s Alma) hating himself and his sexuality and falls into his mother’s manipulation to join Medusa. Of course, that doesn’t work and he goes through more trauma and eventually accepts himself. Meanwhile, Marianna, joins a nunnery and can’t help but face her sins head-on.

I think the saddest character arc of this season is of Elisa who has literally no role other than to look hot and follow Alex around. She achieves nothing, adds nothing to the story and is simply reduced to a supporting spouse role without anything to give in the grand scheme of things.

Who is Reinaldo?

Reinaldo is a new character this season and is Nicandro’s father. He is family friends with the Lazcanos and is sort of the crazy scientist trope. He’s filled with homophobia and hatred and thinks that he can cure schizophrenia and homosexuality somehow. Thanks to his crazy expectations, he kidnaps and experiments on vulnerable people with no escape – he tortures them without batting an eye. And it’s not just strangers, he does the same to his daughter Daniela. He is remorseless and ruthless but loses his life like so many of his patients – from intense shock therapy.

Who Killed Sara season 3 is streaming on Netflix.

Also Read: Who Killed Sara Season 3 Review: Manolo Cardona, Carolina Miranda are Back For More Chaos

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Episode 2 serves as a significant chapter as the ultimate question is answered – is Sara alive?

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 2, “Medusa Complex,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

Imagine if, after three seasons, it turns out Sara is possibly alive — episode 2 explores that idea.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 2 recap

Episode 2 opens up with a flashback; Nicandro’s father explains the “Medusa Complex” to an audience. After, Sara rings him and explains she’s worried about his son and explains Nicandro is selling drugs. Nicandro hears Sara on the phone and stops the conversation. Soon after, Nicandro is arrested. His father tells him he’s disappointed in his children and reveals he called the police on him. He tells Nicandro he works for him moving forward. He wants help getting rid of Sara.

Elisa tells Rodolfo that they are all in danger after Dr. Alanis is killed. Rodolfo is worried because he doesn’t have the money to pay back his father’s debts to the criminals. Alex offers to help him. Afterward, Rodolfo brings the money to the criminals in a briefcase with a code for the combination. The briefcase is a bomb. Alex chose violence.

In a flashback, Daniela is visibly upset, so Alex talks to her. In the next scene, Alex talks to his friends who call Daniela crazy and wonder what her family did to mess her up. In the present, Nicandro’s father allows Nicandro to visit Daniela.

Alex visits Chema in prison. He promises him that they will get him out of there. Chema tells Alex to visit Almas to seek legal help. He doesn’t think he’ll survive in prison much longer as scenes show him getting raped. Alex visits the warden about Chema’s situation. In a flashback, Alex offers to help the warden find out if his wife is cheating by using his hacking skills. In the present, he tells the warden to call Alma, the criminal lawyer. Chema continues getting abused in prison, but someone protects him — Alex has arranged his protection.

Alex looks at Sara’s death certificate with Elisa; they need to know what happened at the hospital between two different times. Flashbacks show Sara’s mother getting followed by two men after the funeral.

The ending

Cesar visits his wife and apologizes to her. However, she isn’t in the mood for his apologies. She wants rid of him, claiming she feels nothing for her husband. She tells him this will be the last time they see each other.

As the episode ends, Sara shows up to Alex and Elisa. She’s alive, or at least she looks like Sara. The strange thing is, she looks the same age!

Episode 2 serves as a significant chapter as the ultimate question is possibly answered – is Sara alive?

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Episode 3 drags the story on, but it’s getting boring.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 3, “Dead or Alive,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

The series has now reached a stage where the plot points need to be tied up. It’s not feeling as compelling and entertaining as the previous seasons.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 3 recap

Episode 3 opens up with Alex looking at the young girl who looks exactly like Sara, but when she was younger. She has files with her from the Medusa Project. Flashbacks show Nicandro’s father celebrating the young girl’s birthday at the strange hospital; he tells her it’s her last day in the facility and that she’s a miracle. In the present, the young girl tells Alex she doesn’t know anyone called Sara. Alex promises to take care of her, but he wants her story. When Rodolfo meets the girl, he’s amazed by how much she looks like Sara.

In a flashback, Sara walks in on her surprise birthday with her friends — she’s 17 now. However, she walks away and goes into her room. Her mother catches her scrambling around her room. It then flits to the strange hospital, and the medical staff tells her mother about treatment to treat her psychotic symptoms. Sara goes through a range of tests. The mother is told Sara has severe paranoid schizophrenia. The mother is distraught, but it’s clear Sara is part of a wider project of Nicandro’s plans for Project Medusa.

Alex and Elisa are troubled over the girl’s origin and suspect she is Sara’s daughter. They know Sara is the only one who can get them the answers they need. Meanwhile, Nicandro tells his father that Lucia (the young girl with Alex and Elisa) has escaped. Nicandro’s father accuses Daniela of helping Lucia escape. Daniela tells him she doesn’t want him to do to Lucia what he did to Sara.

Cesar turns up at Alex’s house, furious that his bank account was emptied. Alex asks Cesar if he killed Dr. Alanis. Cesar claims this is nothing to with him but just wants his money back. Alex and Cesar continue arguing, but then Lucia appears. Alex reveals she is Sara’s daughter, which means she is Cesar’s daughter. They then discuss the strange hospital, but Cesar states he never got involved, but Mariana did. But before they can continue the discussion, the house is sprayed with bullets. It’s Nicandro and his men.

The ending

Alex and Lucia escape in a car, but they are chased down. As they drive away, Alex learns of the young girl’s name — the same name as his mother. They continue to evade their attackers, which leads to a crash. Alex asks an injured Nicandro where Sara is. He tells him she’s where she wants to be. But before they can continue the situation, Alex is shot, and Lucia is kidnapped.

Episode 3 drags the story on, but it’s getting a little boring.

Additional points

  • Chema is visited by Alma, and he tells her he confessed to a crime he didn’t commit out of love. He promises to pay her money once he has it.

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Episode 4 proves this series is no longer a murder thriller — it’s a different story now.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 4, “Welcome to the Medusa Center,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

While the pace of this series is still exhilarating, the story feels wildly different from the first two seasons as the writers attempt to bring it to a close.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 4 recap

Episode 4 opens with a flashback of Sara giving birth to her child. She names her child Lucia. The midwives ask her if she’d like to see her child one last time before taking her away. Suddenly, Sara’s heart rate increases.

In the present, Alex fights for his life at the hospital after Nicandro and his men attacked him. Meanwhile, Chema finally leaves prison, and he’s reunited with Elisa. At the hospital, Cesar tries to make amends with Chema, but he isn’t interested. Chema then tells Alex that he’s going to start a new life — he states they are “even” now.

Distraught that she has no family, Marianna overdoses. Chema finds her, and he’s instantly worried about her. Chema is emotional and tells his mother he wants an everyday life, and he remembers being raped in prison — he’s completely traumatized. Marianna tells her son that she was about to end her life, but then he turned up. Marianna wants access to Chema’s bank account, which includes Lorenzo’s money, so that they can live together. She has a lawyer ask Chema to sign the authorization.

A flashback shows Reinaldo talking to his colleagues about Sara being a good subject for their experiment. He planned for Sara to be introduced to Nicandro’s friends. Sara becoming part of that social group was all engineered.

Knowing her son is struggling, Marianna takes Chema to The Medusa Center. Flashbacks show Sara going through a series of grueling experiments to find a cure for her mental illness, which repeatedly includes electricity to the brain. Further flashbacks show Sara struggling with hallucinations after she escaped the center. She is soon caught, and Reinaldo asks how she feels. He tells her he wants her to be the first patient to conquer schizophrenia with his experiment.

The ending

The ending of episode 4 strongly focuses on the conspiracy.

In the present day, Daniela is getting punished at The Medusa Center for helping Lucia escape.

Also, in the present, Cesar tells Alex about The Medusa Center and the experiments Reinaldo held to try and defeat mental illnesses. Alex gets out of bed and states he’s going to save Lucia.

Episode 4 proves this series is no longer a murder thriller — it’s a different story now.

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At this stage of the series, it’s regurgitating plot points as it’s clear the story has run out of steam.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 5, “Lab Rats,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 5 recap

Episode 5 opens with Nicandro visiting Daniela in a flashback. They haven’t seen each other for a long time, so it’s an emotional embrace. While they hug, Daniela steals Nicandro’s phone. She then tells Lucia that they are lab rats, which isn’t “real life.” And then, Daniela helps Lucia escape.

In the present, Elisa and Rodolfo ask Marianna where Chema is. She doesn’t reveal where he is (The Medusa Center). Meanwhile, Chema is at the center as he believes they will be treating him for this trauma. He has no idea what he’s signed himself up for.

In a flashback, Sara accuses Marifer and her mother of plotting against her. After, she asks Nicandro if she can sell drugs with him. Marifer argues with Nicandro after, stating that Sara is her friend. But then, Marifer learns that Nicandro is also working with The Medusa Project. The series seems to be giving similar flashbacks but from a different perspective.

In a flashback, Chema touches Alex’s p***s while he’s asleep. Meanwhile, Reinaldo believes he can “cure” homosexuality and schizophrenia. He uses a Freudian theory to present his case, linking chromosomes from the mother to being the cause. In the present, Chema is being experimented on. He’s shown a video of Alex naked in the shower. He’s confused about how Reinaldo had this video. Chema is injected with adrenaline as he watches the video.

The ending

The flashbacks with Sara continue as she confronts Reinaldo and then runs away from security. Marifer overhears Reinaldo talking to his team about lying to Sara about her baby — they want to tell her that her child died.

In a flashback, Reinaldo confronts Sara’s mother; they want Sara’s diary. When she states she doesn’t know where it is, he kills her.

At this stage of the series, it’s regurgitating plot points as it’s clear the story has run out of steam.

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This needs to end, so let’s be thankful the next episode is the final ever chapter.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 6, “What Happened to Sara,” contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

Where this series started to where it is now was not worth the investment. It’s somehow gone down a less interesting path.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 6 recap

In a flashback, Mariana and Cesar visit Reinaldo’s office as the scientist continues to sell the Medusa Project. Cesar is impressed with the facility and its security. Reinaldo then introduces them to Tonya. She oversees the facility. In the present day, Cesar and Tonya are sleeping together. After sex, Cesar points a gun at her and asks where Sara is. In a flashback, Reinaldo is alerted that Sara has found a weapon. In another flashback, Nicandro and Marifer are keeping tabs on Sara. When Marifer finds her, Sara is talking to Mariana about her pregnancy. Again, this is another flashback from a different perspective.

In the present, Alex tells Elisa he will do anything to find his sister, but she reminds him of the risks. Cesar reveals he has kidnapped Tonya, knowing she will be able to help them. Elisa is disgusted that this is the solution. She refuses to abuse a woman to get what they want. Elisa has recognized the abuse her father has facilitated to women over the years, and she can no longer enable it.

Regardless, Alex interrogates Tonya and wants information on his sister. In a flashback, Sara’s mother wants to look in the coffin where Sara’s body is supposedly is, but they wheel the coffin away.

In another flashback, Sara asks Tonya if she can see Alex, but Tonya tells her she needs to get better. Meanwhile, Reinaldo presents to an audience his experiment using Sara as an example — he claims he has a drug that cures schizophrenia and homosexuality. In the present, he asks Nicandro to find a way to get Alex off his back.

The ending

The penultimate chapter feels underwhelming and predictable.

Flashbacks show that Reinaldo told Marifer to take the blame for Sara’s death, linking to the last season. Nicandro visited Sara’s bedroom (with Alex’s permission) and confirms to his father that everything is the same in the room. Meanwhile, in the present, Tonya tells Alex that she can tell him where Sara is.

This needs to end, so let’s be thankful the next episode is the final ever chapter.

Additional points

  • Reinaldo kills his wife after a confrontation in the swimming pool.

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The finale is fast-paced but conclusive, which is all the audience needs.

This recap of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 7, “What Did You Do, Sara?” — the ending explained — contains spoilers.

Read the recap of the previous episode.

Is Sara dead? That’s the remaining important question in this series, as the writers do well to provide a conclusive story.

Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 7 recap – the ending explained

Episode 7 opens up with an experiment videotape archived by The Medusa Project. They are interviewing Sara in it. She’s asked to describe her family. Further scenes show the experiments she had to endure. She explains how much she loves her brother and her mother. Sara wants to leave The Medusa Center and start a happy family. It’s clear that Sara was routinely abused; she never had the chance to have an everyday life, bringing a sad tone to the finale.

In the present day, Tonya tells Alex the truth about Sara, and she wants to know what he’s going to do now. But Alex continues to keep her tied up. He then drives off, leaving Rodolfo and Elisa behind, and heads to the Medusa Center.

At The Medusa Center, Chema is still going through the experiments. Reinaldo asks Chema if he’s feeling pleasure from the gay sex videos. Chema claims he’s no longer attracted to men. Reinaldo tells him he can help, but Chema claims only Alex can help. Reinaldo brings in a naked woman for him to have sex with.

When Alex reaches the Medusa Center, he immediately starts his assault using a rifle, bringing down a few security guards. Elisa and Rodolfo eventually join him. They head inside, tie people up, and ask about the whereabouts of Reinaldo. Alex asks Rodolfo to look after Elisa as he scours the facility alone.

The alarms go off at the facility as Alex starts the second phase of his mission. Meanwhile, flashbacks show Reinaldo running towards Sara, who’s stabbed herself with a knife in the corridor. Meanwhile, Marifer dies on her hospital bed.

Eventually, Alex finds Reinaldo, who tries to shoot him. He tells Alex that if he kills him, he’ll never know the truth about Sara. But the gunfight continues anyway, and Alex shoots him in the leg. Meanwhile, Lucia escapes her room. Flashbacks show that Sara refused to be experimented on any further by Reinaldo, which is why she stabbed herself.

In the present, Alex is reunited with Chema and Daniela. He tells Chema and Daniela to go without him as he isn’t finished yet. He continues to track down Reinaldo. Lucia, Chema, and Daniela are reunited with Elisa and Rodolfo. Cesar shows up too. As Daniela expresses her frustration that there’s nothing to cure in this facility, one of the security guards frees themselves.

Alex finds Reinaldo hiding in a room. Flashbacks show that Tonya told Alex that Sara is dead after she couldn’t handle the experiments; she revealed she had killed herself. In the present, Reinaldo tells Alex that Sara was very valuable to him. He said he did everything for the sake of science, and Sara made a great contribution. Alex tells Reinaldo that he screwed up his life before torturing him with his own experiment, electrocuting his brain without gel on the equipment. He fries his brain until he dies. Afterward, Cesar tells Alex to keep the money he stole, and he wants him to share it with his children.

Meanwhile, the security guard that freed himself shoots Rodolfo, but then Cesar shows up and shoots the man in the head. Rodolfo dies, but he sees Lucia before his last breath. He calls her Sara. Another tragedy in the story.

The ending

The ending of the series ties up loose ends to make the story conclusive.

The police arrive at the Medusa Center and arrest Cesar. He tells the officers that he’s solely responsible and that he murdered Abel Martinez and Reinaldo. He’s doing everything he can to make up for what he did to Alex and his family. Cesar is sentenced to 40 years in prison for his crimes. He’ll die in prison. As he’s escorted away, Cesar tells Alex that he’s proud of him. He looks at his children, knowing that he’s doing the right thing. He asks Alex to take care of his daughter Elisa. Flashbacks show that Cesar has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

Mariana now works at a monastery, cleaning for the nuns. She keeps seeing visions of her family, filled with regret. She is still physically hurting herself. She’s now in her own hell, which she deserves.

As the episode ends, Alex visits Sara’s grave, but he’s happy with Elisa by his side. Lucia has also joined the family. The ending scene shows Lucia, Elisa, Chema, and Alex walking together. Their past behind them. Their future is ahead of them.

The finale is fast-paced but conclusive, which is all the audience needs.

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Who Killed Sara? may have finally reached the truth regarding Sara, but it does so with a strained story trying to make a larger but not needed conspiracy.

This review of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3 does not contain spoilers.

Read the ending explained for Who Killed Sara? season 3. 

I was surprised, like most viewers, when Who Killed Sara? got a second season. But a third? That felt like a massive stretch. The title is wildly ironic because we spend most of the time not knowing who killed Sara, while the series interweaves a million other subplots to scramble our brains. At the end of season 2, we were left with two potential killers, but season 3 is legitimate whiplash. It turns into a conspiracy-filled thriller, rather than a murder mystery, and I am confused about why.

And sure, there’s nothing wrong with a story expanding to new heights, but Who Killed Sara? season 3 writes itself into a bizarre corner. It turns into a story regarding a mad scientist trying to “change the world,” who was pulling the strings all along. Dodgy facilities are introduced, and the lead characters try to balance the story with the new plot points providing a curve ball.

It just doesn’t work. The series was compelling before because we were getting closer to Sara’s killer. The angle in season 3 takes away the magic and sensationalism of the series. It takes away the unnecessary, but entertaining drama, and replaces it with an ultimate villain that doesn’t fit into the overall story. It’s massively disappointing. 

We should be grateful that it is over. This story should have had two seasons maximum, and this season is maybe “proof in the pudding” that concepts can be stretched too thin, and ruin the overall story.

Who Killed Sara? may have finally reached the truth regarding Sara, but it does so with a strained story trying to make a larger, but not needed conspiracy.

What did you think of Netflix’s Who Killed Sara? season 3, episode 7, and the ending? Comment below.

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