When do your boobs start leaking during pregnancy

When do your boobs start leaking during pregnancy

The breasts may produce milk weeks before the baby is due during pregnancy. If the breasts are leaking during pregnancy, it is usually due to a substance called colostrum. Breast leaking during pregnancy is quite normal. Colostrum is the first milk prepared by the breasts that will feed the baby to be born.

Colostrum is particularly nutritious for the baby. It contains high amounts of protein and is low on fats and sugar. It protects the baby from falling sick as it is loaded with antibodies. 

When does breast leaking happen?

Each woman will have a different experience with leaking breasts. Some women start leaking before and might notice breast leaking during the 2nd trimester, around 26 –30 weeks of pregnancy. In some, it may not start until the last trimester. The leaking may also increase in some women when the due date is very near, and in some, there is no leaking until post-delivery.

How does a woman notice their breasts leaking?

  • The stimulation of breasts during foreplay might cause it to discharge a few drops
  • The breast could also leak clear fluid when the nipples are rubbed against the clothing during physical exercise

Is Colostrum a sign of labor?

Since they usually leak during the last trimester of pregnancy, breast leaking is commonly mistaken for signs of upcoming labor. During sex, uterine contractions accompany breast leaks as well. However, breast leaking does not indicate any symptoms of preterm labor.

What are the causes of breast leaking?

The causes of breast leaking can include prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production after the baby’s birth. It starts increasing during pregnancy, usually in the third trimester. Colostrum can leak out a bit if the prolactin levels slightly surpass estrogen and progesterone levels.

Is a doctor consultation necessary?

Breast leaking during pregnancy is normal, and if the leaking of milk is much more than what they are comfortable with, they can try putting tissues or an absorbent breast pad (certain times called maternity breast pads or nursing pads) in their bra to absorb the milk. If the leakage is more than usual (more than a few drops) or if the colostrum is bloody, a doctor should be consulted immediately.

You might be surprised to find a few drops of liquid on your bra during pregnancy.  

You might be worried that something’s wrong. Is leaking milk during pregnancy normal?

Don’t worry, mama…  it’s just colostrum (the first milk your body produces), and leaking it during pregnancy is actually quite common!

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You body starts producing colostrum in the 2nd semester of pregnancy – normally around the 16-22nd week mark.  

While you probably won’t start leaking right away, you may begin leaking colostrum in your 3rd trimester as you get closer to your due date.  It’s most common in the final weeks of pregnancy.

Colostrum leaks occasionally happen during pregnancy because prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production, increases in late pregnancy so your body will be ready to breastfeed.

To avoid any mortifying wet spots, you’ll need some breast pads. We always recommend THESE because they’re reusable, eco-friendly, and will save you a fortune compared to disposable ones. 

What If I Don’t Ever Start Leaking Colostrum?

Some women never leak colostrum at all.  That’s perfectly normal too and nothing to worry about.

Whether you leak a little colostrum during pregnancy, or never at all… it’s all normal.

If you do start to leak a little, just let your healthcare provider know so they can add it to your chart.

Did you know?

Colostrum is often referred to as “liquid gold.”  It’s the first milk you produce and while it’s small in volume, it’s mighty in its benefits!  It is antibody-rich, high-protein and is the perfect first food for your newborn’s tiny tummy.  It has everything your baby needs for the first few days postpartum until your colostrum begins to transition to mature milk. (also known as when your milk “comes in”, which usually happens around days 2-5 postpartum)

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Pregnancy is all about changes; not just in the little ‘being’ growing in your belly, but also in you. Your body undergoes so many changes as it prepares for the birth of your baby. Leaking breasts can be one of them, and you need not be scared. Breasts usually leak when they are full of milk and they tend to overflow.

In the beginning, a woman does not start producing milk until one or two days after the baby is born. You may notice a yellowish liquid oozing from your breasts. This is colostrum, your baby’s first nourishment even before milk. It may be equally surprising to know that your breasts have been producing this ‘baby-food’ right from the 14th week of pregnancy.

Leaking breasts can be quite an embarrassment but it is perfectly normal. In case of breast leaking during pregnancy, a clear fluid called colostrum may ooze out and it is a healthy sign that your body is preparing your baby’s food. Colostrum is particularly nutritious for your baby and helps in early digestion. It contains high amounts of protein and is low on fats and sugar. It is also loaded with antibodies that protect your baby from falling sick.

When Do Your Breasts Usually Start Leaking in Pregnancy?

Because there is no thumb rule in pregnancy, every expecting mother will have a different experience. Some women may notice breast leaking during 2nd trimester, around 26 –30 weeks of pregnancy. This is quite common among pregnant women. However, there are also instances when women have leaking breasts as early as 12–14 weeks of pregnancy or it may not begin until the last trimester.

As the due date approaches, this leaking may also increase in some women. There may also be cases where there is no leaking until after delivery. Whatever the case may be, you needn’t fret over it. This is no indication of whether or not you can breastfeed your little one. Some women may not experience leaking even right after delivery. If it still worries you, feel free to discuss this with your doctor.

Yes, breast leaking during the 8th month of pregnancy or during the final weeks is normal. It may differ from woman to woman. Do not panic if you spray some milk while showering or when you are changing your clothes. During the third trimester, your body has high levels of the hormone called prolactin. This hormone helps in producing milk in the breasts and is responsible for prepping the food for your baby. The breasts generally spurt some milk when they are stimulated. So you may end up oozing even when having sex during the third trimester.

Leaking breasts are commonly mistaken for signs of oncoming labour as they usually occur during the last trimester of pregnancy. Sometimes, breast leakage is also accompanied by uterine contractions when having sex. This definitely does not mean preterm labour as breasts play no part in indicating symptoms of preterm labour.

How to Deal With Breast Leaking While Pregnant?

  • Stop worrying. Leaking breasts can be a pain, but don’t let them be one. Brush it off with some good-natured humour and add it to your kitty of funny pregnancy anecdotes.
  • Feed your baby regularly. Breast leaking generally comes down if you frequently breastfeed your baby. But if you are still producing a lot of milk, then the best thing would be to express it out. Otherwise, it may lead to clogging.
  • Use breasts pads. Breast leaking becomes a nuisance especially when you have to step out of the house. The market is flooded with a range of reusable or disposable breast pads. Take your pick. Also, change them frequently during the course of the day to maintain hygiene.
  • Maternity bras to the rescue. Cotton maternity bras are more comfortable than regular ones and may be just the thing for you. They are particularly helpful during the nights.
  • Keep spares handy. Always carry an extra bra and t-shirt or dress in your bag and ‘spare’ yourself the embarrassment.
  • Patterns trending. Camouflage those leakage stains with patterned tees. Make a style statement while you are at it.

As you can see, breast milk leaking during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon. However, if the oozing milk is not the thick, creamy liquid, then there is cause for worry. You must rush to your doctor if the milk is either bloody or may be foul-smelling. You might want to rule out the chances of intraductal papilloma or bacterial infection. In very rare cases, this may also be the first signs of breast cancer. Therefore, it becomes imperative to consult your doctor.

Sometimes, in the last trimester, it may be detected that the baby’s growth may not be adequate or may be born with Down’s syndrome or with a cleft palate, etc. In such cases, your doctor may advise you to express the early colostrums during pregnancy. Follow your doctor’s directions for expressing and storing of the colostrums.

As irritating as it can be, don’t let breast leaking ruin your pregnancy experience. And do not compare with others. Some women may leak a lot while others may not. Women who have been pregnant before may begin leaking earlier and in much more quantities. It may be quite different for you if you are a first-time mother. What you must remember is that leaking does not affect your health or that of your baby. Trust nature to take care of you and your baby.

Also Read:

How Breast Changes during Pregnancy
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