What zodiac sign is january 7

January 7 Zodiac Sign - Capricorn

Being a Capricorn born on January 7th, your personality is defined by your adaptive, charming and hardworking nature. While there are many people that struggle with new situations, environments or people, you are not amongst them. You take to new experiences with excitement and when people over with your sociability and warmth. Although you may not realize it, your charm is quite irresistible and explains for your numerous friends. Those closest to you would be sure to mention your work ethic as one of your most admirable qualities; you will work tirelessly to accomplish a task that you feel to be worthwhile.

January 7 Birthday Element - Earth

Earth is the paired element of the Capricorn and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with the element. Your unique relationship with Earth makes you more of a self-starter than other earth zodiac signs. Your active Earthly qualities are paired well with the pragmatic and realistic outlook that all Earth signs share. As you stay grounded, you will be able to work towards practical goals. Be wary of Earth’s negative qualities however, as an overly-cautious mindset may cause you to miss exciting opportunities.

January 7 Ruling Planet - Saturn

Your sign’s planetary ruler is Saturn, but as you were born in the second, Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive the mysterious planetary influence of Venus. While Saturn’s influence can be witnessed in your determined, disciplined and organized nature, the influence of Venus is reflected in your appreciation of beauty and sociability. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you far more social and creative than the other Capricorn Decans. You have the fortitude and creativity to meet any challenge and solve any problem. In love, you take the same determination and pair it with attention and affection. If your planetary influences had one downfall, it would be pessimism. Take care to avoid depressed moods by trying to find the positives in all situations and relationships.

January 7 Capricorn Personality

Capricorns born on January 7 have a sensitive, vulnerable quality that endears them to others. They have a strong spiritual nature as well as a social conscience. They are likely to experience a conflict between inner-life needs and external responsibilities. This has the potential to create a powerful dichotomy, requiring soul-searching and introspection.

January 7 born people are very stubborn, which frequently affects their inner judgements about others. They tend to be nosy about certain things. When they don’t feel right with any person, they will never mingle with them in future. Also, they get disappointed very much when they get insulted by the people they love.

They imagine many unrealistic situations or goals, which makes them depressed when they cannot fulfil these goals. As these individuals have some weird hobbies and obsessions, sometimes they hold back achieving their interests due to others opinions.

Being a Capricorn born on January 7th, your personality is defined by your adaptive, charming and hardworking nature. While there are many people that struggle with new situations, environments or people, you are not amongst them. You take to new experiences with excitement and when people over with your sociability and warmth. Although you may not realize it, your charm is quite irresistible and explains for your numerous friends. Those closest to you would be sure to mention your work ethic as one of your most admirable qualities; you will work tirelessly to accomplish a task that you feel to be worthwhile.

Earth is the paired element of the Capricorn and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only cardinal connection with the element. Your unique relationship with Earth makes you more of a self-starter than other earth zodiac signs. Your active Earthly qualities are paired well with the pragmatic and realistic outlook that all Earth signs share. As you stay grounded, you will be able to work towards practical goals. Be wary of Earth's negative qualities however, as an overly-cautious mindset may cause you to miss exciting opportunities.

Your sign's planetary ruler is Saturn, but as you were bon in the second, Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive the mysterious planetary influence of Venus. While Saturn's influence can be witnessed in your determined, disciplined and organized nature, the influence of Venus is reflected in your appreciation of beauty and sociability. Your unique combination of planetary powers makes you far more social and creative than the other Capricorn Decans. You have the fortitude and creativity to meet any challenge and solve any problem. In love, you take the same determination and pair it with attention and affection. If your planetary influences had one downfall, it would be pessimism. Take care to avoid depressed moods by trying to find the positives in all situations and relationships.

Since it is very difficult to choose a career, you are lucky to have several natural abilities that can lead to success in any field. Your determination and creativity would be well-served in demanding fields like advertising, sales and promotions. On the other hand, your preference to be social and warm can lead you to careers in education or mediation. The entertainment world may prove too alluring to ignore, especially film and television. If this is the case, let the fruitful careers of Nicolas Cage and David Caruso, who both share your January 7th birthday, inspire you.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is a woman engaging in secret nude bathing. Society's rigid structure can make one feel bonded at time. If you are feeling constrained, find a healthy way to release your inhibitions and experience new-found freedom.

Here are a few Capricorn celebrities born on January 7 and their past or present romantic connections:

Nicolas Cage (Capricorn) and Patricia Arquette (Aries)
Lewis Hamilton (Capricorn) and Nicole Scherzinger (Cancer)

January 7 is associated with Birthday Number 8
January 7 is associated with Tarot Card 3 of Pentacles

If you were born on January 7, your zodiac sign is Capricorn.


Men and women born on this day are very independent, sociable, intelligent, and sensual. They tend to have a strong will and discernment. The ruling planet on this day is Neptune, it gives these individuals a great intuition and the ability to understand the people around them.

If you were born on this day, then you are good-natured and friendly, highly value your privacy. You incredibly love your independence and want to follow your own path, not listen to the opinions of others. These people always fulfill their promises, and if they said something, they will adhere to their idea.

Your life path number is 7, this is the number of “Secrets”, so in your life, you should always reach for the unknown and the mysterious.

The tarot card is the Chariot, it gives people stability and the gift of discovering all the secrets.
Your gemstone is Jade, wearing this stone will increase your financial success and save you from negativity.

Strengths: intelligence, imagination, responsiveness.

Weaknesses: bizarre ideas, excessive curiosity, nervousness.


People born specifically on January 7 are highly independent, sociable, intelligent, and sensitive. Like your Capricorn zodiac sign of the Goat, you are generally strong-willed and perceptive with a good sense of direction. The planet Neptune is the astrological ruler of this particular day, which gives personalities a lot of intuition and a good understanding of others. If you have this birthday , you are generally friendly and will enjoy the company of other people, although you value your privacy very much and you also like to be alone. People with a seventh birthday in January love their independence and like to make their way in life, they do not easily accept help from others. You must also have a hint of psychic ability and you are exceptionally loyal and decisive.

Work and Finance

The ideal career for a person born on January 7th would be any profession that requires a creative mind. While this is perfect in theory, your sensitivity and fear of criticism generally steer you toward more mundane career options. Your greater ability to understand people’s actions and thoughts means that you will enjoy working with and for others. Financially, you should be comfortable as you are a hard worker and have money management skills. If additional funds are needed, you are prepared to put in more hours and are inventive enough to find or create additional sources of income.

Personal relationships

As a Capricorn, you are generally a bit distant and calm emotionally, and it can be difficult to get close to you. Being people-oriented earns you a wide circle of friends, but when it comes to closer relationships, you can be immensely shy. Your seemingly distant exterior hides a passionate and loving centre that will only reveal itself to those who know you very well. You will look for a partner who is intellectually compatible, receptive, and able to share your ambitions and world-views. A soulmate will also need to be as free-spirited as you and able to cope with your need for personal space and moments of solitude. Even though you seem tough emotionally and are very cautious with your emotions, you are still quite susceptible to hurting yourself.


The health of those born on January 7 is generally good when things are going well and you are happy and calm. However, your body chemistry is easily upset, and any worry or disorder can upset your balance. If you have unresolved issues in your mind, this will affect your usual sleeping patterns, leading to fatigue and a bad mood during the day. Getting enough rest is the key to your physical and mental well-being. If you ever have trouble sleeping due to worrying about a situation, you should try to fix it as soon as possible. This will ensure that you maintain your overall health and vitality.

Strengths and weaknesses

Your main character strengths lie in your instinctive intellect and imagination and the ease you often have in accepting circumstances. These receptive and mature qualities in your characteristics allow you to remain calm in situations where others would be nervous. Personality weaknesses in those born on January 7 centre on their negative tendencies to get too involved or have fanciful notions. Sometimes you are prone to being a bit nosy and interfering, but this is only when your curiosity gets the better of you. You are naturally helpful, so your curiosity is usually just a concern.


Being born on January 7 means that you are likely to have an avid fascination with the many mysteries in the world. Any dream or goal you set for yourself will likely be based on advancing your worldly knowledge rather than on the achievement of materialistic goals. You will discover that you have a reliable sixth sense and if you listen to your perceptiveness it will act as a directional guide. Since you have no preconceptions about people and the future, you are happy to go with the flow. Your most desired wish is happiness and having a positive purpose in your life.

Lucky birthday

Since you were born on the seventh day of the month, your birthday has a Root Number Seven birthday. “Mystery” is the special keyword for this number association and it accentuates your interest in everything mysterious. The Tarot card associated with your birthday is the seventh card of the Major Arcana, The Chariot. This possibly denotes your gift of solid steadfastness and determination on life’s uncertain path. The lucky gemstone, especially for January, the 7th birthday, is jade and it is believed that wearing it or having it in the home increases finances and eliminates negativity.

The star sign of Capricorn individuals is astrologically ruled and therefore influenced in their probable traits and behaviors by the planet Saturn. The actual day you were born, January 7, is cosmically ruled by the celestial body Neptune. Your unique personality was created as a result of the fusion of these two planetary influences. Your high intellect and maturity will help you achieve great things for yourself, while your creativity and awareness should help you help others. If you overcome your shyness in intimate relationships and work as one toward common goals, it will give you greater confidence. One last thought for people born on January 7 to ponder is to trust their natural senses and not ignore them, as most of the time they are correct.

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