What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Astrology is fun. This is coming from a Gemini whose horoscope is never right. This aside, I thought it would be fun to combine a fun hobby with one of my favorite shows. (Mostly, thought, it's because I just finished Season 5 and am currently having withdrawals.) With that, here's your fav NYPD Precinct described using zodiac signs.

**Just a quick shoutout to NBC for saving this gem of a show. Also, if astrology bugs, you should go watch this show anyway because there's representation and it makes me cackle on a regular basis.**

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


Lord knows this boy is always on his Aries bullshit. Whether it's lighting things on fire, being an unknown level of impulsive or making everything into a competition, he always finds a way to make it Aries season.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


A classic Virgo: everything has its place, and, if it isn't in its place, then the world might as well burst into flames. While kind and hardworking, she's overly critical of others, but, most of all, herself. And no, you can't borrow her pens--you're just gonna mess them up.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


If you ain't talking your credit score, I don't wanna talk. Captain Holt makes sure that practical matters are prioritized above all else. What's the line between discipline and condescending? Capricorns don't care. They draw the friggin' line.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


Charles' undying loyalty to his friends makes him a textbook Cancer. Especially his unconditional love to Jake. Only a Cancer would willingly get frosted tips to match and support their best friend.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


Reliable, patient and kick-ass. Maybe she won't open up to you emotionally, but Rosa is one of the best long-term friends you could have. Don't freak her out though, y'all, this girl is an earth sign; any sudden change will get you a punch in the throat.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


The Libra is cooperative and diplomatic, perfect for being a Sergeant as well as the voice of reason for the rest of the squad. Lord knows that he can draw inspiration from anything, be it a good book, puzzle or a yogurt.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago


While creative and passionate, Leos are stubborn and will often refuse to comply with others if they are not being actively praised or admired. Makes sense as to why Gina does everything on her own terms. You will always see this girl come out on top.

Whether you think astrology is a literal science or complete bs, there's no doubt that it's fun to talk about. Go watch "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," it's on Hulu and is absolutely wonderful. And, as a bonus, I'm pretty sure Hitchcock and Scully are two halves of Gemini twins. Ya know, they just eat more and like to take their clothes off.

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Student Life

It used to be that if you loved comic books, video games, books, or the like, you get shoved into a locker by a member of the football team or a cheerleader. And if you also didn’t do their homework, you’re marked as a social outcast for the rest of your school life...if you weren’t already one anyway. But nowadays that seems to have taken a rather big change. Now if you don’t like this certain pop franchise, you’ve been living under a rock or not "hip" with current trends per se. Or if your opinion/level of knowledge isn’t the same as the majorities, you’re not a true fan or some other derogatory word and you should go die; the internet’s words, not mine.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

(Somehow, that's a tame insult from the internet.)

Admittedly, it’s not hard to see why. Let’s look.

Back in the day, it was the norm that if you weren’t a straight, athletic white male, you weren’t that accepted in society; nor would pop culture admit you exist by not having representation. This was lessened if you were a white woman or African-American but even then…well, let’s just say every stereotype tends to start in the media. And that’s not even getting into the LGBTQ+ community.

Because of this, once the internet started getting big, many of these people turned to the internet for shelter and comfort. One of the sites many people turned to was Tumblr. But that came at a price; so many of these people became so territorial of their love for their franchises that they began to insult others and scowl at anything they deemed heresy. And those people were nothing but evil.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

One big example is the shipping wars.

Shipping is derived from the ‘ship’ in ‘relationship’. Shipping is believing two characters belong in a romantic relationship. For example, if you believe that Peter Parker aka Spider-Man should be with MJ Watson, you ship them. But because of the who took to Tumblr for shelter, many people started shipping in a homosexual way. That’s not a bad thing by any means, but that meant those shippers became so protective of their ships that anyone that disagreed with them or shipped in a heterosexual way, were deemed homophobic and got insults, death threats and the like. Now, we’ve become the bullies. But instead of shoving people into lockers, we threaten to end their lives…for little more than a disagreement.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Of course, the existence of trolls and people who get offended too easily or just for the sake of getting offended hasn’t exactly helped that point; since many of those homosexual shippers fell into their trap hook, line, and sinker.

What happened? We used to hold our status of "geeks" with pride. But now, it seems like we’re now the ones that shove people into lockers. I get that you were bullied for being different. So was I; but now that difference is the new norm. And it seems we’re taking advantage of that in the worst way. We shouldn’t be like this. Let us be better people.


If you're lucky enough to be a mom or dad to a Brussels Griffon, you know you can relate to the following:

1. "Is that a baby pug?"

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Um, no. Not even close. If you own a Petite Brabancon—aka a short hair Griffon—you get this on the reg.

2. Your pupperoni likes to be held like a baby, literally.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

You know grabbing your dog by the tummy and holding them like some sort of peasant pup is a big no no. Brussels Griffons like you to support their little butts and use your arm like a cradle—just like a human baby. It's even better when they take their front paws and wrap their little arms around your neck. *swoon*

3. Hearing your little furry best friend snore might just be the cutest thing in the world.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

SO. PRECIOUS. And they're probably just dreaming about you holding them.

4. But it's even better to hear your dog bark.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Your Griffon's bark is so tiny and soft that you've had people accuse you of taking out their voice box. Um, no. They come like that. Pint-sized.

5. Your dog does not play well with others. (Unless it's another Brussels Griffon.)

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

All that cuteness comes with a side of snob. Brussels Griffons usually only love their own kind. Being in a #GriffonGang is a very exclusive club.

6. But they still think they can hang with the big dogs.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Every Griffon owner has that panicky moment when their little pupper tries to playfully bite a Great Dane, Mastiff, or other loveable large doggo. You know it could be over in two seconds.

7. You know their favorite seat in the house is your lap.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

They are the definition of a velcro dog.

8. If you weren't into beards before adopting, you definitely are now.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

A Brussels' beard is just about the cutest little thing on Earth. They look like little old men.

9. You know that your dog is right on the line of really really ugly and really really cute.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Some days, you probably can't even decide yourself. (Just kidding, they are the cutest things to ever walk this Earth.)

10. You get told that your dog looks like Chewbacca/Gremlin/Alien/E.T./Dobby the House Elf ALL. THE. TIME.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

They've definitely got a unique look. But it's one that melts your heart.

11. You've wasted your time trying to train them.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Brussels Griffons are the best dogs in the world if you're looking for a cuddle buddy and loyal companion. But they're a little bit stubborn. They'd rather have an hour long cuddling session on the couch than for you to try and get their rear ends to sit.

12. But you know they are as smart as can be.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Just because they don't like to be trained, doesn't mean they aren't smart little creatures. You know your Griffon is clever as can be. Whether it's convincing you to feed them more food, finding the best nap spot, or discovering the best little nook in the backyard, there's no doubt they are the sharpest tool in the small dog shed.

13. You know "the look."

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Your dog always looks at you as if it's judging you. It's just their face.

14. Your dog has the biggest personality.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Small things come in big packages is right. You swear your dog is a literal human. Their faces let them show every thought they're thinking. So. Cute.

15. You love telling people all about Brussels Griffons.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Since adopting, you've basically become a spokesperson for the breed. The world would be a better place with more Griffons, for sure.

16. And you instantly bond when you meet another Brussels Griffon mom or dad.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

You've started full-blown friendships just from sharing the same dog breed.

17. You could never ever imagine your life without them.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

A Brussels Griffon is a life-long friend. They are truly the definition of perfection. They instantly fill your heart with so much joy and love.

18. Adopting him or her was the best decision you ever made.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

Best. Friends. Forever.


Most days are 12+ hours starting at the break of dawn and not ending until the late night but I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Days might include during a scene 8 different times in 4 different camera angles all while doing mundane acts like walking back and forth on set or eating a burger. Some days if you’re lucky you can be featured, meaning definite airtime, and that’s just doing the same mundane things all while trying not to look at the big black camera that’s about 5-10 feet away.

Now I am by no means downplaying ANY of this because this is my dream job. They aren't kidding when they say its "movie magic". To see how the whole crew works tirelessly to set up one scene and in a matter of minutes tear the whole thing down and set up for another or how the camera men work with the people in lighting to get the right lens flare or move around the cast to get the perfect shot. There's just so much that goes on behind the camera that brings the whole production together.

If I'm being honest, the hardest part about being an extra is keeping a straight face. If you're filming a scared or sad scene, the first few takes might be easy to keep the façade up but on take 12, there's only so much head shaking and pouting that you can do before you crack. But I don't even have to think about the best part of being on set, it’s definitely the food! I know what you're thinking, what about seeing yourself on screen or the finished product? That my friends, comes in a VERY close second. The food that they cater to the background is what dreams are made of. In all my experiences, I haven't come across a bad catering.

What zodiac sign is amy santiago

My advice to anyone wanting to go into background work is, GO FOR IT. It's the funnest job I've ever had, the days aren't easy, and the work isn't consistent, but the experiences on set are the best memories I could ask for. I've met some of my favorite actors and actresses while on set and have even been fortunate enough to have made a quick appearance on one of my favorite shows, so what more could I ask for?


You suck for being a sucky boyfriend first and for most.

Just because I came before her doesn't give you an excuse.

You can't have your cake and eat it to.

Because of you, I know exactly who your girlfriend is or was. Mainly, because I have to look at her page to see if you're lying about your most recent break up. She is pretty, and skinny, and I envy her in every way. I envy her, because she has you, but you're so awful to her.

I know I shouldn't entertain you, but no one sees my side. They don't know how much you beg me, and pinky promise that you are single. Then I end up caving in, because I have feelings too. Just in time, for you guys to work everything out, and get back together: if you were ever even broken up at all.

It's just like clock work. As soon, as I fill the void that you left, you start trying to come back.

I get that it shouldn't be hard to ignore you, but it is. I haven't built my wall high enough just yet to keep you out. I shouldn't have to avoid someone I am so completely invested in, because I'm not their main priority. I'm not sure yet why I wasn't enough for you but I am constantly reminded of it rather it be your cute post about your appreciation and "love" for her or running into the both of you out at the bars. You're someone I can't hide from in this small town no matter how hard I try.

But from here on out, I hope you guys live a happy life. I pray that one day you become the amazing man she sees you as now. I hope you live up to every standard she thinks you're fulfilling already. I hope she never has to see the side of you that I have these past few months.

I truly hope you the best with or without her.