What were two key differences between the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution?

The difference between Articles of Confederation and US Constitution exists in many factors such as the legislature, executive, members of Congress, etc. Articles of Confederation and US Constitution are agreement and law respectively concerned with the United States of America. The Articles of Confederation is an agreement among the 13 founding states of America. This agreement established the fact that the United States of America is a confederation of sovereign states. In fact, it can be said that the articles of confederation served as the first constitution of the United States of America. On the other hand, the US Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. The US Constitution is the framework for the organization of the United States government. It is also a constitution meant for the relationship of the federal government with the states of America and the citizens of the country of America. This is the constitution the US is currently following.

What is Articles of Confederation?

The Articles of Confederation is the first constitution under which the United States of America operated. The Articles of Confederation was created on November 15, 1777. It was ratified on March 1, 1781. The members of the Continental Congress were the authors of the Articles of Confederation. All the members of the continental congress officiated as signatories of the Articles of Confederation. Between two and seven members per state constitute the members of the Congress of the Articles of Confederation.

It is interesting to note that the Articles of Confederation gave a sort of legitimacy to the Continental Congress to give green signal to the American Revolutionary War. As a matter of fact, confederation type constitution proved to be a very weak constitution for the United States, and this is the reason why it was replaced by the US constitution.

The Articles of Confederation consists of preamble, seven original articles, twenty seven amendments and a paragraph certifying its enactment by the constitutional convention. As a matter of fact, the preamble of the Articles of Confederation called the nation as the United States of America.

Articles of Confederation

What is US Constitution?

The US Constitution is the second US constitution, which operates even in the present. The US Constitution was created on September 17, 1787. It was ratified on June 21, 1788. The delegates of the Philadelphia convention were the authors of the US constitution. About 39 of the 55 delegates of the Philadelphia convention officiated as the signatories. It finally replaced the Articles of Confederation. Two senators per state and the representatives apportioned according to the population of each state constituted the members of the Congress of the US constitution.

The US constitution was originally handwritten, and it is interesting to note that the handwritten document by Jacob Shallus is exhibited at the National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. The Preamble to the US constitution is different from that to the articles of confederation. The US constitution also named the nation as the United States of America.

What is the difference between Articles of Confederation and US Constitution?

It is interesting to note that both the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution were established by the same people. When we say the same people, literally, some people who were involved in the Articles of Confederation also had a hand in this. However, mostly, the phrase same people indicates the contemporaries were involved in creating the US Constitution.

• Definitions of Articles of Confederation and US Constitution:

• The Articles of Confederation was the first US constitution that was in force since 1781 to 1788.

• The US Constitution is the second constitution of the US from 1788 up to the present.

• Time:

• The Articles of Confederation was created on November 15, 1777. It was ratified on March 1, 1781.

• The US Constitution was created on September 17, 1787. It was ratified on June 21, 1788.

• Connection:

• The US Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation. So, the Articles of Confederation was succeeded by the US Constitution.

• Legislature:

• The Articles of Confederation had a unicameral legislature, which they called the Congress.

• The US Constitution has a bicameral legislature known as the Congress. This Congress is divided into two main parts as the House of Representatives and the Senate.

• Members of Congress:

• The Articles of Confederation had between two and seven members per state for the Congress.

• The US Constitution says two senators per state should be allowed in the Congress. The number of representatives depends on the population of each state.

• Executive:

• In the Articles of Confederation, there is no executive.

• In the US Constitution, the President is known as the executive.

• Ratification:

• In the Articles of Confederation, the unanimous consent of all states was a must for ratification.

• In the US Constitution, the consent of nine states is required.

Although there are many differences between the two as pointed out above, it is interesting to note that both the Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution were the laws of the United States of America. It is especially very interesting to see, how the US Constitution was created as a better constitution which strengthened the position of the US as a country.

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The Articles of Confederation and the Constitution are two different types of Government. There are many differences between the two, for example, the Articles of Confederation were made for the original 13 colonies. The constitution was made for the United States of America.
The Articles of Confederation were the first set of Government rules. The Articles of Confederation were written on November 15, 1777. They were written by John Dickinson, and there were many other drafts written at the time, and those authors are; Benjamin Franklin, Silas Deane, and the Connecticut delegation. All of the members of the Continental Congress were signers of the Articles of Confederation. The Articles of Confederation includes, the Preamble, the seven
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When the Preamble starts, it says "We the People", that is talking about every citizen in the United States of America. The Preamble also states the goals that the Instead States wanted to have. The Constitution was originally called the Virgina Plan and was wrote by James Madison. It then went to the Constitutional convention and was modified by fifty-five delegates ordered by George Washington. The Constitution was first signed by William Jackson, and there was thirty-nine more people who followed in Jackson's steps. There were twelve states that sent people to the convention. Rhode Island did not send anyone to the convention. The Constitution and the Articles of Confederation are the same in ways, but they are also, both different. Both of them founded our Government systems, but only one system still remains today. Both systems have their flaws, but also have their advantages. Without the Articles, there would be no Constitution, and the United States would be under the control of a tyrant. The Articles lead us to war, and separated us from Great Britain and now are our own country. How did slavery develop the United States? Slavery began when the first African Americans came into the United States in 1619. They came to the U.S. to grow and farm crops. Slavery was practiced through the American colonies during the 17th and the 18th centuries.


After the United States declared independence from Great Britain. The Article of Confederation and Perpetual Union was the first constitution of the United States. After a year of reflection, it was submitted to the states for ratification in 1777. It was not approved until 1781. After weak years with the Article of Confederation, in 1789 the Constitution was adopted. The most important difference between these documents was that the Articles of Confederation gave very little power to a central government and the Constitution created a strong central government. The Article of Confederation was written to unite states after the American Revolution. People had the fear of the government having too much power. This document established…show more content…
They hoped to create a better government. The Constitution replaced the Article of Confederation permanently in March 4, 1789. The Constitution created checks and balances between the three branches. It also, established the Bill of Rights, and the first ten amendments of the constitution. The Constitution had to be ratified by at least nine states out of thirteen. After two years, all thirteen states ratify the Articles of the Constitution. The Constitution is made of the preamble and seven different articles. The preamble first three words “We the People” created this constitution to establish a government. The articles are the foundation for how the U.S government is organized. Article l, gives Congress limits and powers, giving them the right to make laws. Also, creates the Senate and the House of Representatives. Article ll, makes the executive branch which has the responsibility and authority for the administration. The executive branch is the President and executive officers. Article lll, makes the judicial branch which is the court system to interpret the laws. The judicial branch is the Supreme Court and the lower courts made by Congress. Article lV, talks about the states. It talks about the responsibilities the federal government has for each state and the duties the states have. Article V, says that the only way…show more content…
For example, the legislature in the Article was unicameral, called Congress, but the Constitution is bicameral, called Congress, divided into the House of Representatives and the Senate. Next, the member of Congress in the Article is between two and seven members per state, but in the Constitution, it is two Senators per state, Representatives apportioned per population of each state. Also, in the Article there was no executive, but in the Constitution the president is the executive. Lastly, the power to coin money in the Article it was the United States and the states, but in the Constitution, it is the United States

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