What mathematics concepts or principles did you apply in transforming each equation to standard form

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How did how did you write each quadratic equation in standard form?

Guide Questions: a. What mathematical concepts or principles did you apply to write each quadratic equation in standard form? Discuss how you applied these mathematics concepts or principles. b. Which quadratic equations did you find difficult to write in standard form? Why?


In order to convert a word problem into a mathematical equation, it is important to do the following steps:

1. Read the problem

2. Analyze the problem

3. Write the given variables

4. Find the missing variables

5. Write the equation

6. Solve the equation

Step-by-step explanation:

Mathematics is a subject that requires the use of logic and understanding of the concepts. To have a keen observation is necessary in order to translate any word problems into a mathematical equation.

1. Read the problem - Mathematics requires us to learn to read and understand the problem. Even if you are given just the variables or the equations, it still teaches us the necessary logic skills.

2. Analyze the problem - Reading is good, but similar to learning other things, it is a must for us to analyze the problem or the things that we are reading. Only then will we be able to get the important details. Sometimes, in word problems, the details are already made available - we just have to read and analyze the problem.

3. Write the given variables - Every word problem has variables. We must discern which are needed in order to solve the problem and which are given just to confuse the students.

4. Find the missing variables - Now, since it is a word problem, there has to be a problem that needed solution. Once we find out the problem, it would be easier to find the solution.

5. Write the equation - Once you have written the given variables and have identified the missing variables and the main problem, it would be easier to translate the word problems into mathematical equations.

6. Solve the equation


For more information about Quadratic Equation, kindly refer to the following link:




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