What makes the most money in GTA 5 motorcycle club?

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What is the most profitable biker business? - Results (20 votes)

Counterfeit cash

0% (0 votes)


Document forgery

5% (1 vote)


I'm only getting one so I can just bounce between it and the bunker.

"Real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies!"

Cocaine is max amount.Sells for 280k if close sale and 420k if far away.

I still dont personally reccomend the biker business or the bunker in terms of $$ making though.

Get the vehicle exporting warehouse for making money.

Check out my youtube channel.

If Solo, Cocaine is the most profitable option.If in a group, CEO Vehicle import/export makes more money.With the Biker Businesses, you can generate the money while AFK by staying inside your business and just rubber-banding one of the thumbsticks to ensure you're not booted from the session for inactivity.CEO Import/Export requires you to source vehicles, deliver them to your warehouse in as close to pristine condition as you can get and then you can sell them. It's about 100k per High-end car (Minus the fee to upgrade the car) if you deliver it in pristine condition.

The problem with it is a lot can go wrong. It only takes one person being a douche to cost you a lot of money whereas with the biker businesses, if you're not buying supplies (which you shouldn't be), people destroying your stuff only costs you time and profit rather than costing you the amount you paid to sell in the first place.

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Death_Master911 posted...

If Solo, Cocaine is the most profitable option.If in a group, CEO Vehicle import/export makes more money.With the Biker Businesses, you can generate the money while AFK by staying inside your business and just rubber-banding one of the thumbsticks to ensure you're not booted from the session for inactivity.CEO Import/Export requires you to source vehicles, deliver them to your warehouse in as close to pristine condition as you can get and then you can sell them. It's about 100k per High-end car (Minus the fee to upgrade the car) if you deliver it in pristine condition.

The problem with it is a lot can go wrong. It only takes one person being a douche to cost you a lot of money whereas with the biker businesses, if you're not buying supplies (which you shouldn't be), people destroying your stuff only costs you time and profit rather than costing you the amount you paid to sell in the first place.

Eh, nah solo I'd still go with vehicle export. Exporting does take a little bit of time to setup but once you get it going to it's full potential a solo player can grind quite a bit from it.The first thing you want to do with Exporting is get to the point where you only sell high end. To do this you need to collect every low and mid-range car. Sounds like a lot of work but you can actually get this done in a day or two. The only time you ever need to sell a low-mid range car is if you get the same car twice. So say I get a Sultan RS then after a few missions I get another Sultan RS. Then sell one of the Sultan RS. The paint job doesn't matter, you only got to make sure you don't have the same car twice.Once you own one of every low-mid range car, then you'll be in a position where the game will be forced to only ever spawn you high range cars. This is good as these cars make the most profit with potential of upwards of 80k per car. If your running solo you'll have a 20 minute cool down between selling cars, so the way I run it is like this.1) Source car.2) Sell car.3) Source next car (this will burn up 5-10 minutes of time and you'll have your next car already collected and ready to go for when the cool down wears out)4) Do a VIP mission. (if you only have a few missions, do something quick like Sightseer. If you have a bit of time left on your cool down, then do something like Headhunter)5) Sell the car you sourced in step 3.6) Repeat from step 3.

If you wanted to grind this out you can make a million a day if not more. You won't do that with Contact Missions, VIP's, or Biker Contracts. If you have a Cargobob it will help to speed things along as well. Main drawback is you want to find a pretty decent lobby to be in. Rockstar has patched most ways of glitching into a solo session, but usually you can still find decent enough lobbies if you look for them.

Check out my youtube channel.

Death_Master911 posted...

If Solo, Cocaine is the most profitable option.
If in a group, CEO Vehicle import/export makes more money

First time I've ever heard anyone say this lol

I just like how this became about CEO's and I/E while the topic is specifically about biker businesses.

TC, cocaine is what you'll want.

To clarify, I have the vehicle warehouse. I just finally want to buy a biker club and a single business to keep phone call interuptions to a minimum. I wish we could turn phone calls off.

"Real badasses eat chocolate chip cookies!"

Coke is the most profitable biker business by a long shot, so if you only want one get that. Some notes about running a biker business:- There are a range of business locations you can choose from out in Blaine County to the middle of Los Santos. In general, the closer you are to the middle of Los Santos the more expensive the property. However, the only thing you're paying for is location and this won't affect anything else about how the business runs.- When stealing supplies, resupply missions tend to be easier and faster if you locate yourself in Los Santos, since most of the resupply missions take place in the city. However, there will be a few missions where you'll have to go to Sandy Shores or up to Paleto Bay. - You need to upgrade your business after purchasing it for maximum profit. That will be an additional $1.325m if only buying production upgrades, or $1.895m if you get security too.- Note that production stops while you're stealing supplies. So if it takes you 30 minutes to replenish your coke business, you're missing out on $42K worth of product being produced at a max-upgraded business. I'd advise paying for supplies unless you've got a friend or two helping you out with stealing them. Otherwise it's much easier, faster, and more profitable to buy $75K for full supplies, steal one high end car for your vehicle warehouse, and sell it for $80K (minus damage expenses). The business will still be producing product while you're doing I/E work. - I decided to pick the cheapest location at the Alamo Sea. That actually worked out pretty good since a lot of the good bunker locations are near there too, so it's easy for me to check on my business and my bunker quickly.

- When I play, my grinding routine is normally to pay for supplies, do I/E work for 90 minutes, then come back to my coke business. By then the coke business will have 1 1/2 bars of product to sell for $126K. Also, selling at 1 1/2 bars of product guarantees I'll only have one delivery vehicle too. I've been able to solo every type of two-vehicle run from the Alamo Sea in an empty lobby...but it can be really annoying if you have to do deliveries in the postal vans.

If you really insist on biker business, I think it's cocaine. Didn't read above walls of text.

Although vehicle warehouse is much more profitable than bikers. I haven't delivered weed supplies in months, keep forgetting to close it

don't worry, I'm sure I'll respond after my next two-year hiatus