What is the distance Travelled by an electron?

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Solution : Time taken to travel length of the wire is <br> `("displacement")/("drift velocity") = (S)/(V_d)` <br> So, `V_d 1 mms^(-1) = 10^(-3) ms^(-1)` (normally the value of drift velocity is 1mm `s^(-1)` <br> and `S = 1m` <br> `rArr t = (1)/(10^(-3) = 10^3 s` <br> As `"distance travelled" = "speed "xx" time"`, so speed `= 10^6 ms^(-1)` (The speed of an electron between two successive collision is around `10^6ms^(-1)`). So required distance is `10^6 xx10^3m = 10^9m.`


Suppose, we know that $\tau$ is the average time between succesive collisions, for finding the displacement, we can multiply $\tau$ with drift velocity, however, is it actually possible to find out the distance covered within succesive collisions?




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