What is one important similarity between the British colonies in the Chesapeake region and the British colonies in New England in 1607 to 1754?

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The British colonies in the Chesapeake region and those of the New England region were both similar yet different in certain ways. One because both the colonist that settled there were looking for new opportunities. However, it was mostly second son aristocrats, which means the first born usually inherits the better half of the father’s riches. Their lives in England had either been mistreated or they were unable to flourish economically. Regardless of whether they were searching the land for expansive homesteads, religious freedom, or exchanging and merchant opportunities, the colonist in both regions were searching for another land in the New World. They were getting away from issues they had experienced in England, which took into consideration colonists to be similar. As stated previously, the opportunities that the colonists in the New England settlements and the Chesapeake region colonies were…show more content…
This influenced them to look more from the New World for individual gain and did not hold as much allegiance to England as the southern colonist did. Southern pilgrims went to the New World regularly by companies promising land. For instance, if Virginia guaranteed fifty acres of land to each individual paying to go to the New World this implied that they still positively liked the English and were not leaving England to escape persecution. While their property and financial frameworks may have been awful in England they saw their voyage as a way the English government was helping them turn out more stable. Another similarity between the English provinces in the Chesapeake region and in New England is the connections they had with Native Americans. Beginning encounters were civilized along with some trade and education exchange as well. After the time, however, British colonies wanted control of as much land as possible and battles/fights developed against the

When we think of our country now, we think about how it is separated into states, but back then the states were part of colonies. Some of the main colonies were the Chesapeake colonies which consisted of Virginia and Maryland, the middle colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, and lastly, the New England colonies which were Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire. In the colonial regions of New England, Chesapeake and the middle colonies they all share similarities and differences, most predominantly shown in family life, rank and status. In the past historians have written that the regions of Chesapeake and New England are extremely different, but still have something in common. Accordingly, they are found in their times of origination, they were both founded around the same time and also by the same people. Ultimately, they have both accepted Protestantism and the colonies both speak English. One major similarity is that they haven't forgotten who and where they came from, England, they still pledge allegiance to one crown. Like any other colony, they have created a society where both have been slow to establish social status. Unlike New England in Chesapeake a governing power tried to create a feudal system but the colonies shit it down quite fast. Notably they both have put themselves into a social group and no outside force trying to sway the people's social ranking placement.
As the historians said Chesapeake and New