What is considered a wet diaper

Newborns have small stomachs that are not much bigger than an almond. Babies need to feed every few hours. It is normal for new babies to feed eight to 12 times every 24 hours.

Newborns usually take between one-half to one ounce per feeding during the first week. Although it is difficult to measure the exact amount of milk, there are ways to reassure yourself and others that your baby is getting enough milk.

In general, you can tell if your baby is getting enough milk if:

  • they feed eight to 12 times in 24 hours
  • they have bursts of sucking and swallowing
  • they appear satisfied after feeding
  • there are enough wet and soiled diapers based on their age
  • they regain their birth weight in 10 to 14 days.

Did you know?

Your baby's stomach grows from the size of an almond (day one) to a ping pong ball (day three) to a medium chicken egg (day seven). The amount of breastmilk your baby can hold will increase from one teaspoon to up to two ounces during that time.

After the first week your baby should have at least six wet diapers a day. If it is difficult for you to tell if the diaper is wet, you can put a sheet of facial tissue in the diaper. You can easily tell if the tissue is wet. Stop doing this when are reassured about your baby's urine output.

To keep track of your baby's wet diapers, use the baby's breastfeedings and diapers chart.

Soiled diapers

Most babies have their first bowel movement within a few hours after birth. You can expect your baby will have at least three soiled diapers a day by the third or fourth day.

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Days one to two: black, tarry stools.

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Days two to four: less sticky, lighter and more liquid.

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Days three to five: green-yellow to mustard-yellow, seedy and liquid.

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Days five and on: mustard-yellow, seedy and liquid.

Stools from breastfed babies change in color and consistency during the first week:

  • Days one to two: your baby passes meconium. Meconium is your baby's first stool. It will be black and tarry. This is normal.
  • Days two to four: the stools will become less sticky, lighter in color and more liquid.
  • Days three to five: the stools will be green-yellow to mustard-yellow, seedy and liquid.
  • Days five and on: the stools will be mustard-yellow, seedy and liquid.

Colostrum and mature breastmilk will cause loose stools that pass easily. This helps prevent constipation.

It is normal for breastfed babies to have runny, seedy and yellowish stools.

To keep track of your baby's soiled diapers, use the baby's breastfeedings and diapers chart.

Weight gain

Your baby should regain their birth weight in 10 to 14 days. After that, most babies gain from four to eight ounces a week.

How your baby feeds

Your baby should wake every two to three hours and actively nurse. The time periods may be one to three hours during the day and three to four hours at night. Some babies cluster feed just before a longer sleep between feedings.

Bringing home a new baby is a very exciting, but also challenging time for new parents. One of the most common things breastfeeding mothers worry about is if they have enough breast milk to feed their baby. While you can’t see exactly how much milk your baby is drinking from the breast, there are some signs to guide you.  As a general rule, your baby will be getting enough milk if they:

  • have at least 5 wet disposable nappies (or 6 – 8 cloth nappies) and 3 bowel motions every 24 hours (this can start anytime from 5 days to 6 weeks old)
  • have reached their birth weight by the time they’re 14 days old
  • are gaining 150-200 grams each week in their first 12 weeks
  • settle after a breastfeed and between feeds.

Your baby’s first 5 days and beyond

Checking your newborn’s wet and dirty nappies can help you to see if they are getting enough milk. While there can be a wide variation in babies’ nappies in a 24-hour period, typically your newborn will have:

  • Day 1: At least 1 wet nappy and a sticky green-black bowel motion.
  • Day 2: At least 2 wet nappies and a soft green-black bowel motion.
  • Day 3: At least 3 wet nappies and greenish-brown bowel motions.
  • Day 4: At least 4 wet nappies with pale/clear wee (urine) and lighter greenish-brown or brown-yellow bowel motions.
  • Day 5 and beyond: 5 or more wet nappies with pale/clear wee (urine) and 3 or more mustard-yellow soft or liquid bowel motions.

How much feeding is ‘normal’?

It is normal for babies to feed between 8-12 times in a 24-hour period. Your baby should be bright-eyed, alert and reasonably content between feeds. Your baby’s behaviour when feeding will vary depending on their need for comfort, hunger or thirst. At first, your baby will have a few rapid sucks and then as your milk flow increases the sucks will be slower and deeper. At intervals throughout the feed, your baby will pause and then start sucking again. The number of bowel motions of breastfed infants tends to decrease between 6 weeks and 3-months-of-age. Intervals of several days or more between bowel motions are common as long as your baby is well. Trust that your body is able to meet the feeding needs of your baby, follow your baby’s cues for feeding, comfort and connection.

You may wish to check your baby’s growth regularly and record it on the growth chart in your baby’s Personal Health Record (the ‘red book). The fact that your baby’s growth consistently follows a curve on the growth chart may be reassuring for you. A judgement on your baby’s growth is best made only after a series of measurements rather than a one-off measurement. It’s ideal to use the same baby scales where possible and always weigh your baby without clothes or a nappy. If you have concerns about your baby’s feeding habits, please discuss these with a child health nurse, a lactation consultant or your GP.

What should my newborn’s wet nappies look like?

In their first few days of life, a newborn’s urine may be a pink/orange colour. This is known as ‘urates’. If you still see urates after day 3, you should phone 13 HEALTH (and ask to speak to a child health nurse) or visit your local child health nurse or GP as this can be a sign your baby is not feeding well. After day 4, your baby’s urine should be pale in colour and not strong smelling. Many disposable nappies have a helpful coloured stripe down the front of the nappy which will change colour when the nappy is wet.

Please note, every baby is different and the above information should be used as a guideline only. Always seek medical advice if you are concerned or have any questions.

What should my newborn’s dirty nappies look like?

A newborn’s poo will range from being sticky and green-black in colour on the first day to a yellow-mustard colour on the fifth day and beyond. The pictures below show the colour of a newborn’s poo in their first few days of life.

If your baby still has green-black poo by day 5, you should phone 13 HEALTH (and ask to speak to a child health nurse) or visit your GP or child health nurse as this is a sign that your baby is not feeding well. Please note, formula-fed babies or babies receiving a mix of breast milk and formula feeding can have different coloured transitional poo.


Babies may lose up to 10 per cent of their birth weight in their first few days after birth, but will start to regain weight by days 4 to 6. Babies should regain their birth weight by 2-weeks-of-age.

Key points to remember

  • Your breast milk is designed to meet the needs of your baby.
  • Babies seek comfort at the breast for many reasons other than to feed – this is normal.
  • Follow your baby’s cues for feeding, comfort and connection.
  • Your baby may feed more often during certain times of the day or night.
  • How often your baby needs to feed and how long they take to feed varies a lot from one baby to the next.

For more information

Queensland Health fact sheet: | Breastfeeding and your baby
Australian Breastfeeding Association | breastfeeding.asn.au
Australian Breastfeeding Association video: | Breastfeeding basics
Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand | lcanz.org
Call 13 HEALTH (13 432 584) – ask to speak to a child health nurse
Call the Breastfeeding Helpline – 1800 686 268 (24 hours/day)

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