What is a book that contains alphabetical list of words with a similar related or opposite meanings attached to each entry?

Abstract: "A summary or brief description of the content of another longer work. An abstract is often provided along with the citation to a work."

Almanac: "1. A collection, usually annual, of statistics and facts, both current and retrospective. May be broad in geographical and subject coverage, or limited to a particular country or state or to a special subject. 2. An annual containing miscellaneous matter, such as a calendar, a list of astronomical events, planting tables, astrological predictions, and anecdotes" (Definition from Yale University Library)

Annotation: "1. A note that describes, explains, or evaluates; especially such a note added to an entry in a bibliography, reading list, or catalog. 2. Process of making such notes. Annotation is the end product of making such notes." (Definition from Colorado State University Libraries)

Archives: "1. A space which houses historical or public records. 2. The historical or public records themselves, which are generally non-circulating materials such as collections of personal papers, rare books, ephemera, etc."

Article: "A brief work—generally between 1 and 35 pages in length—on a topic. Often published as part of a journal, magazine, or newspaper."

Atlas: "A book or bound collection of maps, illustrations, etc.; Volume of maps, plates, engravings, tables, etc., which may be used to accompany a text; or it may be an independent publication." (Definition from Colorado State University Libraries)

Attachment: "A separate file (e.g., text, spreadsheet, graphic, audio, video) sent with an email message."

Authentication: "A security process that typically employs usernames and passwords to validate the identity of users before allowing them access to certain information."

Author: "The person(s) or organization(s) that wrote or compiled a document. Looking for information under its author's name is one option in searching."

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Paraphrase - giving the meaning of a piece of literature in different words or another form.

PDF - (portable document format)  A scanned image of a document put into electronic format.

Peer Reviewed Journal - a publication which contains articles that have been reviewed by other professionals (peers) in the field and accepted for publication.

Pen Name - a name used by the author instead of his/her real name.

Periodical - a publication published at regular intervals (periodically) and more frequently than once per year. It includes articles by several writers. Included in this category are newspapers, magazines, and journals.

Periodicals - the area of the library on the first floor that contains the newspapers, magazines, and journals in alphabetical order by the title of the publication.

Periodical Index - an index to the material in a periodical or group of periodicals with similar subjects.

Periodical Collection - a library’s collection of newspapers, magazines, and journals in bound, unbound, or microtext format and kept as a separate collection.

Plagiarism - "to copy the writings of another person and publish the same as original work." (4)

Preface - introductory remarks by the author of a book, found at the front of the book before the main text.

Primary source - see "Source - Primary."

Proxy Server – a computer that verifies that an off-campus user is entitled to access to password protected databases and other information.  Use your Pipeline username and password for access to Walker Library documents from off-campus.

Publication - Professional - any publication which is produced or published by an organization of professionals in a field. These are usually refereed. (see "Publication - Refereed")

Publication - Refereed - a publication which contains articles that have been reviewed by other professionals (peers) in the field and accepted for publication.

Publication - Scholarly - a publication that contains articles by scholars or researchers in a field. Professional and refereed publications could be included with these.


Ready Reference - the part of the reference desk that contains reference materials which can quickly answer questions of a factual nature.

Record - the complete collection of related data found in an electronic catalog or index which describes a single book or article in that database.

Refereed Publication - see "Publication - Refereed".

Reference - the area of the library that contains aids for finding information.

Reference Collection - contains informational sources such as indexes, dictionaries, encyclopedias, statistical sources, atlases, almanacs, etc. as well as electronic databases.  These sources can be found in the Reference area and will have an "R" at the beginning of the call number.

Reference Librarian - the librarian assigned to help find needed information using the catalog, online sources, the reference collection and other sources.

References - a list of publications referred to by the author of a paper or book. Also called "Works Cited" or "Bibliography."

Relevance - the close logical relationship or importance of the item/s under consideration to the need.

Remote Access – connection to data from a remote location. (ex. Outside of the library, or off campus)

Renew - to extend the loan period of a book.

Report - an account or statement that describes in detail a situation or event.  It is usually based on observation and/or inquiry.

Research - a careful and systematic study in a field of knowledge in order to discover facts or ideas.

Reserves - the part of the library where items in great demand and/or material on professor’s reading lists are kept for short-term check out by students.

Review - an article or report that comments on the merits or faults of a book, play, motion picture, etc.


Scholarly Journal - see "Publication - Scholarly"

Search Engine – Designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. (ex. Google, Bing, Yahoo Search, Mapquest)

Secondary Source - see "Source - Secondary"

Serial - "any publication issued in successive parts, issued at intervals, and intended to be continued indefinitely."(4)

Series - "volumes usually related to each other in subject matter, issued successively, and having a collective series title." (4)

Source - Primary - original sources on which other research or literary works are based. (Ex. original manuscripts, contemporary records or documents, scientific research reports)

Source - Secondary - published materials where primary sources have been used. (Ex. biographical works, commentaries)

Source - Tertiary - works which list, index, or summarize primary and secondary sources. (Ex. almanacs, chronologies, guidebooks)

Special Collections - area of the library where old and valuable books, historical collections, and university materials are kept under controlled conditions.

Spine - the part of a bound book that connects the front and back covers.  It usually contains the title and author of the book, and in a library, often has the call number label at the bottom.

Stacks - the space in the library equipped with shelving for the physical storage of the library’s book, periodical and other collections.

Stopword - "a word which cannot be used as a search term on a particular database." (4) (Ex: a, an, the)

Style Manual – describes the set of standards that provide uniformity in writing, design, and layout of documents. (ex. MLA, APA, or Chicago)

Subject - the word or phrase which describes a theme of a literary work.

Subject Heading - the subject word or phrase assigned to a specific work when cataloging or indexing. (Library of Congress Subject Headings are used primarily by this library)

Subscription Database - a database for which a library or other organization pays a subscription fee to have access to the materials in the database.