What does pregnancy gas feel like?

If your burps and farts could rival that of a frat boy these days, there’s a good chance you’re experiencing one of the most annoying side effects of growing a tiny human: pregnancy gas. (And the worst part is, you don’t even get to use beer-guzzling as an excuse!) While pregnancy gas pain and increased frequency (like, all day, every day) are totally normal symptoms of pregnancy, that doesn’t make them pleasant to experience. While you shouldn’t be surprised if they bubble up (pardon the pun) from time to time, rest assured that there are some easy things you can do to get some pregnancy gas relief.

Is Gas a Symptom of Pregnancy?

The answer is a resounding yes! Gas and pregnancy often go hand in hand. In fact, it’s often one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. “Increased gas and other stomach symptoms can appear as early as one to two weeks after your missed period,” says Karen Voegtle, MD, an ob-gyn at BJC Medical Group Women’s Health Care in St. Louis, Missouri. So if you’re wondering if gas is a sign of pregnancy, it very well can be!

It would be nice if gas and bloating were symptoms you could leave behind as the weeks pass, but sadly that’s not the case. “Pregnant women frequently complain of bloating and gas in pregnancy,” says Danny Benjamin, MD, an ob-gyn at Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital. In fact, it can last all nine months and even into the postpartum period.

What Causes Pregnancy Gas?

There are a number of different causes of pregnancy gas, which is partly why it’s an issue that can plague you the entire time. The biggest contributor is all those hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, specifically the higher dose of progesterone. “Progesterone is a smooth muscle relaxant, which slows the movement of bowel contents before being expelled during a bowel movement,” says Benjamin. “This results in constipation and ‘gas pockets,’ which can be quite uncomfortable.” Other causes of pregnancy gas include:

Prenatal vitamins. If you weren’t taking prenatal vitamins before you got pregnant, you may notice that they cause even more pregnancy gas than you’re already dealing with. That’s due to the sudden onslaught of nutrients hitting your system, which can slow down your digestive tract, leading to constipation and gas.

Iron supplements. Most women get the iron they need from their prenatal vitamins. But if your early pregnancy bloodwork comes back showing you have low levels of iron, your doctor may prescribe an iron supplement. This is often met with a groan, and for good reason—iron supplements can lead to constipation, which in turn can contribute to pregnancy gas pain. Drinking lots of water can help, as can taking a doctor-approved stool softener for constipation.

Bedrest. Have you been put on bedrest? If so, expect a slight uptick in the amount of pregnancy gas you’re experiencing. That’s because bedrest slows the metabolism, which causes intestinal contents to pass through more slowly, says Benjamin.

Eating certain foods. Some foods tend to contribute to gassiness, like fried foods, broccoli, cabbage and beans, so try to stay away from those common culprits.

Pressure on the colon as baby grows larger. An inevitable cause of pregnancy gas—especially in the third trimester—is the pressure that baby places on your internal organs as they grow.

Tips for Pregnancy Gas Relief

So what can you do to ease gas pain in pregnancy? Luckily, there are ways to relieve some of the pressure. Read on for doctors’ top tips:

  • Eat small, regular meals and stay away from foods that tend to give you gas. If you’re really suffering, keep a food journal; you might find other foods that are particularly troublesome.
  • Eat and drink slowly to keep you from swallowing excess air (you’ll later use this technique when feeding baby!).
  • Wear loose clothing to keep you comfy while you’re battling the bloat.
  • Try certain yoga poses to help settle things down and get your intestinal tract moving.
  • Consume plenty of liquids and high-fiber foods to help ward off constipation.

OTC Gas Medications to Try

If it seems like you’ve tried all the tips above—increasing your fluid intake, avoiding gas-inducing foods and adding high-fiber foods—it may be time to try an over-the-counter medication for pregnancy gas relief. But is Gas-X safe during pregnancy? And what about all those other gas-relief options? Benjamin assures that simethicone, the active ingredient in Gas-X and other gas relievers—is generally safe to take during pregnancy (and even when breastfeeding) to relieve gas pain in pregnancy. In fact, simethicone is the same active ingredient in many infant gas relief medications, like Mylicon.

When to Call the Doctor About Pregnancy Gas

Despite being uncomfortable for you, the upside is that all that pregnancy gas pain won’t affect baby. But if you’re also experiencing severe nausea, excessive vomiting or bloody stools, it’s a good idea to get checked out by your regular doctor or head to the ER if you’re not able to get in pronto, as these could be signs of a more serious issue, like gallstones. And if you think your abdominal pains could actually be contractions, call your ob-gyn right away. Even if you’re wrong, it’s best to be on the safe side. Trust us—you’re definitely not the first mom-to-be to mistake gas for labor contractions!

Karen Voegtle, MD, is an ob-gyn at BJC Medical Group Women’s Health Care in St. Louis, Missouri. She received her medical degree from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.

Danny Benjamin, MD, FACOG, is an ob-gyn at Metro Obstetrics & Gynecology and chief of obstetrics and gynecology at Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital. He earned his medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine in 1979.

Please note: The Bump and the materials and information it contains are not intended to, and do not constitute, medical or other health advice or diagnosis and should not be used as such. You should always consult with a qualified physician or health professional about your specific circumstances.

Plus, more from The Bump:

Causes of gas in pregnancy

Gas is one of the unexpected signs of pregnancy. Gas is a common symptom in pregnancy, showing up around week 11 and lasting for the better part of the pregnancy.

When you’re pregnant, signs like missed periods, breast tenderness, fatigue, and nausea may not be surprising to you. However, during pregnancy gas can come as an unpleasant surprise. It's one of the unexpected signs of pregnancy. If you have excessive bloating in addition to morning sickness in early pregnancy, you’re not alone.

Gas is a common symptom in pregnancy, showing up around week 11 and lasting for the better part of the pregnancy. The good thing is that the condition is manageable and will be over sooner than you think.

Your body undergoes many changes throughout pregnancy, including physical and hormonal changes that lead to excess gas. You may also experience gas pain that ranges from slight discomfort to unbearable pain throughout the back, abdomen, and chest. Bloating and cramps in the stomach and intestines may also be present.

Early Pregnancy: In the first trimester, you will notice many drastic hormonal changes as progesterone and estrogen increase in your body. Their work is to thicken the uterus lining to make the environment comfortable for the growing baby. These are some changes caused by hormones:

  • Progesterone helps the muscles to relax, including those that support the intestines. As this happens, the digestive system significantly slows down in its functions.
  • High estrogen levels cause the body to retain gas and water in significantly higher amounts than usual. The result is that you may feel pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

Late pregnancy: The second and third trimesters are characterized by a shift in the uterus position to accommodate the growing baby. Symptoms such as fatigue and morning sickness reduce in their intensity.

As the uterus enlarges, it compresses the surrounding organs, leading to digestive issues. Constipation and excess gas become more pronounced, leading to uncomfortable gas and bloating.

How long does gas in pregnancy last? 

A bloated stomach and constipation may persist into late pregnancy. It gets worse as the uterus expands and pushes back against the intestines. Take comfort  your baby will soon arrive.

In such cases, ensure the juices you take don’t contain certain bloating-promoting sugars known as FODMAPs. Examples are grape, cranberry, orange, and pineapple juices. You also must monitor your sugar intake in juices and carbonated drinks to reduce the risk of increased gas.

Exercise can help with gas: physical activity and exercise should become a part of your daily routine. You may not make it to the gym, but you can take a daily walk for at least 30 minutes per session. Exercise will promote emotional and physical fitness while also speeding up digestion and reducing the risk of constipation and heartburn. However, consult with your healthcare provider before starting any fitness regime.

Test your diet: be observant about the foods that trigger gas and bloating, and try removing them from your diet one at a time. Do this until your gas symptoms improve, but ensure you always have a balanced meal. Common gas culprits include broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, fried foods, whole grains, dairy products, beans, and wheat.

Have a fiber-rich diet: interestingly, most of the foods that contribute to gas problems in the short term can help manage the situation. Fiber, for example, helps bring more water to the intestines hence softening the stool and allowing for its smooth passage.

Include 25 to 30 grams of fiber in your meals to help ease the gas. Some fruits like figs, prunes, bananas, and vegetables, and whole grains like flax meal and oats are excellent fiber sources to consider. If you don't have access to these fiber sources, you can opt for fiber supplements. Talk to your doctor about it first to be on the safe side.

Opt for smaller meals: the more food you eat in one sitting, the higher your chances of having gas trapped in the intestines. Instead of large meals per sitting, fuel yourself up on six small meals throughout the day. Add two or three moderate snacks to keep your baby nourished while preventing your digestive system from overloading.

Overall, try to relax and don’t eat as a way of dealing with stress. Stop and take a few deep breaths before you put anything in the mouth. It will help you to be more conscious about your eating habits in pregnancy.

Medically Reviewed on 8/25/2021


SOURCES: American College of Gastroenterology: "Belching, Bloating, and Flatulence." American Journal of Epidemiology: "Frequency of Eating During Pregnancy and Its Effects on Preterm Delivery." American Pregnancy Association: "Pregnancy Gas: Causes and Prevention." Better Health: "Pregnancy- signs and symptoms." British Nutrition Foundation: "Common Concerns During Pregnancy." Gastroenterology and Hepatology from Bed to Bench: "Bloating in irritable bowel syndrome." HEALTH STATE: "HEARTBURN AND UPSET STOMACH DURING PREGNANCY." Kids Health: "Constipation." Lumen: "Changes to the Mother's Body During Pregnancy." NHS: "Week-by-week guide to pregnancy." Nutrients: "High-Fiber Diet during Pregnancy Characterized by More Fruit and Vegetable Consumption." Obstetrics and Gynaecology: "Functional bowel disorders in pregnancy: effect on quality of life, evaluation and management." The College of Family Physicians in Canada: "Treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy." University of Rochester Medical Center: "Keep Cool: Hot-Weather Tips for Pregnant Women."

UPMC HealthBeat: "Chest Pain During Pregnancy: When to Worry."

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