What does baby movement at 12 weeks feel like?

At the end of the 12-week mark, you are just at the finish line of the first trimester. The baby is growing bigger and this also means that your hormones are finally beginning to tone down a little.
How big is the baby?
Since almost all of the baby organs have now developed, the only job that the baby has to do is to take in the essential nutrients and grow. At about 12 weeks, the size of the baby is as big as a plum or a mushroom.

The fetus also grows visibly big. This is the reason why a lot of people begin sharing the news as they can no longer hide the tiny pregnant belly! Many wait for the first trimester to end before they make the news official.

As for the baby, the little one can now uncurl his or her fingers and toes. With the essential organs developed and ready to work, the baby also starts to move around a little. The brain is also rapidly developing so it is important to not miss those pre-natal vitamins and supplements. You can also move your fingers around the belly and feel the baby moving although it is still early to accurately feel the movement. Also, it is still early to predict the gender of the baby (DO remember, sex determination is illegal in India)

What are the symptoms experienced?

For most women, the end of the first trimester is a happy time since the most dreaded symptoms of morning sickness, fatigue and nausea begin to fade away. If you are expecting twins or triplets, the morning sickness is likely to continue for a while. Apart from this, some of the most common symptoms you will experience right now are:

Women experience acidity and heartburn, especially when they are lying down. The pain and discomfort can range from mild to severe enough to distract you from doing your work.

As the morning sickness and vomiting goes away, headaches settle in. They might be because of the change in hormones, increased blood pressure, stress or dehydration. If you experience a headache, which is accompanied by any other symptom, talk to your doctor.

3. Dizziness
It’s obvious that you are caring for two people now- you and your baby, so there is increased pressure on the body. You are prone to feel tired and exhausted. To battle this, eat at frequent intervals and stay hydrated.

4. Increased discharge
This is also a common symptom experienced in the early stages of pregnancy, which worries women. However, this helps the vagina stay safe from any kind of infection. If you spot or see anything odd, consult a doctor right away.

5. Excess saliva
If you notice drooping saliva stains on your pillow when you sleep at night, fret not, it is not so dangerous. In fact, it is a very common symptom which happens to many women.

6.Stretch marks
As the baby keeps growing and the body expands to make a cosy home for your little one, stretch marks are bound to be seen on the belly area. Though most women dread them, it is nothing but a combination of hormonal changes and weight gain which causes the elastic skin layers to break in between, causing purple and grey lines.

Keep these things in mind:
Between 11-16 weeks, most doctors and hospitals offer would-be parents a chance to see their baby in an ultrasound. Since it will be your first major ultrasound, mothers are found to feel little anxious and uncomfortable. Drink plenty of water before your scan so that the uterus is pushed down to get a clear view by the technicians and doctors. At 12 weeks, you should ask your doctor about trivial details like the baby's heartbeat, blood circulation. Here are some things you will get to know during the scan:

- The gestational age of the baby, which is measured from the crown to the rump(bottom).

- Placement of the placenta to know how healthy it is
- Measure the foetal heartbeat and spine to check for any abnormalities.

This is also a good time to finalise the hospital where you would like to give birth.

You can also start to look for prenatal yoga or exercise classes. The earlier you begin the preparation, the better.

Read here: 13 weeks pregnant: Your baby is the size of a peach!

Page 2

At the end of the 12-week mark, you are just at the finish line of the first trimester. The baby is growing bigger and this also means that your hormones are finally beginning to tone down a little.
How big is the baby?
Since almost all of the baby organs have now developed, the only job that the baby has to do is to take in the essential nutrients and grow. At about 12 weeks, the size of the baby is as big as a plum or a mushroom.

The fetus also grows visibly big. This is the reason why a lot of people begin sharing the news as they can no longer hide the tiny pregnant belly! Many wait for the first trimester to end before they make the news official.

As for the baby, the little one can now uncurl his or her fingers and toes. With the essential organs developed and ready to work, the baby also starts to move around a little. The brain is also rapidly developing so it is important to not miss those pre-natal vitamins and supplements. You can also move your fingers around the belly and feel the baby moving although it is still early to accurately feel the movement. Also, it is still early to predict the gender of the baby (DO remember, sex determination is illegal in India)

What are the symptoms experienced?

For most women, the end of the first trimester is a happy time since the most dreaded symptoms of morning sickness, fatigue and nausea begin to fade away. If you are expecting twins or triplets, the morning sickness is likely to continue for a while. Apart from this, some of the most common symptoms you will experience right now are:

Women experience acidity and heartburn, especially when they are lying down. The pain and discomfort can range from mild to severe enough to distract you from doing your work.

As the morning sickness and vomiting goes away, headaches settle in. They might be because of the change in hormones, increased blood pressure, stress or dehydration. If you experience a headache, which is accompanied by any other symptom, talk to your doctor.

3. Dizziness
It’s obvious that you are caring for two people now- you and your baby, so there is increased pressure on the body. You are prone to feel tired and exhausted. To battle this, eat at frequent intervals and stay hydrated.

4. Increased discharge
This is also a common symptom experienced in the early stages of pregnancy, which worries women. However, this helps the vagina stay safe from any kind of infection. If you spot or see anything odd, consult a doctor right away.

5. Excess saliva
If you notice drooping saliva stains on your pillow when you sleep at night, fret not, it is not so dangerous. In fact, it is a very common symptom which happens to many women.

6.Stretch marks
As the baby keeps growing and the body expands to make a cosy home for your little one, stretch marks are bound to be seen on the belly area. Though most women dread them, it is nothing but a combination of hormonal changes and weight gain which causes the elastic skin layers to break in between, causing purple and grey lines.

Keep these things in mind:
Between 11-16 weeks, most doctors and hospitals offer would-be parents a chance to see their baby in an ultrasound. Since it will be your first major ultrasound, mothers are found to feel little anxious and uncomfortable. Drink plenty of water before your scan so that the uterus is pushed down to get a clear view by the technicians and doctors. At 12 weeks, you should ask your doctor about trivial details like the baby's heartbeat, blood circulation. Here are some things you will get to know during the scan:

- The gestational age of the baby, which is measured from the crown to the rump(bottom).

- Placement of the placenta to know how healthy it is
- Measure the foetal heartbeat and spine to check for any abnormalities.

This is also a good time to finalise the hospital where you would like to give birth.

You can also start to look for prenatal yoga or exercise classes. The earlier you begin the preparation, the better.

Read here: 13 weeks pregnant: Your baby is the size of a peach!

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At just about the 8-week mark, you are near completion of the second month of your pregnancy. At this time, while you may or may not begin to show yet, many women start to feel pregnant on the inside as they feel the baby growing inside and that is so true. In fact, almost all essential organs of the baby are in the development stage right now, from the intestines, heart to the lips and the fingernails. Your clothes will start to feel a little snug too as you just start growing.

How big is the baby?

From 5 weeks to 8 weeks, there are a lot of changes going on inside you whether you feel it or not. The baby is almost the size of a raspberry while your uterus, still growing is almost as big as a grapefruit right now. It is too early to guess whether is a girl or a boy that you are carrying but this time around might be the time to think about how you want to announce the news of the upcoming arrival to the world.

Pregnancy symptoms
The symptoms are one of the reasons you feel pregnant on the inside. Morning sickness continues to be troublesome and will continue to stay on till the end of next month or so. Apart from these, symptoms include the following:


Flatulence, bloated stomach and constipation are commonly experienced during this stage. It is best to include more fibre into your diet.

Increased vaginal discharge

Because of the increase blood flow to the pelvic area because of the heightened estrogen levels, you may see an increased vaginal discharge but that is not alarming at all and may go away on its own.

Food cravings, aversions and heightened smell

The food groups which were once so favoured can become nauseous enough to keep away. You also develop a heightened sense of smell, because of the changing hormone levels which are one reason why vegetables make a lot of women sick. A good idea would be to stick to the fruits, to control your sickness.
Keep in mind these factors!
While the symptoms of the early months of pregnancy may stay throughout your pregnancy, the 8-10 week mark also bring along some weird symptoms which should be taken care of. Some women may experience weird cravings, which have zero to none nutritional value including things like dirt or chalk. This might be indicative of a calcium deficiency so you should definitely talk to your doctor about that.

Also, as the baby grows, the blood pressure levels also begin to change. You may experience a slightly higher than usual or sometimes 30-40% increased blood pressure which can give you headaches.

Another thing to keep in mind is the problem of spotting. While it is common to spot after a sexual activity, any unusual instance should be reported to the doctor, as it can be a sign of miscarriage.

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You are 34 weeks pregnant, that means you are in the 8th month of your pregnancy. Only 1 month to go!

You will be delighted to know that your baby’s brain and lungs are now completely developed. Chances are that your little one might even be dreaming.

If you are concerned about early labor, you will be relieved to know that a large number of babies delivered in this week are born healthy and survive without any major problems.

How big is the baby?

If you are 34 weeks pregnant, your baby is almost 45 cms long from top to bottom and is around the size of a large pumpkin. It weighs slightly over 2 kilos now. Though your baby will continue to put on weight, it would not grow much more in length now.

Development of the baby

At this point of the pregnancy, going for ultrasound scans every alternate week is a standard procedure. Your doctor would examine your baby’s heartbeat, breath and movement in the uterus, to ensure any complication.

Thick Skin

The cheesy coating on your baby’s skin has begun to thicken this week. The layers of fat will completely fill the wrinkly skin of the little one, making it smooth and robust.

Poking through

With the growth of your baby, you will be able to see your baby’s body parts like its hands and feet through your belly! Pay attention next time!

Pregnancy symptoms and what to do to relieve them

Bloating & Gas In your third trimester, the problem of bloating and gas will escalate. The pregnancy-related anxiety will make you feel worse, as you tend to swallow more air when stressed. Try to be calm and stress-free.

Fast-Growing hair and nails

You are aware that due to pregnancy hormones, your hair will grow faster, but what you do not know is that it would grow in places you weren’t expecting — like your cheeks, chin, and back. You can go for waxing to rid of the unwanted hair. Similarly, your nails will also be growing during this time, it would also turn brittle. These issues will go away once you give birth.

Increased vaginal discharge

As you will move ahead in your pregnancy, your vaginal discharge will increase. This happens due to pregnancy hormones, which increases the blood flow to the pelvic area and stimulate the mucous membranes.

Blurry vision

You will not only feel blurry these days but may also suffer from dry and irritated eyes. This occurs due to a decrease in tear production, especially if you wear contact lenses. The problem will disappear after the arrival of your little one.

Tips for you this week

If you are also suffering from dry eyes, keep your sunglasses and eye drops handy. Talk to your healthcare provider if you are suffering from depression. They might give you some antidepressants that are safe to use when pregnant.
Do some exercises to ensure your baby is in the ideal position for delivery- head downwards.

When should you see the doctor?
Talk to your doctor in case you are suffering from pregnancy-related anxiety and is worried about labour pain.

Read here:

Read Also35 weeks pregnant: Your baby is equal to the size of a pineapple!

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You are in the 33rd week of your pregnancy and your baby is getting ready to come out of your womb. By now it would have turned upside-down for delivery. Some babies turn back around again, but do not panic, your doctor will be paying more attention to your baby’s position in the coming weeks. The amniotic fluid level inside your womb would have started to decrease and so your baby's kick will feel sharper now. In just 7 weeks your little champ will be there in front of you!
How big is the baby?
By the end of this week, your baby will be 43.7 cm long from top and toes and weighs about 2 kilos. The size of your little one is similar to a watermelon.

Development of the baby

Skull The bones of your baby are hardening, but its skull is still pliable and not completely joined. The flexible skull will make it easy for the baby to exit from the narrow birth canal. The bone of the skull will be fused together few weeks after the birth of the baby.

Differentiate between day and light

Due to the thinning of your uterine walls, more light penetrates in the womb which helps your little one to differentiate between day and night.

Immune system

The little one growing inside you has now developed its own immune system. Antibodies are being produced in its body, which will protect it from all sort of germs.

Pregnancy symptoms and what to do to relieve them

Insomnia Pregnancy symptoms like leg cramps, midnight turns to the loo, burgeoning belly size and hormonal changes must be hampering your sleep at night. But try to take rest as much as you can. You can either take a warm bath or massage before going to sleep at night, this will give you a little relief.


Your hands, face, feet, and ankles must be swollen up this time, which occurs due to water retention in the body. Drink more water, not less in such a case. If the swelling is intense and you start to have a headache meet your doctor immediately because these are sometimes symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

Varicose veins

With the growing size of your belly, you may suffer from varicose veins. It might be painful sometime, but not to worry, this will disappear soon after you give birth.

Round ligament pain

If you are witnessing severe aching while changing position or getting up suddenly, chances are that you are suffering from round ligament pain. If this is occasional and is not accompanied with fever, chills or bleeding then there is nothing to worry about.

Tips for you this week

Wear flat and comfortable shoes, so you can keep some balance, as your increased weight might cause some trouble for you. Having food rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help with the neutral development of your child.

You can also have flaxseed, which is a very good source of a number of nutrients.

When should you see the doctor?
If the swelling of your body parts increases and is accompanied by a headache, then seek doctor's appointment immediately. These can be sometimes symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

Read here: 34 weeks pregnant: Your baby is poking through!

Page 12

First and foremost, congratulations mother-to-be! You have crossed the first trimester of your pregnancy. If you are 13 weeks pregnant, you are already in the third month of your pregnancy, which means you are through 1/3rd of your pregnancy. Woohoo! We understand it has been a not-so-pleasant ride with morning sickness and exhaustion being your constant companions, but that is why we are here. To fill you up with interesting details about your very own baby growing inside your tummy and fill your heart with warmth. So, read on!

How big is the baby?

Now that you are 13 weeks pregnant, your baby is as big as a peach. Even after being so tiny, your baby has already learnt quite a few tricks of its own, including yawning and even kicking. Also, your little creation may have already grown teeth and vocal cords (one step closer to hear them cutely cooing!) The fetus has started developing the skeleton with collar bone and thigh bone developing first. Did you know that your baby may even start sucking his/her own thumb at 13 weeks? Now, how cute is that? Also, your baby’s lungs may also start developing by the 13th week; so many changes happening, right?

What is the size of the belly?

At 13 weeks, people may start guessing that you are pregnant as your tight clothes may begin to give away your happy secret. So, if you want to share the good news with anyone, now may be the right time.

Pregnancy symptoms and what to do to relieve them?

We have three goods news for you! Now that you have reached the 13th week of pregnancy, chances of miscarriage have reduced to a large extent. Secondly, some of your pregnancy symptoms like puking at the drop of the hat, feeling nauseous and tender, sore breasts may alleviate pretty soon. Lastly, your face will start showing that famous pregnancy glow!

Some of the other symptoms you may have:

1. Constipation

Thanks to the pregnancy hormones, your bowels are relaxed than usual, slowing the process of digestion.

What to do?

There are a lot of things that you can do to alleviate this uncomfortable feeling. For starters, start eating more fibre-rich fruits and vegetables.

2. You veins are visible

Yes, you can actually see blue veins across your skin, which basically means that you have increased blood flow to provide your baby all the essential nutrients.

What can you do?

Don’t worry this grid of visible blue veins will start disappearing once you have given birth to your baby.

3. Your sex drive will increase

Well, if you feel like gearing up for some action in the bed, good for you! Just remember that a little spotting is normal during the whole process as your cervix is a bit more sensitive right now.

What can you do?

We will just suggest having a word with your gynaecologist for precautions.

4. Decrease in fatigue

Now, that you are done with the first trimester, you may feel an increase in energy, since your body has actually figured its way around being pregnant.

What can you do?

You can use this energy by exercising for a little bit more.

5. Increase in cravings

By this time you may start having extreme cravings and aversions for some foods.
What can you do?

While you can't altogether avoid these cravings, you can always maintain a healthy balance between junk food and healthy food.

Tips for the 13th week
Now may be the right time to tell your boss you are pregnant and prepare your child for the arrival of his/her sibling.

Read here: 14 weeks pregnant: Your baby has its own fingerprints now!

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As you progress with your pregnancy, your body experiences unexpected changes. During the seventh week of your pregnancy, you may experience physical changes like frequent backaches, weight gain and fluid retention. Though uncomfortable but these symptoms are completely normal and go away as your pregnancy progresses.
The embryo at seven weeks
At seven weeks, your baby is the size of a blueberry and your embryo measures about 0.51 inches, double of the last week.

Baby development

The basic sections of the brain that have developed by now, get divided into three main sections during this week.

Your baby’s eyes, ears and nose begin to develop. The eyelids are formed but remain closed. Paddle like hands and feet also start forming.

Pregnancy symptoms at seven weeks

Weight gain

One of the most noticeable changes during pregnancy is weight gain. This weight is important for your overall health and for the development and nourishment of your baby. The additional weight will eventually go away as the baby is born. Eat nutritious food, do not eat junk and exercise regularly.

Backache is a common problem during pregnancy but it’s by this week only that it becomes evident.

What to do?
- Do simple stretching or yoga to release tension in the back and leg muscles.

- Get yourself a massage to relax and loosen the tight and sore back muscles. - Try sleeping with a pillow between your bent knees to support your lower back.


Morning sickness may get worse by this time. But do not worry as there are several ways to cope with it.

What to do?
- Some moms have claimed to feel better by having ginger and Vitamin B6.

- Avoid oily and spicy foods. - Drink plenty of fluids if you are vomiting so that you do not get dehydrated.

Food cravings or aversions
You may feel the urge to eat some specific foods or not wanting to go anywhere near certain foods that were fine for you before. It’s okay to give in to your cravings and indulge in them happily.

Frequent urination
You may have this constant urge to urinate because your uterus has doubled in size and the blood flow in your pelvis has increased.

Skin problems
Breakouts happen due to hormonal changes in your body. Before using any cream or products, consult your doctor if they are safe to be used at this time.

Extra saliva
This happens due to the hormonal changes in your body. Sadly, you can do nothing about it but just gulp it down.

Mood swings
Because your hormones are out of whack, mood swings are an obvious thing to happen. It can also happen because you are still getting used to the idea of being pregnant, which can make you extra emotional.

Cramping or spotting
Cramping during the early pregnancy is completely normal. A lot is happening in your uterus making you feel plenty of cramps. The cervix is sensitive at this time so spotting after sex at seven weeks can happen.

These two symptoms are alarming and can be worrisome. If you experience too much cramping or heavy bleeding, you should immediately call your doctor.

Seven weeks pregnant belly
Have you been looking at your pregnant belly in the mirror and trying to fake one by pushing it out? Everyone does that and it's completely normal. Only mothers who are pregnant with twins should expect to have a visible belly by this time for others it's nothing but just bloating.

If you do not experience any symptoms
Every mother experiences pregnancy differently. If you are seven weeks pregnant and do not have any symptoms at all, consider yourself lucky. Some mothers think of this as a worrisome thing but it's not.

Read Also8 weeks pregnant: The baby is growing!

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If you are 15 weeks pregnant, you are in your 4th month of pregnancy. As you are moving ahead on your bumpy journey full of excitement, you must be keen to know about the growth of the little one breathing inside you. By now you must have developed signs of pregnancy and the changes in your body would be quite noticeable. One of the signs must be the appearance of a dark line around your bump, do not worry about it. It will fade away once the baby is born. In your second trimester, your baby will grow faster and you must now be able to feel it inside your womb. You will be excited to know that now your baby would have developed ears and could even hear your heartbeat.
How big is the baby?
As you have reached 15th week of your pregnancy, your baby's body is now in proportion. The body of the baby would have caught up with the head in terms of growth. The tiny little creature living inside you now must be around 10.1 cm long, which is equal to the size of an orange. And though you would have gained 2 - 4 kilograms of weight, your fetus must be only about 70 grams.

Development of the baby

Layer of hair
A layer of fine downy hair called lanugo would have started growing on the baby. These fine hair keeps the fetus warm inside the womb until they develop the layer of subcutaneous fat, which will keep them warm once they are born.

Ears and eyes

Your baby's ears and eyes must be moving into place. The eyelids of your baby might still be fused shut, but it can recognize light. If you shine a light on your belly, the baby might move a bit away from it. It would be exciting for you to know that by now your baby would also be able to hear your voice and the first thing they will hear is your heart beating and your tummy gurgling. So now you can sing and chat with your little one. Isn't is exciting?

Taste buds
Your baby would have developed the taste buds too and they would be able to recognise different flavours.

Movement of the fetus

In the 15th week, the movement of the fetus starts inside your womb. It must be kicking, curling and waving its arms and legs. You might not be able to feel its movement right now because they do not weigh much.

Pregnancy symptoms and what to do to relieve them?

Red palms Red palms or palmar erythema occur very rarely in a pregnant woman. It is caused by increased body temperature and blood flow. You must not be worried about it as these are not harmful at all.

Pregnancy brain

Yes, you read it right, pregnancy brain is a real thing. Pregnancy brain can cause you to do things you would never do normally. You may also start forgetting everyday things a lot. If this happens with you too, blame your hormones. This may also happen as your sleep is interrupted and it can take its toll on your memory.

Bleeding gums
You may also notice that your gums are bleeding a little while brushing your teeth and as the time goes on you may notice they are swollen too. It can be a sign of gum disease or gingivitis. Visit your dentist immediately, if ignored this would continue for a year after your baby is born.

Tips for you this week

If you have not yet started exercising, it is time to do so. Include daily pelvic floor exercise in your daily workout routine. Pelvic floor exercises will help to strengthen your muscles for labour too. If you notice a visible sign of preeclampsia- which is marked by high blood pressure in pregnant women who have not had high blood pressure before- ask your doctor for low-dose aspirin. As per a study, a small dose of aspirin after the first trimester can reduce preeclampsia by 24%.
As your baby bump is growing in size, try to lie down on your left side. Lying down in this position is best as this eases the flow of blood in your and your baby’s body.

When should you see the doctor?

You may have more vaginal discharge than usual. This happens because more blood flows to your womb, cervix and vagina during pregnancy. Do not worry, it is normal as long as the discharge looks and smells the same as it did before you conceived. If you notice any change in its colour or smell, then it could be a sign of a vaginal infection. Meet your doctor if this happens or if your vagina gets itchy.

You may also get viral or coughs and colds more often during this time. Do not take any medicines without consulting your doctor.

Read here: 16 weeks pregnant: Your baby is the size of a pear!

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Pregnancy is the time of life when you fall in love with someone you have not met. Live each moment completely, as you will cherish this time forever in your life. Time is moving fast and you are in the 20th week of your pregnancy. You might have noticed that during pregnancy your nails are looking stronger and your hair is growing faster and looking thicker. You can thank the pregnancy hormones for this. But this will soon go away after the delivery.

How big is the baby? Your little champ will now be around 25.6 cm from head to toe and weighs around 300 grams. By week 20, your baby will be around the size of a large beef tomato and would be growing fast.

Development of the baby

If you haven't already visited your doctor in the 19th week, your doctor will ask you to come this week to check for chromosomal abnormalities and will spot signs of Down Syndrome and other structural abnormalities. Your baby is just growing bigger and stronger in your womb with each passing day. Its nerves in the brain which controls the senses are forming. This will enable them to smell, see, hear, taste and touch.

Baby hair

Your baby’s hair on its head will soon start to grow in this week.

Produce Meconium

Your little one will also start to produce meconium in their bowel. Meconium is a mixture of amniotic fluid that the baby has swallowed, dead skin cells and digestive secretion that will form the baby’s first bowel movement after birth.

Pregnancy symptoms and what to do to relieve them?

Pain in pelvis Some women develop pain in their pelvis during the pregnancy known as pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PRGP) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). The pain is not dangerous; you will just feel a little uncomfortable and it can be treated with physio or support girdles.

Occasional headaches
A headache may crop up from time to time due to different reasons. Go out in the open and take some fresh air. Try to avoid medicines.

Belly button

As your uterus has pushed your abdomen forward, your little innie belly button must have now turned into an outie. If you do not like this, do not worry, this will soon go inside after the delivery.

Tips for this week

Drink cranberry juice during pregnancy as it will prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Be extra careful while travelling. Now that your baby bump is growing in size, it is important to be careful while travelling. Try to avoid public transport during peak hours. Keep snacks and water with you at all the times.
Avoid drinks such as tea, coffee, and cola. These drinks drain the water from your body and can cause constipation.

When should you see the doctor
If the pain in the pelvis increases and becomes impossible for you to tolerate, consult your doctor. He will suggest some exercise for relief.

Read here: 21 weeks pregnant: Your baby is as big as a carrot!

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