What are the things you need to consider in participating in an outdoor recreational activities?

Consider the following safety tips:

  • Pack a first aid kit.
  • Bring emergency supplies.
  • Learn the ABC’s of treating emergencies.
  • Before you leave, find out the weather report.
  • Arrive early.
  • Check for potential hazards.
  • Avoid areas of natural hazards.
  • Inspect the site.

What do you do or observed before during and after hiking activities?

Make sure to follow them before and during every hike.

  • Consult a park ranger.
  • Bring at least one friend.
  • Create an itinerary and share it with someone outside of the group.
  • Agree on an emergency plan.
  • Prepare for the weather.
  • Pack the 10 Essentials.
  • Customize your first aid kit.
  • Buy proper hiking boots and socks.

How will you ensure your safety during outdoor activities?

4 Tips to Boost Safety

  • Travel with a Buddy. In the case that something goes terribly wrong, you don’t want to be alone.
  • Be in Good Physical Condition. Whether you’re playing soccer or going mountain biking you need to be in good physical condition for your activity.
  • Wear Appropriate Clothing.
  • Be Weather Wise.

What are the things that you should prepare before you proceed to your planned outdoor activity?

Whether you’re hiking, climbing or paddling, here are some tips to help you prepare for your adventure:

  • Know your limits.
  • Invest in the right gear.
  • Make room for creature comforts.
  • Prepare your body for the activity.
  • Welcome breaks and stretch.
  • Plan for after the adventure.

What outdoor activity would you like to try?

8 outdoor activities you can enjoy with a loved one

  • Birdwatching.
  • Gardening.
  • Walking.
  • Nature photography.
  • Picnics.
  • Boat rides.
  • Visiting gardens.
  • Gentle sports such as bowls.

Taking part in recreational activities, especially outdoors, can greatly improve physical health. People who take part in park activities such as walking, hiking, or skiing, schedule fewer office visits, maintain lower body fat percentages, and have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

How do you protect yourself when hiking?

Here are some tips for how to stay safe while hiking in remote areas, culled from the National Park Service and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy.

  1. Let someone know your plans.
  2. Carry trail maps and know how to use them.
  3. Be wary of strangers.
  4. Be extra cautious if you’re alone.
  5. Don’t camp or linger near roads or trailheads.

What do you think are the risks of outdoor activities?

Hazards associated with outdoor activities may include but are not limited to:

  • traffic and pedestrian management.
  • ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure.
  • adverse weather conditions (rain, wind, ice, temperature extremes etc.)
  • natural disasters (storms, fire, floods etc.)
  • animals and insects.
  • noxious plants.

How should I prepare for the outdoors?

How to Physically Prepare Yourself for an Epic Outdoor Adventure

  1. Develop the right mentality.
  2. Allow adequate time for preparation.
  3. Leg strength is important.
  4. Practice with a backpack.
  5. Alter your diet.
  6. Gear up well in advance.
  7. Practice hiking in similar environments.

How do I prepare my body for exercise?

  1. Pre-exercise screening.
  2. You may need to visit your doctor before starting physical activity.
  3. Setting goals for physical activity.
  4. Start physical activity gently.
  5. Stretching, warming up and cooling down.
  6. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes for physical activity.
  7. Getting the technique right for your chosen physical activity.

Why outdoor activity would you like to try?

Additionally, outdoor physical activity boosts endorphins and helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression while increasing self-esteem, self-confidence, and creativity as well as sharper thinking.

What to do when it’s nice outside?

19 Fun Things to Do Outside, Wherever You Live

  • Have a Scavenger Hunt. Gather a group of friends and break off into teams for a jaunt around the city looking for specific things.
  • Plant a Vegetable Garden.
  • Play Tourist in Your Own Town.
  • Go Horseback Riding.
  • Fly a Drone.
  • Plan a Picnic.
  • Volunteer.
  • Stargaze.

What are the health benefits of outdoor activities?

How do you protect yourself when hiking alone?

Can the effects of hazards be avoided How?

The adverse impacts of hazards, in particular natural hazards, often cannot be prevented fully, but their scale or severity can be substantially lessened by various strategies and actions.

What are the benefits of being prepared for this kind of activity?

Practicing the art of preparation allows us to hone four key skills in my opinion.

  • Being Prepared Enhances Self Discipline.
  • Being Prepared Enhances Our Strategic Thinking.
  • Being Prepared Increases Our Flexibility.
  • Being Prepared Develops Our Resilience.

How do I prepare myself for an adventure?

Here are 8 tips to help you prepare for anything:

  1. Be Knowledgeable.
  2. Master Your Travel Necessities.
  3. Enjoy the Freedom of Traveling Light.
  4. Give Yourself Room to Make Unexpected Purchases.
  5. Prepare for Physically Challenging Adventures.
  6. Keep in Mind What’s Needed for International Travel.
  7. Bring the Right Gear.


Social activities organised by your business, such as sporting matches and other friendly competitions, can be a great way to help your workers bond outside of work.

By Michael Selinger

Social activities organised by your business, such as sporting matches and other friendly competitions, can be a great way to help your workers bond outside of work.

However, if you have organised an activity for your workers, the duty of care you owe your workers under health and safety legislation will extend to these work-related activities.

The key test of whether the function or activity is work-related is whether a reasonable person would consider that the business has endorsed or supported the activity.

Different activities carry different levels of risk and you need to be aware of any potential hazards and take steps to minimise the risks before the activity takes place.

That doesn’t mean you should avoid organising social activities for your workers.

6 tips for organising safe social activities

Here are some tips for organising work-related activities:

  • identify potential hazards associated with the activity;
  • assess the risks posed by those hazards;
  • implement control measures to reduce or eliminate the risks;
  • ask workers to disclose any injuries or medical conditions that might make them unfit to participate;
  • have workers sign a waiver form prior to participating saying that you will not be held liable for any injuries they suffer as a result of the activity; and
  • if the activity is taking place outdoors, encourage your workers to be sun smart and to keep hydrated. You should also ensure your workers have access to shelter in case of bad weather.

Never pressure workers to participate in a work-related activity. Make it clear that participation is voluntary.

Case Study: Personal injury claim for a work-related sporting activity

A recent personal injury claim in Victoria raises the issue of an employer’s duty of care when it comes to social activities undertaken by its workers.

An employee at the State Emergency Service (SES) broke his collarbone while taking part in a friendly game of cricket organised by his employer. The game was being held in a Melbourne City Council park and the employee sustained his injury when he stumbled over a park bench while attempting to catch the ball.

The injured worker has brought negligence proceedings against his employer, alleging that the SES should have done a risk assessment of the park and drawn up a work safety plan before putting on the friendly match. He also alleged that the SES should not have allowed the game to be played on that particular council reserve because the ground is uneven and the park is bounded by a busy highway. The case has not yet been finalised.

Although this case involves a claim for personal injury damages, it raises the issue of the steps required by a business to ensure work-related sporting or social activities are safe in order to fulfil their duty of care under health and safety laws.

The sporting activity was an event arranged by the SES for its employees, and was held at a location chosen by the business. Therefore, under health and safety legislation, the business had an obligation to take reasonably practicable steps to ensure that both the location and the activities organised for the day were safe.

Some steps that the SES might have considered taking before allowing its employees to play at the park include:

  • reviewing the hazards posed by the park benches with a view to instructing its workers to only play within a confined area which the SES deemed to be safe; and
  • implementing a level of supervision to ensure that any ball game was only conducted within that safely deemed area.

If the worker in question ran outside of that safe area and put himself at risk, the business may have been able to rely on the reasonable steps that were taken as a defence to any investigation or prosecution.