What are the 10 importance of physical education?

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Improved Physical Fitness: Improves children's muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.

Strengthened Peer Relationships: Physical education can be a major force in helping children socialize with others successfully and provides opportunities to learn positive people skills. Especially during late childhood and adolescence, being able to participate in dances, games and sports is an important part of peer culture.

Improved Self-confidence and Self-esteem: Physical education instills a stronger sense of self-worth in children based on their mastery of skills and concepts in physical activity. They can become more confident, assertive, independent and self-controlled.

It is no secret that appropriate physical activity is necessary to a student's overall well-being. The benefits of physical education in schools are far-reaching, including both increased student physical health and better academic performance. Physical education is more than just running around a track or kicking a ball. It teaches children key life skills alongside improving their health and wellbeing. Obesity continues to rocket across the globe and more people are taking on sedentary lifestyles. Promoting a positive mindset about exercise from an early age will help to keep them healthy as they get older.

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

OWIS students practising football drills

In recent years, many schools have cut back on their physical education programmes, placing greater emphasis on academics as they strive to prepare students for college and the workforce. Yet research shows that adults who had regular PE classes in school are more than twice as likely to be physically active as their non-PE counterparts.  In fact, children who have regular Physical Education lessons at school will be likely to experience the following benefits:

Physical and Mental Health

Well-versed in child development, PE teachers ensure that the curriculum consists of age-appropriate activities that support growing minds and bodies. They will adapt lessons to make them appropriate for their groups and ensure that they do not overwhelm children with skills or requirements that may be too advanced. At the same time, they know when students are ready to be pushed. PE improves motor skills and increases muscle strength and bone density, which in turn makes students more likely to engage in healthy activity outside of school. Furthermore it educates children on the positive benefits of exercise and allows them to understand how good it can make them feel.

Participating in PE puts children on track to make regular exercise a habit-- one that can combat obesity and reduce the likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. It also helps to maintain their brain and mental health. By making exercise ‘normal’ from an early age this becomes ingrained in them throughout their lives.  

Physical education motivates children to expand their skills, as grasping the fundamentals of one sport makes it easier to master the rules of another. Since students spend a considerable amount of time in school, it is an ideal setting to empower them to take responsibility for their health. Often a secondary benefit of physical education is that children become more aware of what they are putting in their bodies. They realise the importance of a healthy, balanced diet and that sugary snacks are not the best way to gain energy for their sport.  They will often want to find out more about their bodies and this again teaches them to care for themselves and others.

Studies also suggest that students who are less active are more likely to experience sleep disorders. Regular exercise reduces stress and anxiety, contributing to healthy sleep patterns, which in turn lead to better mental health, immune system functioning, and overall well-being.

Social Skills

Physical education that begins in early childhood demonstrates the value of  cooperation, while being part of a team gives them a sense of identity. When PE teachers model prosocial behaviours, children gain skills that pave the way for healthy interactions and relationships throughout life. This teaches them essential communication skills and social skills. It helps them become team players, work alongside a diverse range of team mates and be able to support others. 

Learning the fundamentals of popular sports also provides a constructive way for students to fit in with their peers, especially as they approach adolescence. Being able to understand a range of sports or hobbies allows them to be part of something bigger than their classroom. They may find a real passion for a particular sport, start attending sporting fixtures and they may even go on to have a career within the sporting industry. Having the opportunities to ignite this type of passion whilst developing a range of skills is hugely important.  

Self-Esteem and Character Development

Playing team sports in a structured setting reinforces leadership and good sportsmanship. Playing various roles on a team and gaining new skills encourage students to respect themselves and their peers. It also teaches them to be understanding to others and support them through their difficulties.

Gestures such as a hand shake, a pat on the back or a high-five from a team-mate helps to build confidence and camaraderie, and earning praise from coaches or other players also helps to improve self-esteem. This then leads to increasing children’s confidence to trust their abilities and to progress their skills within their sport. It is important for children to understand that self-esteem should not rely on winning or losing, but in the taking part and learning from every opportunity. Children who receive constructive criticism well are shown to be better at making changes to improve themselves, whether it be at school, in work or in sport.

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

OWIS Sports Day 2019

As they hone their abilities through individual and team sports, children learn self-discipline and goal-setting. They learn that there will always be winners and losers but that it is important to accept this and to get back up when needed, or in turn to encourage those around us to carry on. 

Discipline is essential for sport and this can be both mental and physical. In sport, children need to follow rules and take orders from their coaches. Sometimes they must accept decisions that they may not agree with. This teaches them an important life skill that will help them throughout their life and careers. According to the International Platform on Sport and Development, “Sport has been used as a practical tool to engage young people in their communities through volunteering, resulting in higher levels of leadership, community engagement and altruism among young people.”

Better Academic Performance

The many benefits of PE carry over from the playing field or gymnasium into the classroom, leading to better academic performance. Research reveals that children who take part in physical education are better able to regulate their behaviour and stay focused in class. Often sport gives children the opportunity to take their minds off their academic studies. It offers the chance for them to relax, release pent up emotions and to spend time having fun with their friends. 

At OWIS, PE is a critical component of a well-rounded curriculum. To learn more, visit our Sports Programme page.

It is a school's responsibility to nurture good and lifetime habits in its students. Exercising is one of them. As kids grow up, they can easily adapt to a lazy and inactive lifestyle. This can be changed by a habit imbibed in them from school time, the habit of staying active.

If a student enjoys a healthy life, he is likely to do well in all the areas of his life. A course that focuses on fitness is a must in every school.

So, you definitely know the Physical education classes. They are as important as math classes in your school. They help students to remain, both physically and mentally, fit.

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

The P.E. (physical education) class curriculum varies according to the age group. A good syllabus considers the needs of all students, teaches self-management, keeps students active, and is enjoyable for all students. 

Importance of physical education

Let's look at ten reasons why physical education is important? I did some research, and the benefits are mesmerizing. 

1. Improved grades on the report card

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

I'm not kidding, but this is one of the ten reasons why P.E. is important? Physical Education classes increase a child's concentration levels.

Even for people suffering from ADHD, it is easiest to reduce its symptoms. Studies have shown that exercising reduces insulin resistance and inflammation and helps your body to release growth factors. 

If students get access to this basic dose of physical activity, their grades improve. It has been observed that students who are athletic tend to be alert in the classroom. It definitely makes it easier for the teacher to manage the class and teach them.

Also read: Ways to Concentrate on Studies and Focus Better

2. Boosts confidence

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

Another reason why physical education is necessary for every student in the current scenario is the increasing popularity of junk food and screen timing. Nowadays, obesity is very likely amongst kids.

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

Exercising and working out every day promotes a healthy body image. As the time teenager, it is really crucial. This is because, with so many hormonal as well as physical changes, they are conscious of themselves. When they feel attractive about themselves, their confidence boosts.

An increased sense of self-esteem can be experienced as exercises come with an increased sense of accomplishment, better mood, and better brain functioning. 

3. Reduced levels of depression and anxiety

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

It has been proved that P.E. (Physical education) reduces the risk of depression and anxiety. When someone exercises, the brain releases feel-good hormones.

This endorphin release enhances the sense of well-being. It is highly effective for mild and moderate levels of depression.

When students are engaged in physical activity, their mind is driven away from focusing on negative thoughts. These thoughts are the ones that feed an anxious mindset. It also helps decrease muscle tension, increase serotonin, and resist stormy emotions. 

Also read: Educational Activities for Kids to sharpen their Mind

4. Strengthens heart

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

One of the very known effects of exercising is muscle-strengthening. Well, our heart is also a muscle. Physical activity helps in keeping it strong, pumping, and healthy.

When students get access to regular activity, their heart rate slows down and thus reduces the risk of high blood pressure.

We all know the two kinds of cholesterol: the good one and the bad one. When you are fit, your body burns the bad cholesterol, which keeps the heart healthy.

Also, a strong heart will help in better absorption of oxygen. This, in turn, results in overall well-being.

5. Improved social skills

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

One reason why physical education is important is as we have seen the benefits of working out on confidence and self-esteem, its benefits go further ahead.

When exposed to teamwork and group games, a confident individual will communicate, co-operate, and lead better. 

As we all are social animals, the skill to grow with others is an important one. When children work in groups, they gain the empathy to understand their peers and also co-operate. They also learn to stand up for themselves and others in a crowd.

Leadership qualities are also fostered as they know how to work together to achieve the target. This consecutively empowers their decision-making skills.

6. Self-discipline 

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

It is difficult to be successful at anything without the gift of self-discipline. Schools can instill this in their students in many ways, but exercising is another great way to do this.

P.E. classes put forth a task that students are supposed to achieve. This teaches them how to focus on a goal and achieve it. 

A lesson of perseverance is also taught. Perseverance is nothing but continuing to do something despite all the difficulties. This sets a habit or routine in individuals.

Even in the earlier stages, exercise may seem very boring and tedious. But, as students discipline themselves, they see how their goals can be easily achieved. 

7. Skill and motor skill development

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

Physical education helps in developing motor skills like running, catching, balancing, hopping, kicking, etc. All of these skills make building blocks that ensure the safe and easy performance of complex activities.

It has been observed that physical activities are better for children's cognitive development than teaching them numbers or the alphabet.

Not just this, kids also learn a number of life lessons in their P.E. classes.

They learn how to accept failure as their team loses. They learn perseverance and the “never say die” attitude. Together, all of these make their future working life better and more holistic.  

Also read: Educational Game Sites For Kids For Their Academic Development

8. Improved sleep quality

 Sleep is essential for a healthy and long life. Don't mistake this for just sleeping for long hours. This is because it is not just the quantity but also the quality of sleep that matters. When one works out, their sleep clock is automatically set correctly.

Staying fit requires you to utilize a great lot of your energy every day. As your body is responsible for filling your energy storage, it rests well. It gives you deep sleep. 

Low anxiety and stress levels resulting from exercise are a great benefit to improving the way you sleep. Your body needs a low temperature when it sleeps.

So after you have worked out, your body temperature gradually cools down, thus making it favorable for you to sleep like a baby.

9. Changes in a sedentary lifestyle

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

A sedentary lifestyle is a common scenario today. It is nothing but an inactive lifestyle that involves sitting and lying down for the most part of the day without any exercise.

This way of life is really harmful and results in problems like heart diseases, joint pain, obesity, diabetes, etc.

All of this can be kept at bay by a P.E. class in schools. Walking, cycling, jumping, and other activities help the body gain the required movement.

When students carry the physical education and habit to work out from their school days, they are likely to continue it in their adulthood. Thereby, reducing to be an individual who is nothing but a couch potato.

10. Increased flexibility

What are the 10 importance of physical education?

Exercising regularly targets all muscle groups. These muscle groups are stretched and relaxed, which improves a person's flexibility. A flexible body and muscles ensure that pain caused by wear and tear is comparatively low. Also, the recovery is faster. 

Having a flexible body improves your posture. It allows proper alignments of your body and corrects imbalances. Correcting a  muscle imbalance requires strengthening the underactive muscles and stretching the overactive muscles. 


Physical Education classes play an important role in shaping a child's future habits and lifestyle. Even then, a lot of schools tend to ignore its importance.

This might be a result of limited funds or a lack of equipment. But, it's vital to remember that the growth and well-being of students should always top the priority list of any school.