Two vertices of a triangle are 2, (3, 1) and (5 2 4 its centroid is 1, 2), (3 find the third vertex)

We have to find the co-ordinates of the third vertex of the given triangle. Let the co-ordinates of the third vertex be(x,y). 

The co-ordinates of other two vertices are (1, 2) and (3, 5)

The co-ordinate of the centroid is (0, 0)

We know that the co-ordinates of the centroid of a triangle whose vertices are 





Compare individual terms on both the sides -










So the co-ordinate of third vertex (3,1)


Let the third vertex of a triangle be(x,y)

Here, x1 = 1, x2 = 5, x3 = x

and y1 = 4, y2 = 2, y3 = y

and the coordinates of the centroid is (0, -3)

We know that

6 + x = 0 and 6 + y = -9

x = -6 and y = -15

Hence, the third vertex of a triangle is (-6, -15)

Text Solution

(0, 4, 2)(0, - 4, 2)(0, 4, - 2)(0, - 4, - 2)

Answer : D

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