Negative social comparison is more likely to occur on instagram when we compare ourselves to whom?

The rise of social media resulted in us, as a global population, being more “connected” than we have ever been in the history of time. But, how does that affect us combined with our innate drive to compare ourselves to others? Did we lose the concept of connecting out of sight by comparing to others too much?

Social Comparison

Social comparison is part of the formation of our identity. This process helps people figure out where they stand in terms of beliefs, preferences, and attitudes, specifically in the adolescent phase. The phenomenon of social comparison serves several functions, such as evaluating yourself, regulating emotions, and making decisions.

Upward vs downward comparison

The Social comparison theory was first proposed in 1954 by psychologist Leon Festinger. He described how social comparison occurs in two ways: upward or downward (comparison). Upward comparison occurs when someone compares himself with ‘superior’ others with positive characteristics, whereas downward comparison focuses on ‘inferior’ others with negative traits. Both types of comparison can have both a positive and a negative influence on an individual’s self-image. However, an upward comparison often has a more negative effect than a downward comparison. This is what we call the Social Comparison Theory.

Social Comparison Theory

Social comparison can inspire and motivate. Yet, there is a downside: It can be detrimental to self-esteem, self-image, and well-being. In addition, constant evaluation of oneself versus others can create judgmental, competitive feelings. Hence, one study found that people who make frequent social comparisons are more likely to experience envy, guilt, regret, and defensiveness.

Being more connected when online visual identity is your first impression can put a certain pressure on users, but does social media magnify the negative impact of upward social comparison to peers or celebrities?

Research has demonstrated that the association between social media use (SMU) and depression and anxiety may indicate personal experience than the volume of SMU. In other words, the suggestion is that how we use social media, not how much, is what poses a risk. For example, several studies found that users may develop addictive or problematic levels of SMU, associated with increased anxiety and depression. These associations may be attributable to the increased likelihood that individuals who experience depression and anxiety also develop addictive behaviors, suggesting that anxiety and depression can influence problematic social media use.

Alternatively, individuals who feel more emotionally connected to social media and seek social acceptance/reassurance can be more vulnerable to negative social interactions and feedback and may eventually be at higher risk for depression.

Negative social comparison is more likely to occur on instagram when we compare ourselves to whom?

The University of Oxford published (in the scientific journal PNAS) a study following 12,000 young people between 10 and 15 years for eight years. In questionnaires, they answered how much time they spent on social media on an average day and how happy they were in life. It appears that the effect of using social media on happiness is minimal. The effect is too small to connect a conclusion to it. According to Professor Andrew Przybylski, who is involved in the research, life satisfaction is more than 99 percent determined by nonrelated issues to social media. He suggests that contact and communication with family, friends, and classmates significantly impact well-being.

The effect of social media use on body image

In a study published in 2016, researchers interviewed 881 female college students in the United States. Hence, they found that the more time teens spent on social media, the more they compared their bodies with their friends. In addition, social media use increases the intensity of body image comparisons. Consequently, they felt more pessimistic about their bodies.
The feeling of lack and dissatisfaction that we feel when scrolling through our feed often results from comparing our actual reality to our friends and follower’s idealized and curated realities. We are using the same scale to measure two entirely different realities.

How to stop comparing and start connecting

1. Become aware of, and avoid triggers.

Start noticing the situations that cause you to play the comparison game. Avoid comparison triggers if you can, significantly if the activity or contact doesn’t add meaning or any real value to your life.

2. Remind yourself that other people’s “outsides” can’t be compared to your “insides”

A helpful habit to cultivate. Remind yourself of the reality. You can’t use anyone’s outward appearance to judge the reality of life, especially your life.

3. Be grateful for the good in your life, and resist any lies that shout “It’s not enough”

If you commit yourself to being deeply grateful for what’s good in your life and remind yourself of it daily, you’ll be far less vulnerable to comparison. If someone or something triggers that ugly feeling of unfavorable comparison, stop and remind yourself of what’s good in your life right now.

4. Start connecting as motivation to improve what matters

Whom do you admire? Find those who inspire you to live your best life in the way that matters most. Spend your precious time on connecting and growing instead of negative comparing thoughts. If you expose yourself to content that makes you feel empowered and happy, you can stop comparing and start connecting to others. Together we can bring the “social” back in social media, but we all have to start with ourselves. Ultimately, social comparisons don’t indicate what others have that you don’t, but rather what you already have but aren’t quite aware of yet.


  • Meier, Adrian & Schäfer, Svenja. (2018). The Positive Side of Social Comparison on Social Network Sites: How Envy Can Drive Inspiration on Instagram. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 21. 411-417. 10.1089/cyber.2017.0708.
  • Independent
  • Shensa, A., Sidani, J. E., Dew, M. A., Escobar-Viera, C. G., & Primack, B. A. (2018). Social Media Use and Depression and Anxiety Symptoms: A Cluster Analysis. American journal of health behavior, 42(2), 116–128. doi:10.5993/AJHB.42.2.11
  • Psychology Today

Does social media use lead to greater life satisfaction or self-esteem? Does it lead to better moods? When does social media use lead to positive or negative emotional responses?

It is a well-known perspective that social media is bad for one’s self-esteem and overall mental well-being. But existing evidence for those claims is too broad and imprecise to be accurate or conclusive. Benjamin Johnson, University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications Advertising assistant professor, wanted to understand the specific motives behind social media use in order to determine its actual effects.

To investigate, an online survey was given to 163 adults who used social media. The adults were predominantly female, and most of them used Facebook. Respondents also used Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms.

The study looked at the differing effects of “upward” or “downward” social comparisons with friends and acquaintances that participants viewed online. Upward refers to people on social media who are “doing better in life,” or are happier than the respondent. Conversely, downward refers to people “who are doing worse in life,” or who are sadder than the respondents.

Findings showed that more frequent upward comparisons reduced positive feelings, leading social media users to feel worse about themselves. In other words, by comparing themselves to people who were perceived to be doing better in life, users came away with deflated self-esteem.

By making more frequent downward comparisons of people perceived to be worse off, users felt better about themselves. User’s selectivity and motivations to improve their mood played roles in their perception of social media, as did their patterns of use.

According to Johnson, this study illustrates how more developed, nuanced research on social media use, specifically with regards to upward and downward comparisons, would be beneficial to the study of digital technologies and well-being. The study’s findings show that social media users have different motives, which influence how they compare themselves to the people in their online networks. Social network sites and advertisers on those platforms should be mindful of how upward and downward social comparisons can affect people’s feelings and self-perceptions when they are online.

The original research paper, “Look Up, Look Down: Articulating Inputs and Outputs of Social Media Social Comparison,” appeared in the Journal of Communication Technology, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2021.

 This summary was written by Marie Morganelli, Ph.D.        

Posted: May 13, 2021
Tagged as: Benjamin Johnson, Social Media