How to renew commercial vehicle registration

When a driver accreditation is granted, it’s ongoing and doesn’t have an expiry date. Driver accreditation will only ‘expire’ if it’s cancelled by us or surrendered by the driver.

This means the old Application to renew your driver accreditation form (renewal) that you may be used to receiving will no longer be issued.

Instead, to maintain your driver accreditation you will need to:

1. Pay the annual fee invoice that CPVV send you each year

2. Complete (and pass) the periodical medical  self-assessment that CPVV requests from you every three years (or annually if certain medical conditions are present). More information on the medical assessment can be found here.

Some drivers are also required to provide relevant medical specialist report/s.

Medical Self-Assessments

It is important that accreditation holders continue to meet the medical standard for commercial driving. Where there are no known medical concerns, drivers will have a condition imposed to provide a Medical Self -Assessment every three years. When CPVV is aware of a diagnosis that may affect a driver’s ability to meet the medical standard for commercial driving a condition may be imposed to provide a specialist or treating professional report annually or possibly more regularly.

If you wish to retain your accreditation you must complete the medical self-assessment form within 28 days of being notified.  Failing to complete the assessment may result in the cancellation of your driver accreditation.

The law requires you to be sufficiently fit and healthy to undertake CPV services. Therefore, you must complete the assessment even if you have nothing to declare. We understand that many drivers will suffer from an array of medical conditions nut having an illness will not necessarily affect your ability to retain your accreditation.

Medical assessments recommenced

Over the past 17 months Commercial Passenger Vehicles Victoria (CPVV) has supported the CPV industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes placing a pause on annual driver accreditation fees and reducing the burden on our health systems by allowing new applicants to self-declare their medical fitness.

Previously this medical assessment was completed by a General Practitioner (GP) and submitted along with a payment via post.  In the coming months, accredited drivers will be asked to login to the CPVV portal and complete a medical self-assessment. Unlike the previous assessment, the medical self-assessment needs to be completed by you and does not require a consult with your GP, and you are not required to make a payment at this time.   The assessment has been designed using the national Assessing Fitness to Drive Guidelines. The assessment is a critical part of your driver accreditation and will indicate if you are sufficiently fit and healthy to provide commercial passenger vehicle services in accordance with the Commercial Passenger Vehicle Industry Act 2017.

What is a Medical Self-Assessment?

The medical self-assessment is a critical part of your driver accreditation that helps indicate if you are sufficiently fit and healthy to safely provide Commercial Passenger Vehicle services.

Each assessment is valid for 1-3 years, after which a new assessment is required to maintain your accreditation.

See the below video for step-by-step guide on how to join the User Portal.

See blow for a step-by-step guide on how to find the Medical Self-Assessment.

How can I complete the Medical Self-Assessment?

A notification will be issued requesting for the medical self-assessment to be completed via the CPVV user portal.

Using your smart phone or internet browser, follow the steps below:

1. Log into the user portal

2. Select ‘medical assessment’

3. Answer the questions provided below:

  • Do you currently have, or have a history of; Epilepsy, Blackouts, Musculoskeletal conditions, Dementia, Neurological conditions, Cognitive Impairment, Sleep disorders, Hearing loss
  • Do you have, or have a history of, heart conditions?
  • Do you currently have, or have a history of, psychiatric conditions?
  • Do you have diabetes?
  • Have you ever experienced a blackout?
  • Do you use regularly take medication whose labelled instructions warn against driving and/or suggest caution when driving
  • Do you regularly use drugs (such as stimulants or drugs of addiction) other than medications, which may affect your driving?
  • Will you be wearing glasses or contact lenses when driving?
  • Do you have an eye or vision condition that may affect your driving? E.g poor visual acuity, monocular vision, double vision, visual field defects, poor night vision?
  • Do you provide VicRoads with medical reports in relation to your driver licence

4. Click Submit

Your responses will be assessed, and in most instances, you will be immediately notified of the outcome.

There is no requirement to see your doctor to complete this assessment.

For more information and to create your user portal account see CPVV User portal.

See the video below for a step-by-step guide to completing the Medical Self-Assessment.

Is there a renewal fee?

NO. Due to the COVID Pandemic, there are currently no review fees however new applicants are still required pay a fee as part of the application process

I need more time to complete my Medical Self-Assessment

You will need to send an extension of time request to

What if I do not complete my Medical Self-Assessment?

Disciplinary action may be taken against your driver accreditation if you fail to complete the Medical Self-Assessment. This may include the suspension or cancellation of your driver accreditation.

What if I have a medical condition?

If you have declared a medical condition, you may be asked to provide additional medical reports from your Doctor or specialist. You will be able to save your assessment as a draft and return at a later stage to complete the assessment and attach any additional reports. If we have a concern about your accreditation, we will contact you for further information.

I don’t want to be a driver anymore

If you no longer wish to drive a commercial passenger vehicle or bus, you must surrender your driver accreditation.

For more information on how to surrender please see Surrender your driver accreditation.

My specialist appointment is after the due date

If you are unable to provide your specialist reports by the due date, you can request an extension by providing evidence of your upcoming specialist appointment. Evidence can include a screenshot of the confirmation email or text message showing the date of your upcoming appointment.

Please email your request to

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If you meet certain eligibility criteria, you can renew your vehicle's registration online.

While renewing you may be able to make changes to details like your usage type and the registration term.

If you want to change the term, you must have bought compulsory third party (CTP) insurance for the same term. A change in registration term may also affect the inspection requirements.

Note: When renewing a conditional registration (non-standard vehicle) online:

  • you cannot change any details (operating conditions, term or CTP class)
  • CTP insurance is included in the registration - you don't need a separate green slip
  • any eligible concessions (including drought relief) will be applied automatically.

Sometimes it's not possible to renew registration online. Please visit a service centre if:

  • the vehicle has been unregistered for more than 3 months, or
  • you ordered special number plates within the registration renewal period, and you haven't received the new plates yet, or
  • the vehicle is conditionally registered and requires an inspection, or
  • the vehicle is conditionally registered and requires changes to the operating conditions.

A conditionally registered vehicle must be safe for use as detailed in the Certificate of Approved Operations.

Pensioner Concession Cardholders

If you hold a NSW Pensioner Concession Card you're entitled to free registration for one vehicle where you are recorded as the registered operator. You may also be eligible for automatic registration renewal (not applicable for conditional registrations). Visit Automatic rego renewal for pensioners to learn more.

  • the vehicle's plate number or the billing number (available on your paper or digital renewal notice and digital Certificate of Registration)
  • a compulsory third party (CTP) insurance policy, commonly called a green slip (unless the vehicle is a trailer, caravan, or has a conditional registration)
    • most insurers will send your CTP information electronically to Transport for NSW (TfNSW).
    • the CTP term you buy will determine the period of registration you can renew for.  For example, if you buy a 6-month CTP policy you can only renew the vehicle registration for 6 months.
  • an eSafety inspection report, commonly called a pink slip (if applicable)
    • Note: Inspection reports for light vehicles are only valid for 6 months from the date of issue. They must be used to renew a registration within those 6 months.
  • your payment (if applicable)
  • your concession details (if applicable).

In most instances, light vehicles more than 5 years old require an eSafety inspection. You'll need that inspection report if:

  • your registration renewal notice displays that an inspection is required, and the registration period is unchanged
  • the new registration expiry date will be more than 12 months after the previous registration renewal date when an inspection was required, such as:
    • you'd had a vehicle inspection and renewed your registration for 6 months, and this time you're wanting to renew for a 12-month term
    • you bought a vehicle that had had an inspection and was registered for 6 months, and you want to register the vehicle for a 12-month term.

  1. Check the eligibility requirements.
  2. Select the 'Renew online' button.
  3. Follow the prompts to renew the vehicle registration.
  4. Keep a copy of the receipt for your records.


  • If you choose to pay with BPAY, keep in mind that it takes 2 or 3 business days to process, and the registration will not be renewed until TfNSW receives the full payment.
  • If you changed the term or usage, a new registration certificate will be mailed to the address of the registered operator within 7 days.
  • If a conditional registration, a confirmation letter and QBE CTP insurance tax invoice will be mailed to the registered operator.

  • When renewing your registration:
    • a 6-month registration term is available for most light vehicles up to 4.5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass, (including motorcycles and trailers)
    • a 3-month or 6-month registration term is available for trailers and heavy vehicles over 4.5 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass.
  • Renewal notices are sent out 4-6 weeks prior to the renewal due date.
  • You can renew your registration online up to 3 months before it expires, but you will need to have a renewal notice to do so (unless you’re renewing a conditional registration). A renewal notice can be generated up to 3 months earlier, by calling 13 77 88 or visiting a service centre.
  • You can also renew your registration online up to 3 months after the expiry date. The new registration period will start from the date you make the payment, however the expiry date remains the same – you will not get a full year of registration.
  • If you don't renew the registration by the expiry date, your vehicle is unregistered. Driving an unregistered vehicle is illegal and carries heavy penalties, and can mean your vehicle is not covered by CTP insurance.
  • If you're a frequent toll user, Toll Relief provides a discount on your car, ute, 4WD or motorcycle registration. Toll relief is not applicable to conditional registrations.

You can review transaction payment options on our payment methods page.

Last updated: 22 August 2022