How to make a bot in roblox studio

Learning Objectives

  • Understand Roblox Studio:
  • Students will gain the foundational skills needed for Roblox studio where they create scripts, manipulate designs and properties. An introductory class, every student will create an account in Roblox and begin to work on developing a new world.
  • Introduce new programming Language LUA:
  • Roblox studio scripts are made using a programming language called Lua. It’s the best beginner language to learn when kids are ready to move past from building blocks to an actual text-based programming language. Lua is a versatile scripting language used to create thousands of games
  • 2D and 3D model design and Animation:
  • Every game needs to have assets that reflect the character of the player, obstacles, elements of the game as a kit. Students must learn to construct 3D objects, such as Simple shapes, house building and obstacles. They will also have the chance to work with the built-in Animation edition which helps design and make characters custom animation.
  • Problem-solving skills and User feedback:
  • Students will face several obstacles during the course while learning to complete a game at Roblox studio. Each time they are suggested to spot the error and solve the problem that shows a self-learning growth and demonstrate their attention to minor details. Students are recommended after developing their game to let their peers play the game and seek input. They prefer to edit the game as per customer interest to make their game perfect, which eventually leads them to admit mistakes and learn to adjust it only for better results.

Help and Feedback Scripting Support

So I’ve seen games like

How do they make such impressive bots?

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I personally use pathfinding, random jump intervals, I even went as far as to create animations to randomly have the bot crouch, sprint, so on and so forth. I had a couple functions for different sporadic movement types such as spinning, faking a left move, faking a right move, etc.

Read up on pathfinding here:

They used neural network. simple.


Yes, you are right. But sometimes this isn’t the case. Good bots will most of the time lock on to the player and attack but I suggest placing some points around the map (every meter or 2) and when the bot doesn’t see the player or hasn’t yet. It will just patrol the area. When it sees the player it will lock on and attack, and fake movements. After the player is out of sight for enough time the bot will forget the player was seen and keep on patrolling as normal.

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The bot he linked does not do that, hence why I didn’t bring any of that up.


I seriosly thought you meant making those anoying roblox bots

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me in utter confusion of a person calling a neural network simple

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Pretty easy once you understand how it works.

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Do you have any suggestions like a tutorial or something for me to understand them better? I understand the concept but I can’t make it work.

For some people that assume I want to use a bot (to bot likes etc.) NO! IT’S A INGAME BOT!

Here is a simple explanation of neural networks for beginners link. 3Blue1Brown is so good at explaining stuff like neural networks. link #2