How to hide partial denture clasps

A New Year's denture resolution, Part 2

BY BROCK VANDOR - January 8, 2020

How can you tell right away if someone has a partial denture? Well a sure sign is when you can see metal hooks when they smile. 

What is the main reason a partial denture is loose and gets food underneath? It’s because the metal hooks can’t hold on to the teeth sufficiently to keep it secure.

Well what if we just replaced the unsightly metal hooks with some sort of clear clasp that people didn’t see when one smiled and also held the denture more securely?

Of course that would be just fantastic, and I used to think that it was just a wish; but now I can tell you that those clear claps exist and they indeed are actually amazing! The results truly speak for themselves, and as soon as a patient puts the new partial with the clear clasps in there mouth, they can tell right away that they not only look way better than metal, but they fit much more securely as well.

Actually, one of our wonderful patients, Jane, just received her new partial with clear clasps on the day I’m writing this, and she was more than happy to share with you what they are like, and even confident enough to take a picture with me! “My old partial was loose, it jumped around and food would get underneath. This new one feels so secure and it looks invisible in my mouth, it’s just so natural looking… I am so happy with it, thank you!”

These clear clasps can work with almost all mouth shapes and sizes, and make an especially big difference in tightness when someone only has there lower front natural teeth left.

If you would like to find out if clear clasps would work for you, just give us a call and schedule a free consultation. We are happy to help!

I have two upper partial dentures because most of my side teeth are missing. The metal clasps are shiny and new and reflect with the slightest hint of light or sunlight. Also, when I eat, sometimes I feel the metal rubbing on my gums. They would be less noticeable and more comfortable. I’m not sure why my dentist didn’t give me the option of getting pink clasps. I didn’t learn about it until a friend who has a partial told me. Is it possible to make the metal clasps pink, perhaps coating them with some pink plastic? Thanks – Stacie from Joplin, MO


Metal clasps on a removable denture partial need to remain flexible to fasten round the anchor teeth. Coating the clasps with plastic would make them bulkier. If the coated clasps didn’t break from your dentist’s attempts to cover them with plastic, they probably would not fit around your teeth. And they would be uncomfortable.

1. Decrease the Shine

Your dentist can decrease the shine on the clasps by sandblasting them with a micro-etcher or sending them to his dental lab to do it. You might be able to get it done at no charge or with a small fee.

2. Adjust the Clasp

But you also mentioned that the clasps rub on your gums when you eat. Your dentist can adjust the clasps to prevent rubbing.

3. Get Partial Dentures with Non-Metal Clasps

How to hide partial denture clasps

Valplast Partial Denture

For our readers who need a new removable partial denture, some brands offer gum-colored or clear clasps for the denture. Valplast® and DuraFlex™ are two brands, but there are others. Non-metal clasps are sturdy and don’t detract as much from your smile as shiny metal. Ask your dentist about these options.

4. Ask About Implant-Supported Partial Dentures

Implant-supported partial dentures snap onto dental implants. Depending on your case, mini or standard implants can anchor a partial denture. If you’re interested in this option, find a dentist with advanced training in implantology and dental esthetics. You’ll receive quality implants and a natural-looking partial denture.

Dr. David Finley of Monroe, LA, sponsors this post.

Dr. Hall,
I have an upper and lower dental partial that have metal clamps which connect to my teeth. Is it possible to have the metal pieces colored pink to match my gums? I am very self-conscious when I smile and the metal is showing “gleaming.” Is this procedure possible and what will my price be? Thanking you in advance for your assistance with my current situation.
– Patricia from New York

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Unfortunately, I don’t believe there is any way to make the metal clasps on your removable partial pink. These metal clasps need to be flexible, and anything your dentist would bond to it would break off under the bending stress.

However, the gleaming that you get from light reflecting from the clasps can be toned down dramatically with a little sand blasting—something very simple to do. If your dentist doesn’t have a little “micro-etcher” device to do this job, his dental laboratory certainly would, and this is such a simple procedure that, if they didn’t offer to do it for free, the charge should be minimal. You could maybe even stop off at the dental lab yourself and have them do this. It will change the metal from being shiny and gleaming to a matte finish that doesn’t reflect much light.

How to hide partial denture clasps

A Valplast Partial

For others who are in the market for new removable partial dentures, the new plastic clasps that can be either pink or transparent are much less obvious to people, and while these partials may not be as sturdy, I believe they are sturdy enough and are way more aesthetic. There are various brands of these. The photograph here is of a Valplast partial. DuraFlex is another brand.
– Dr. Hall

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The dental world belongs to implants. And with good reason. Implants are sexy, shiny and exciting. Their functional and aesthetic properties are outstanding. However, there are many instances where partial dentures are still indicated – if not required. The problem is, knowledge of partial dentures is limited. In this blog, I am answering some frequently asked questions about partial dentures. As always,  if you have any questions not covered here, feel free to call me at Riverstone Family Dental on 8678 3538.

How to hide partial denture clasps

What are partial dentures?

Partial dentures are an affordable way to replace one or many missing teeth. They are a removable appliance placed in the mouth, to find out more, head to my Dentures info page.

Are partial dentures temporary or permanent?

Partial dentures can be made as either a temporary or permanent solution to replace missing teeth. For instance, a partial denture can be used to temporarily hold a space open while waiting to get a dental implant.

What is the difference between a partial denture and a full denture?

A partial denture replaces one or more teeth, whereas a full denture replaces all the teeth in either the upper or lower jaw.

How to hide partial denture clasps

What are partial dentures made of?

Partial dentures are made from plastic (acrylic) or metal (chrome-cobalt). Note that metal-based partial dentures are generally more comfortable as they feel less bulky in the mouth. This comes back to the strength of metal over plastic. To get the same strength from plastic, it needs to be thicker, hence, plastic-based dentures can at times feel more bulky than metal-based dentures.

Are your dentures made in Australia?

At Riverstone Family Dental, we select labs that make their dentures here in Australia.

How do partial dentures stay in the mouth?

Partial dentures are created from an accurate mold of your mouth. Using these molds, we are able to design a denture which fits snugly to your teeth and gums. A partial denture typically has metal clasps which grip onto your teeth to hold it in place.

How will the partial denture feel?

Having a foreign object in your mouth takes some getting used to. Some people adjust quite readily, while others need time, patience and perseverance.

Will a partial denture fit well if I have just had a tooth out?

Partial dentures are a great solution if you are urgently needing your tooth out. This is because they can done quickly, in which case they are referred to as ‘immediate dentures’. An important note with immediate dentures is that over time your gum and underlying bone will change. This is especially true in the first 3-6 months after having your tooth out. You may find your partial denture starts to feel loose or is rubbing on the gum to cause sore spots. This can be alleviated by getting a reline done. A reline tops up the base of the partial denture so it fills in the gaps and fits the new shape of your gums.

How to hide partial denture clasps

Can you hide the metal clasps on a partial denture?

If your partial denture requires metal clasps on front teeth, then you may see this metal when you smile. An option would be to opt for tooth-coloured clasps. They are not as strong as metal clasps and can be used in suitable situations depending on the amount of retention required. It is worth discussing this with your dentist.

Do the teeth on the partial denture look natural?

Partial denture teeth come in many different shapes and shades. They will never be a perfect match, however, we aim to get them as similar to your natural teeth as possible. I look at the general shape of your teeth to see if they are ovoid, square or triangular. Then I look at the shade which is assessed in three parts: value, chroma and hue. A match is discussed with you during the planning stages of the denture and modifications can be made before finishing.

Do the metal clasps on partial dentures strip the gums away?

Partial denture clasps can strip the gums away if they are moving when you eat. The biting action can drive the clasp up or down the tooth which can result in gum stripping. The way to prevent this is to ensure your denture fits as snugly as possible to your teeth and gums.

How to hide partial denture clasps

Will a partial denture give me a lisp?

Your tongue will require time to adjust to a partial denture if it covers the roof of your mouth. The extra 2mm of plastic has changed the distance between the tongue and the roof of the mouth. Therefore, the established patterns of speaking will be affected and time is required to re-train the tongue.

I hope this has helped answer some of your queries regarding partial dentures. As always, the best way to know if something is right for you is to book in for a consultation. Need a friendly, caring family dentist? Give Riverstone Family Dental a call on: 8678 3538