How to get dog hair off microfiber couch

Sick of having per hair all over your lovely microfiber coach?

I bet it hasn’t happened once. Not twice. But countless times. And you hate how it makes your couch look ugly. 

The good news? 

We have hacks you can use today. And in this guide, we’ll tell you how to remove pet hair from microfiber couch.

Does dog hair stick to microfiber couches? 

Hair is likely to stick on all couches, and microfibers are no exception. If your dog spends more time on the chair, expect to see hair on it more often. 

You won’t fail to see it especially during the shedding season. But you can do something to remove those hair, and that’s what we’ll discuss next.  

How do you get dog hair out of microfiber couches? 

So, here are different ways to remove hair from your lovely microfiber couches. We’ll explore all methods like vacuuming that will get you results from as early as today. 


Nobody has told you this, but not owning a vacuum when you have a pet is breaking the eighth pet commandment. 

A vacuum is hands down the best method to clean pet hair from couches. It’s easy to use. And doesn’t spoil couches if you apply the correct settings. 

We have budget-friendly vacuums for pet hair like the Bissel Pet Hair Cleaner. It has a powerful suction power. Also, the vacuum will not only loosen but remove the pet hair—position it on the areas with hair for it to suck them out.

Note: you might have to run it through your couch a couple of times to remove tough pet hair. 

Lint roller

Next, we have lint rollers. They’re among the big names you’ll hear in anything related to cleaning pet hair. 

It’s a simple device with a sticky surface. You’ll roll it over your microfiber couch to remove hair.

Notably, the roller will get jammed with pet hair, so you’ll remove the current layer and continue rolling till no hair is left.

We like that lint rollers are versatile, and you can use them to clean furniture and blankets.

Unlike some tapes, their surface is slightly adhesive to save your coach from damages. 

Overall, lint rollers are pretty affordable. Several owners love the Scotch-Brite Lint Roller. It has a powerful adhesive so you can use it to remove hair on your clothes, furniture and many more.

Pro tip: use it to remove the leftover pet hair after vacuuming.

Alternatively, you can use duct tape. But test its adhesiveness first to avoid damaging your couch.

The gloves technique

It’s crazy that you can use disposable gloves to remove pet hair on couches.

It’s simple.

Wear the glove, then spray water on both hands. Next, run your hands through your couch. You want to cover as many areas as possible for the lint to stick on them.  

After you’ve picked a reasonable amount of pet hair, rinse the gloves, then rinse and repeat. 

If there’s some hair left, use the lint roller.  

Fabric softeners for pet hair

Hate struggling with tough embed pet hair on your couch? 

It’s time you utilize the power of a fabric softener—it’ll loosen the hair to make vacuuming easier. Just spray some small amount on the couch, then let it stay on the couch for some hours, say 2-3. 

Next, you have two options here. You either:  

  • Vacuum the couch, then run the roller to remove the tough hair. 
  • Wipe it with a damp cloth. 

Tip: You can use vinegar which is a natural fabric softener. Or get another one of your choice.

Bank on damp cloths

Here’s the thing: 

It’s easier to remove pet hair on a wet surface than on a dry one. 

You can run a microfiber cloth on your faucet to use for cleaning the couch. Alternatively, use a wet sponge. Wipe the hair in one direction for it to slide out. 

The only problem with using damp clothing is you might have to clean the hair dropping on your floors. But that’s no problem if you have a dust mop and dustpan. 

Note: this isn’t the best method if you’re afraid of staining your couch. You’d rather use moisture-free processes like the ones we discussed earlier.  


The squeegees you use to clean your windows can help you to cleaning the lint on your furniture. 

You’ll pass the equipment through your couch to collect pet hair in one spot for cleaning. It makes your work easier. 

You can either vacuum or push the hair on the ground then sweep your floor. Easy peasy. 

Toothbrushes can work

A dry toothbrush removes pet hair well.

It’s like a miniature version of the rubber brooms we use for cleaning floors. However, we feel a toothbrush is more tailored to cleaning light pet hair. 

So, get an old toothbrush in your home and use it to gently brush and collect the fur, then remove them with your hand.

Alternatively, deposit the hair on the ground then sweep with a mop. 

Quick note: If there’s heavy fur deposit on your couch, just use the other options. 

How to prevent dog hair on microfiber couch

Next, we’ll discuss different ways to limit the amount of pet hair that gets on your couch. 

Keep your dog off couch- here’s how

There’s a simple mantra here: 

No pet on the sofa, no hair

To stop worrying about removing pet hair every time, make your fur stay away from the room.

Like we always insist, you can use a pet gate or close the doors leading to the room. 

Experts recommend training your dog to stop climbing the couch. With training, you’ll use a cue to make your love get off your couch. 

Yes, it takes time, but is worth it—your sofas will be lint-free.

Handle shedding like a pro

The shedding season will come, and loose hair will fall off your mutt’s body and land on the couch. 

To prevent that, groom it regularly—brush your dog’s hair at least twice a week. You’ll reduce your workload if your fur is hairy. 

Also, we recommend trimming the excess hair on your doggo’s coat. 

Overall, combine good grooming with regular bathes to stop stressing about pet hair on your couch. 

Check your dog’s coat

Scan your dog’s coat today.

If you see any signs of parasites like ticks and fleas, then you’re in for a hard time cleaning hair.

Your Charlie will scratch itself mercilessly. Hair will, therefore, get loose and drop everywhere, including your furniture. 

If there’s none, use preventive measures like tick repellents for dogs. If you have a puppy, we have flea and tick collar. 

Protect your couch

If you can’t resist the urge to hang out with your dog on the microfiber couch and watch a movie or sumn, you need to get creative. 

The best solution here is to cover your couch with a cloth to protect it from pet hair. You can use a dog blanket—your fur will jump on it and deposit fur on it instead of your furniture.

Consult a vet

Know what?

Medical conditions like kidney disease and liver conditions make some dogs shed a lot. What if yours is suffering from such conditions? It’s hard to know unless you consult a vet.

If you’ve confirmed that your love is okay, the vet can still advise you on: 

  • The right food to feed your mutt and keeps its coat healthy
  • Or ways to reduce shedding. 

Vets have dealt with lots of breeds. And they apply their existing knowledge to help us solve different problems. 

Gift your pet the right luxury bed

If your dog has eternal love for your couch, you can give it another heavenly place that feels like it, right?

Your dog might fall for the new spot and leave your furniture alone. 

Experts recommend using donut dog beds because some are made of plush microfiber materials dogs love. If you get one, place it near the couch. 

Alternatively, we have luxury picks like the teepee dog beds—your fur will shed hair inside the tent. 

Ready to remove pet hair from microfiber couch? 

It sucks to see pet hair everywhere on your microfiber couch.

The hair might stick on your clothes and embarrass you while walking out there. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

Fortunately, we’ve discussed ways to remove pet hair on couches from vacuuming to using lint rollers.

Also, we’ve covered how you can reduce the menace, e.g., through proper dog grooming. 

The next step?  

Apply the tips.  

You’ll get the hair out of your microfiber couches and make them look aesthetically appealing (like they deserve to). 

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