How to do ceo missions gta 5 online

GTA Online received a massive summer DLC in the form of Criminal Enterprises. As the name suggests, it focuses heavily on the criminal careers of CEOs, Gunrunners, Bikers, and Nightclub Owners.

As part of new content getting added to the game, a new Crate Sourcing mission was also included. Being a very popular way to earn money, CEO Crate Sourcing sees many grinders use the technique. New missions were added to bring in some variety.

Unfortunately, Rockstar Games seems to have agitated the fan base with one of the missions. It is unecessarily long, difficult, and doesn't pay enough for it to be worth it.

Why GTA Online's new underwater Crate Sourcing mission isn't worth the effort

The Criminal Enterprises DLC brought in a whole host of changes to GTA Online and most of them were based on user feedback. That said, the community is happy with most of them, but a few are causing rage quits already.

The Professional, an expert money grinder in the game, recently posted a video which talks about the newly added CEO Crate Sourcing mission. The Executive business has gone through many alterations via this update and it also included getting additional crates sourced by new staff manager Lupe.

Players can still source their own crates and that particular list of missions saw an addition. The new mission sees players dive underwater to collect special items in exchange for cargo that can be sold via the warehouse.

How to do ceo missions gta 5 online
The first location is either near Los Santos or far away (Image via YouTube/TheProfessional)

The mission will have players travel to either Del Perro Pier or Hookies in the beginning. From there, they will need to collect satchel charges from the trunk of a vehicle.

Next, GTA Online players need to make their way to the marked location on the beach and take out a couple of thugs to collect rebreathers. They are essential to this mission and do make things a little less frustrating.

How to do ceo missions gta 5 online
The accessories tab will be greyed out for some reason (Image via YouTube/TheProfessional)

Players who already have rebreathers and scuba outfits saved will not be able to use them for some reason. Whether this is a bug or has been intentionally done is unknown at this point. However, while eliminating enemies, players can try and save the dinghy to travel to and from the dive point.

Alternatively, they can use the dinghy from the Kosatka menu or take one from the enemies waiting at the location out at sea. Flying to the dive site may seem faster at first, but coming back will be a problem as the swim is quite long.

GTA Online players wondering if the Kosatka can be used will also be disappointed as the character will be unable to enter the submarine once the goods are sourced.

Once at the dive location, players will need to kill a few more enemies, this time on helicopters, before diving into the water. Once under the waves, they need to search through five containers by blowing them open with the previously acquired satchel charge.

After collecting the goods, players need to return to the beach and travel to the marked location while continuously avoiding or destroying spawning Buzzards.

How to do ceo missions gta 5 online
Hitting repeatedly spawning enemy helicopters with deadly accuracy (Image via YouTube/TheProfessional)

Many players might guess this to be the end of the mission, but they would be wrong. From there, the sourced goods need to be delivered to a location from where another vehicle needs to be driven back to the warehouse to actually get the cargo.

Overall. it is a mission which is absolutely not worth it and should be a part of CEO Crates. It is unnecessarily long and difficult, especially considering the fact that it awards just as many crates as other missions. The saddest part is that even players who are trying to source a single crate can get this mission.

The Professional is an expert GTA Online player and he took 21 minutes to complete this cumbersome task. This mission takes even more time than some heist finales like Cayo Perico and Diamond Casino.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the writer's views.

The only thing you need to register as a CEO in GTA 5 is cash. Rockstar Games

Nearly ten years after its release, GTA 5's online mode might have more content than the base game. If you play your cards right and save up the money, you can even become CEO of your own company — or at least a VIP.

Becoming a CEO in GTA V comes with a lot of perks. Not only is becoming a CEO permanent, but you can earn more cash and weapons from your businesses and unlock new vehicles.

Here's how to rise up the corporate ladder and become a CEO in GTA 5.

To register as a CEO, you're gonna need some cash. This is because the first step towards becoming CEO is buying an executive office, which range in price from $1,000,000 to $4,000,000.

You can buy your office through the Dynasty 8 website.

1. While loaded into GTA Online, open your phone and select Internet, and then head to the Dynasty8 Executive website.

Dynasty8 Executive offers offices. Rockstar Games; William Antonelli//Insider

2. Pick the executive office that you want. Your choices are:

  • Maze Bank West for $1,000,000
  • Arcadius Business Center for $2,250,000
  • Lombank West for $3,100,000
  • Maze Bank Tower for $4,000,000

3. Before you buy your office, you'll get to customize what it looks like, hire an assistant, and add gun lockers, safes, and living quarters. Adding these last options will make the office more expensive, but they might be worth it if you plan on spending a lot of time there.

You can upgrade any office you buy. Rockstar Games

Quick tip: If you don't have the money to buy an office, consider becoming a VIP instead. It only costs $50,000 and gives a lot of the same perks. But unlike registering as a CEO, VIP status only lasts for four hours.

Once you've bought your office, open your Interaction Menu. You can open this on PC by pressing M, on PlayStation by holding down the touchpad, and on Xbox by holding the View button. Select SecuroServ, and then choose Register as a CEO

Open the "SecuroServ" menu. Rockstar Games

As CEO, you'll get all of the perks that regular VIPs do: The ability to hire bodyguards, buy ammo, drugs, and armor on the spot, bribe the police to stop chasing you, remove your members from the minimap, and more. But you'll also unlock some exclusive benefits.

  • You can purchase warehouses to hold "special cargo," which can later be sold for big sums of money.
  • Whenever you purchase a property, it'll come with an exclusive vehicle.
  • You can purchase a map of Los Santos with every warehouse specially marked.

And of course once you become a CEO, you don't need to worry about losing your status. You'll keep your CEO role permanently — or at least until you head back to the SecuroServ menu and retire.