Apple cider vinegar on face reddit

Hi! I just found this subreddit and I’m so excited because I recently got really into skincare :)

So here’s my question, are the products I mentioned good to use as toners? When I first really started skincare, I put rose water in a spray bottle and would spray all over my face after cleansing and before moisturizing, and a few weeks later I read that apple cider vinegar is a good toner so I mixed in a little bit with my rose water and I’ve been using it in the same way.

I would say I haven’t noticed a huge difference, but the rose water alone would mostly just make my skin feel fresh, while the ACV mixture would definitely tighten my skin more. Sometimes I even skip the ‘toner’ so that it won’t dry out my face too much (I guess I should say I have combination skin, very dry on my cheeks, very oily on my nose, moderately oily on my forehead and chin).

I can’t say if it did anything for my acne because I don’t get a lot of acne, it’s mostly hormonal so my newfound skincare routine hasn’t had much luck preventing it, but I feel that the ACV helps dry the pimples out faster. And I haven’t read about it doing anything for blackheads, which it didn’t do much for me (I have tons of blackheads but they’re super small, barely visible.)

What are your thoughts on these products? Have they benefitted/harmed your skin at all if you’ve tried them?

I've been using apple cider vinegar to clean my face lately and I've seen pretty good results. I don't use as consistent as I probably should but I'm pretty happy with the results. I've had acne problems since I was 16 (turn 22 in September) and it'd been the best thing I've used so far. Granted my diet and hygiene have gotten a lot cleaner and I pay more attention it's work pretty decently so far. So what experiences has reddit had with apple cider vinegar? Good? Bad? Any concerns? Thanks yall

I've been reading a lot about using one part of apple cider vinegar mixed with three to four parts of water as a toner for your skin. It supposedly helps heal blemishes and discoloration. Has anyone tried this before? What do y'all think? I'm tempted to give this a go.

Sooooo I’m curious to know what y’alls thoughts are on acv. I’ve heard wonderful things about it and also horrible things. I know lots of people use it a toners or mix it in with that aztec clay healing mask (also- thoughts on that?) but idk if it’s actually good. Thoughts?

I saw something online that said spraying apple cider vinegar on the face would help with acne. I did research because I was extremely skeptical but wasn’t able to find much against it. Would you guys recommend it and why? If not, what are the downsides to it. I do not want to take a risk.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a popular suggestion on this subreddit, and I wanted to explain why it became popular and what it's effective for:

ACV might help out with combating acne to help decrease skin's pH back to it's normal 4-6 mark.

It has no anti-inflammatory properties, so it won't do anything for reducing red marks like red scarring or hyperpigmentation. (/u/yvva)

You can't use Heinz or other cheap brands because it is filtered and pasteurized. It has no health benefits or values such as minerals and vitamins. It is more harsh than raw apple cider vinegar. Most cheap vinegars are synthetic.

Bragg's or Trader Joe's - they both are raw. The cloudy look is important - it is the mother: it contains vitamins and minerals. It is important to dilute with distilled water. Equal parts or 25% raw ACV and 75% distilled water. It depends on your skin's tolerance. (/u/valentinedoux)

While long used as a folk remedy, apple cider vinegar became well known in the U.S. in the late 1950s, when it was promoted in the best-selling book Folk Medicine: A Vermont Doctor's Guide to Good Health by D. C. Jarvis. During the alternative medicine boom of recent years, apple cider vinegar and apple cider vinegar pills have become a popular dietary supplement.

Most of these claims have no evidence backing them up. Some -- like vinegar's supposed ability to treat lice or warts -- have been studied, and researchers turned up nothing to support their use. Other claims have been backed up by studies, but with a catch: vinegar may work, but not as well as other treatments. For instance, while vinegar is a disinfectant, it doesn't kill as many germs as common cleaners. And while vinegar does seem to help with jelly fish stings -- an old folk remedy -- hot water works better.

Keep In Mind:

The main ingredient of apple cider vinegar is acetic acid. Apple cider vinegar should always be diluted with water or juice before swallowed. Pure apple cider vinegar could damage the tooth enamel and the tissues in your throat and mouth. One study found a woman who got an apple cider vinegar supplement stuck in her throat suffered lasting damage to her esophagus. In addition, vinegar has been known to cause contact burns to the skin.

A 2005 study looked at the ingredients of eight different brands of apple cider vinegar supplements. The researchers found that:

The ingredients listed on the box did not reflect the actual ingredients. The ingredients varied a great deal between different brands. The recommended dosages varied a great deal between brands.

Most disturbing, the chemical analysis of these samples led the researchers to doubt whether any of these brands actually contained any apple cider vinegar at all.

Hello!! I know that many many people (inc. skincare specialists) really dislike the use of DIY skincare products. However, for years I have personally been making and using an apple cider vinegar toner (I dilute a few drops of vinegar with a bunch of water) and I find it actually really helps my skin and the times where I’ve stopped using it, I get more acne breakouts and other issues. I’m aware that the vinegar is really quite acidic and can be damaging to the skin, but I always heavily dilute it. Basically I’m just wondering if there’s any long-term dangers I should be aware of? So far I’ve seen no issues (only benefits) but I’m worried my ignorance will cause me problems later in the future. Thank-you in advance!!

I'll keep this short and sweet as I have work coming up soon - I've struggled with acne my whole life, but as of the past couple of months I haven't had a lot of problems with it besides the occasional pimple. Well, the other day my face started to turn red. My mom noticed and recommended we try Apple Cider Vinegar - her friend told her it's a great solution for acne and she had just bought some. Well, I woke up yesterday to this:


I ended up trying to fix it up as much as I could and popped some of the bigger zits. Well, this morning I woke up to pretty much the same thing (this picture is in better lighting, yesterday the redness was pretty much the same):


So guys, I'm lost. Do I have to let his one heal on it's own? I was thinking of calling the dermatologist on Monday just to see if they can help, but their products haven't worked in the past. :( If anyone knows any fast solutions I'd love to hear them!

Hey everyone!

I've always had problematic oily acne-prone scarred skin. I haven't had major skin issues in the last few years until switching my birth control a little over a year ago. It seemed like I was breaking out a lot more, particularly around my chin. I tend to keep my skincare pretty simple (wash, serum, face oil, sunscreen) but was considering going back on stridex face pads or acne medication. I had been using acv on my scalp and hair to help break down oil and product build-up and was curious to see if it helped with acne. The research seemed like it was worth a try and my skin was already having issues, so why not?

Let me tell you, my skin has never looked better!

I used a diluted 1 part vinegar to 5 parts water solution to swipe on my face as a toner with a cotton ball, let dry for 30 sec., then rinse off and continue my routine. Since starting, I have only had ONE pimple on my chin. My skin looks fantastic and I can only attribute it to the acv.

I know this post is probably controversial in some way, but it really has worked for me and I wanted to share a positive experience with it. I saw some complaints online about it making skin issues worse for people, but it was a great fit for me! I think using a super-diluted "recipe" for the toning is the key in not drying my skin out or upsetting it. I love my new discovery and can't believe my skin looks this amazing!

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